Chapter 2

Lin Mu, who was originally excited, fell to the bottom of his mood instantly when he thought about the practical issue of publicity.

The publicity of big game companies can be tens of millions.

Small businesses also spend heavily on advertising.

In this era, traffic is money, and if you are not willing to invest, even the best works will be buried.

The story that the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley has long been inapplicable to the present.

Lin Mu silently opened the e-wallet, looked at the seven-digit balance plus a decimal point, and sighed again.

His current job actually pays a pretty good salary, [-] a month.

However, as long as Lin Mu paid his salary every month, it would be charged into the game immediately. This also caused Lin Mu to almost be unable to afford food during the period after he traveled over.

In the end, I only saved tens of thousands of yuan in this year.

But if you advertise for tens of thousands of dollars, it is estimated that you won't even be able to make a splash.

"If only I could find a big game anchor and give it a wave of publicity for free, hey, why am I so unlucky, when people travel through time, they all have a big anchor or celebrity wife who can help promote it, why don't I have one! "Lin Mu was depressed.

For a day, Lin Mu tried to contact some game anchors.

But even for an anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans, the price of an advertisement is [-], which makes Lin Mu very depressed.


He habitually turned on the Hudou live broadcast, and the system pushed the live broadcast of Dai Xiaomei.

Lin Mu clicked in.

The popularity of the live broadcast room was very high, with tens of thousands of people online at the same time.

And Dai Xiaomei is playing a shooting battle game live.

The rise of playing, the game popped up a pop-up window.

"Want more accurate marksmanship? Try the gold ak, the touch of 99k pure gold is full of luxury, and the accuracy +10 will make your game experience even more wonderful!"

"Oh, come again, didn't I just buy a Thor Glory, can you let me play a game, isn't there a game that doesn't cost money?" The little girl patted the table angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Mu's eyes lit up instantly.

Come, come, the opportunity is here!

He hurriedly edited a barrage.

"I have a game that's super exciting, and it doesn't cost money or ads. Would you like to experience it!"

Lin Mu was full of anticipation, but there were too many bullet screens, and Lin Mu's news was almost drowned out in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, can you brush slowly!" Lin Mu was depressed.

He gritted his teeth, "I don't want the child to be caught by wolves, so it's an advertisement!"

Lin Mu filled up the money and sent a rocket directly.

The little girl who was broadcasting the live broadcast was instantly pleasantly surprised, "Thank you for the rocket sent by Big Brother Mumumu, if you don't accept the sky or the earth, you will obey Big Brother's strength!"

Lin Mu quickly seized the opportunity to edit the barrage!
"I have a game called "Jingjue Ancient City". It is absolutely thrilling and exciting, and there are no advertisements and no krypton gold. Would you like to experience it?"

With the title blessing, Lin Shu's barrage is highlighted.

After reading it, Little Sister Dai let out a burst of booing.

"Hey, Jingjue ancient city? Jingjue, Jingjue, Jingjue, so amazing, wow, you old bastards, are too evil, this game, I'm afraid it's not a man's country, hehe, you want to trick me, There is no door, no one knows, my little girl is the intelligence quotient of Hudou!"

"Wow, Jing...juegucheng, this name is so evil, I like it, please link!"

"Hahaha, this car is suddenly on the highway."

"The old woman really knows everything."

Lin Shuda was speechless, what and what.

Why are these people thinking so dirty.

Lin Mu hurriedly explained below, but Dai Xiaomei didn't believe it at all, she firmly believed in her own guess, this is definitely a big pit waiting for her.

"Okay, more than 1000 yuan wasted for nothing!" Lin Mu reluctantly withdrew from the live broadcast room.

She looked for the leaderboard, and then entered the live broadcast room of Zhou Suyi, who was at the top of the list.

There are also 10,000+ people online at the same time.

Sister Zhou is also playing games.

After lurking for about half an hour, Lin Mu finally got his chance.

Zhou Suyi quit the game and complained: "Oh, it's too boring. These new games are getting more and more fucking boring. Hey, do you have any fun games to recommend? If not, I'll just fucking You can be talented!"

Lin Mu gritted his teeth again, "I can't bear the ticket, I can't get my mother-in-law, grandma, if I fight it out, if I don't succeed, I'll be a benefactor!"

In order not to repeat the mistakes of Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room.

Lin Mu directly fired 20 rockets and sent them out!

"Fuck!" Sister Zhou roared in surprise, "Thank you, brother Mumumu, for the 20 rockets. Big brother, big brother, big brother, big brother can stand up to the sky, big brother, big brother, big brother, rain, big brother can call wind and rain!"

"Brother is generous, I love you, I love you!"

Lin Mu was not in a hurry, and sent out another 30-round rocket.

A rocket costs more than 1400 yuan, and 50 rockets cost more than 7 yuan.

This is already all of Lin Shu's savings, and it feels like his heart is bleeding.

Lin Mu also instantly became the big brother.

Sister Zhou was very pleasantly surprised. Although there are usually generous rewards, they are very few after all, or it is the anchors who are familiar with each other who reward each other.

But there are definitely a small number of people who give rewards from unfamiliar accounts!

"Fuck, big brother is so arrogant, no, I have to give big brother the whole job today, what does big brother want to see, I'm fucking going to fight today!" Zhou Suyi was very happy.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also excited.

"I'll go, this big brother Mumumu is grand."

"It's awesome."

"The big brother is awesome."

Lin Mu felt that the time had come.

"I found a super thrilling and exciting story-breaking game. If sister Zhou can challenge and pass the level, I will reward 1000 rockets and post it as proof."

Lin Mu deliberately exaggerated.

He knew that as long as sister Zhou went to play, if she could pass the level, it would definitely attract a lot of attention.

At that time, I will not be short of the money for the 1000 rockets.

If ordinary people say that, they will definitely be ridiculed by netizens.

However, Lin Mu first rewarded 40 rockets. With such a great vigor, he pre-empted the attack, giving people a feeling that as long as Sister Zhou succeeds in the challenge, he will really reward 1000 rockets.

Sister Zhou was also shocked. 1000 rockets cost more than 100 million yuan, and there are hundreds of thousands of shares in hand.

This is not a small sum for her.

Moreover, it's just a challenge to a game, and it's almost guaranteed to make money.

"Fuck, just me, brothers, he's just me, can I bear it? Come on, isn't it just a game, tell me your name, who doesn't know, I, Zhou Suyi, am the king of the game, and I can pass the level without me No game!" Sister Zhou yelled.

"The game is called "Exquisite Ancient City". It hasn't been launched yet. I'll send you a private message!"

"Okay, no problem, just come to fight and see how I can pass the level in minutes!" Sister Zhou also looked forward to it.

What kind of game is it that someone spends so much money to challenge themselves?

"Exquisite... ancient city? I can't be an 18-banned game like Daughter Kingdom."

"It feels like, this Mumumu won't be advertised by some pornographic website."

"It feels like the old woman has been tricked. This name is not serious at first glance. It's so ruthless!"


Netizens began to complain, and the barrage painting style became more and more unscrupulous!

(End of this chapter)

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