Chapter 4 The Strongest CG Animation
The CG animation at the beginning that introduces the background is full of texture, step by step, and very immersive. Netizens seem to follow along and enter the vicinity of Mount Zagrama in ancient times and become one of them.

"Amazing, is this really a domestic game? I can give [-] points to the animation at the beginning."

"Isn't this a move from a blockbuster movie? How can a game have such a good texture?"

"Impossible, there is absolutely no such blockbuster."

"Don't be too happy too early. Maybe all the funds are used to make the opening animation. Based on my understanding of domestic games, the next [-]% will cost you money."

"I understand this routine. Make a good start to attract people, and then let you charge money. As a result, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."


Although the cg animation at the beginning is shocking enough, but the domestic game is too poisonous, and netizens really have a bad impression of it.

Sister Zhou didn't pay attention to this at all.

At this moment, she has been deeply immersed in the game, as if she has really become a member of the Zagrama tribe.

At the same time, there was still an inexplicable panic in my heart.

The fear was indescribable, as if in the depths of her brain, those scarlet eyes had been watching her every move.

Her whole body was trembling.

When everything returned to darkness again, a new picture appeared.

A woman appeared in the study, holding a notebook in her hand and flipping through it.

At the same time, a voice-over of a woman's self-reporting sounded.

[My name is Shirley Yang. For thousands of years, my people have been working hard to find Muchen Bead. During the Song Dynasty, they got an ancient tripod and finally found some clues! 】

【The Muchen Bead appeared in the Central Plains for the first time. It was obtained by Shang Wang Wuding, and an inscription was cast on a tripod to commemorate it. Therefore, my people believe that the Muchen Bead was most likely brought into the tomb. 】

[From then on, my people started the journey of going to the tomb to find the beads. They didn't ask for money, they only asked for pills, and they were known as Taoists who moved mountains! 】

[Because of the terrible curse and the danger of the ancient tomb, by my grandfather's generation, the tribe has withered away. My grandfather, Partridge Whistle, took the mission of the tribe with his younger brothers and sisters, and started a thrilling journey to find Muchen Bead ! 】

The screen flickered and turned into two men and one woman.

They ate and slept in the open, went to the tomb to hunt for treasure, and went through untold hardships along the way.

The smile on the face at the beginning slowly turned into sadness, until finally, only the partridge whistle with a broken arm was left among the three, with a face full of sadness and unwillingness.

There are not many pictures, and the transition is quick, but it perfectly shows the life of Partridge Whistle, but it makes people feel sad and helpless in the thrill.

Sister Zhou was already crying, tears streaming down her face.

It seems that the heart is very sad.

Netizens don't know why, but they feel blood and shock inexplicably in their hearts. Although the animation is only less than 1 minute, it completely mobilizes people's emotions.

I was amazed by the legendary experience of Partridge Whistle, and saddened by the helplessness of finally bowing to fate.

[Grandfather was disheartened. In order to delay the onset of the curse, he had to go overseas, but the curse did not disappear. Finally, one day I found my grandfather's notes and learned the secret of the red spots on my body...]

[Maybe it's not yielding to fate, maybe it's to fulfill my grandfather's wish, or maybe it's because I'm greedy for life and afraid of death, I decided to inherit the mission of my family and continue to search for Muchen Bead. I found a place... the ancient city! 】

[In order to find the exquisite ancient city, I funded the archaeological team, and invited Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, who are good at Tianxing Fengshui, to help, and started a mysterious journey...]

The screen starts to flicker quickly!
The sky is covered by yellow sand.

Endless swarms of black ants devoured everything.

In the mysterious and dark ancient tomb, the hideous mummy tied to a wooden stake suddenly opened its scarlet eyes.


Sister Zhou, who was immersed in the game, screamed in fright.

Not only him, but the netizens were also trembling with fright.

The hideous mummy seemed to pounce on them.

This is not an adventure game, it is clearly a horror game.

The style of painting is really scary.

A mysterious and dilapidated ancient city emerged, and endless black snakes poured out.

A bottomless dark ghost hole.

A huge snake shadow piercing through the sky.

A coffin hanging in mid-air.

Mystical flowers with green flowers and red leaves.


Everything is hitting the visual nerves of Sister Zhou and netizens.


[Tips: Minors should play games under the supervision of adults. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases, please do not play! 】

At the end of the CG animation, Sister Zhou felt that her body was wet with cold sweat.

"Fuck, this is a storyline game? Isn't this a hell game?" Sister Zhou regretted a little.

Playing with somatosensory equipment is simply not too exciting!

Immediately after the game started, the character selection interface appeared.

[Shirley Yang: A descendant of the Zagrama tribe, a descendant of Taoists who moved mountains, full of sense of justice, sympathy, brave, calm, quick-witted, athletic, rich in knowledge, possessing a wonderful sixth sense, above-average force, Weapons Vajra Umbrella, Flying Tiger Claw. 】

[Hu Bayi: Lieutenant Mojin, has a free and unrestrained personality, a firm and strong heart, and values ​​love and righteousness. Stress and traumatic sequelae, in order to make more money for the relatives of the dead comrades, embarked on the road of grave robbery, armed with paratrooper knives and engineer shovels. 】

[Fatty Wang: Lieutenant Mojin, Hu Bayi is a young man, optimistic, carefree, unforgiving, a little greedy for petty gain, bold and careful, proficient in guns and gunpowder, average force, weapons paratrooper knife, engineer shovel, black donkey hooves. 】

[Professor Chen: Professor of archaeology, rich in knowledge, very familiar with the history of the Western Regions, low force. 】


[Please choose a character and start the game! 】

There are many characters to choose from throughout the game.

"I'm going, I just felt like watching a blockbuster movie, it was too shocking."

"Oh my god, is this really a domestic game cg? I can't believe it, I really can't believe it. Which company produced this, it's too conscientious."

"Fuck, it's different from what I thought. You can start directly by choosing a character in the game. Why didn't you draw a card? Why don't you sell precious characters for money? Why don't you sell skins?"

"The animation of the partridge whistle is too enjoyable. Although there are not many pictures, the story feels like it can be made into a movie. It's so awesome!"

"This is the first time I've seen a game with such a strong story, let's start now, I'm really looking forward to the next game!"


Netizens who were not optimistic at first were deeply attracted by the opening CG animation in a few minutes.

The elements shown in it are extremely novel and exciting to them, making people feel an urge to join in and explore together.


(End of this chapter)

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