Chapter 3 Background Story
Lin Mu's backstage private message sent the game over.

With the network speed of this era, 90Tb transmission is only a few minutes.

After sending it over, he looked at the unscrupulous barrage and felt a little anxious.

He was really afraid that sister Zhou would be led by netizens at critical moments.

If sister Zhou suddenly changed her mind and stopped playing, it would be a big loss today.

7 yuan.

If you can't get it back at all, you will have to live with instant noodles again in the next month.

Just as I was thinking of explaining quickly, I saw Sister Zhou staring at the bullet screen, and then said contemptuously: "Fuck, can you stop being so nasty?"

"A boy who thinks crookedly is not a good boy. I told you to study more, but you just went to screw. The ancient city of Jingjue, have you never heard of this? As far as I know, Jingjue country was one of the 36 countries in the Western Regions back then. , don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand!”

"Fortunately, she has some culture!" Lin Mu heaved a sigh of relief.

"After being reminded by the old woman, I also remembered it. It seems that it is true. It seems that there is a TV series that filmed the story of Jingjue Kingdom."

"I admit, I'm evil, I'm uneducated, I'm going to face the wall."

"I'm talking about Jingjue Guchengla, alas, you old perverts, face the wall."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I've already done it, it's really amazing. (ω)"

"Yes, old women still have some culture!"


"That's a must. I read a lot of books back then too!" Zhou Suyi began to brag.


After the game was downloaded, Zhou Suyi installed it directly.


The icon is a veiled woman from the Western Regions. The woman's eyes are dark, as deep as whirlpools, full of mystery.

"It looks like a good feeling!" Zhou Suyi said.

"Hehe, for a domestic game, if you make a beautiful woman icon to attract attention, it's all a gimmick, you know."

"A plot breakout game, in my opinion, it's probably parkour or something like that."

"Don't dare to say anything else, I will definitely draw a wave of cards first when I go in."


The reviews of domestic games are really bad.

Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry to start, "Here, Boss Mumumu, we have made an agreement, so many brothers are watching, there is no shame, I really want to start the challenge now!"

Lin Mu immediately sent a barrage.

"Cheat people to death!"

Seeing Lin Mu's barrage, Zhou Suyi immediately gave her thumbs up, "Fuck, it's ruthless, Brother Miki is domineering, but you may not know me very well, if you talk about fighting games, I might be so tricky A little bit, but I am definitely good at plot breakout games!"

"She's a girl with a very delicate mind. She once won No.1 in the city's script killing competition. This time, you will definitely lose your money. However, since the eldest brother is so domineering, I will also set a flag!"

"If, I said if, if I can't clear the level, I'll broadcast the black silk pole dance live. If you want to play, you have to play hard!"

After Zhou Suyi finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded.

"I'll go, the bet is so big, awesome."

"Hahaha, this old woman is full of self-confidence."

"Brother Mumumu, don't let us down."

"Get started soon, I've taken off my pants, and I'm just waiting to see Sister Zhou do a pole dance!"


"It's a deal!" Lin Mu cheerfully agreed.

This anchor is also very interesting, he can imagine how confident this anchor is now, and how desperate he will be in a while.

"OK, let's do it!"

Zhou Suyi connected various somatosensory devices and clicked on the game.

The live broadcast also switched to Sister Zhou's game perspective.

The screen suddenly went black.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, domestic games are really touching, no wonder they can't be put on the shelves."

"Awesome, the first time I saw a game that went black."

"I'm dying of laughter, this brother Mumumu is spending money to make jokes!"



Suddenly, in the endless darkness, there was a sound like a snake spitting out a letter.

Immediately afterwards, at the bottom of the darkness, a pair of huge scarlet eyes slowly lit up.

The eyes are long and narrow.

Cold and numb, without a trace of emotion.

A faint red light illuminated the surroundings.

The angle of view is slowly opened.

This is a huge bottomless black hole, and around the black hole, there are spiral upward steps.

Strange black snakes with eye-like tumors on their heads were wriggling, densely packed, making one's scalp numb.

Those scarlet eyes made people feel chills all over, and those strange snakes even made goose bumps of the netizens watching.

Da da da……

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps faintly coming from under the black hole.

The sound is getting closer.

It seems that someone is coming up from the bottom.

The blood-red eyes slowly closed, and the surroundings slowly fell into darkness again.

The moment the light disappeared completely.

A vaguely tall figure could be vaguely seen, appearing on the spiraling steps.

When everything returned to darkness, a subtitle appeared.

[In ancient times, in the tribes around the Zagrama Mountain, some people saw the shadow of a snake falling from the sky, and at the same time found a mysterious ghost cave in the mountain that appeared out of thin air and bottomless, which was called by the locals the place where the snake god fell! 】

【Everyone wanted to peek into the secrets of the snake god and gain the power of the gods, so the high priest made a move and created a jade eye, wanting to peek into everything in the ghost cave! 】

The screen flashes!
Many people appeared around the cave, holding torches and wearing simple animal skins, looking at the cave devoutly.

A person dressed as a high priest, holding jade eyeballs in both hands, slowly worshiped.

Every expression and every movement of them is clearly visible.

[Yuyan didn't see the secret of the ghost cave, maybe the act of spying on the gods angered the gods, and the snake god brought disaster, endless black snakes gushed out of the ghost cave, causing a snake disaster. 】

Endless black snakes sprang out from the ghost cave, opened their bloody mouths, and bit everything in front of them.

After being bitten by people and livestock, they all turned black and died with hideous faces.

[The snake disaster spread widely, killing many people and livestock. Even though the Zagrama warriors wiped out the snake disaster, the terrible curse still enveloped everyone]

The screen flashed again.

In the tribe, many young people fell to the ground in pain. There was a bloody eyeball pattern on their backs, and yellow blood flowed from their seven orifices.

The appearance of death is extremely terrifying.

[All clansmen, even newborn babies, will be cursed. Their backs will have bleeding eye symbols. When everyone reaches a certain age, their blood will turn yellow, gradually solidify, and then die. 】

[Xiansheng Jitian saw a corner of the future. He predicted that as long as the distance away from the ghost cave is farther, the curse will be delayed. Solve the curse! 】

【Thus, the people of the Zagrama tribe left their hometowns and embarked on a journey that lasted thousands of years to find the Muchen Bead! 】


The CG animation at the beginning is very clear and realistic, even more real than 8K cinema blockbusters.

Every pore of the characters, every scale of the strange snake, and every texture of the rock are all extremely clear and full of details, as if it is really a blockbuster with tens of billions of special effects.

Moreover, the introduction of the background story and the combination of the pictures also make people instantly immersed in it, making people feel as if they have become members of the Zagrama tribe.

Especially sister Zhou, he felt more real.

It seems that with the change of the picture, the mood is constantly fluctuating.

Those poisonous snakes seemed to be biting him, and those blood-red eyes seemed to be staring at her, and there seemed to be a voice in the mysterious ghost cave, calling her name, calling her.


(End of this chapter)

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