Chapter 5 Game Failure
A cg animation that introduced the background at the beginning has completely detonated the emotions in the live broadcast room.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is also soaring rapidly.

The number of people who were originally 10,000+ at the same time has now reached 20.

Sister Zhou's ranking on the Hudou platform is also rising rapidly.

"New here, is this a new blockbuster movie? Please link!"

"I would like to call it the strongest game cg in China, no, the strongest in the world."

"Just this piece of cg, if it's filmed by a domestic director, it won't be worth billions."

"Hahaha, you know the domestic market."

"Is Brother Mumumu still alive? Give me a download link. I want to play!"

"Let's start quickly. The animation at the beginning is so strong. I'm looking forward to the plot of the game."


Netizens who used to be sarcasm and taunting, are now turning into fans.

However, Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry to start.

She patted her chest, "Fuck, I can't, wait for me to slow down, this animation is too exciting, my little heart really can't stand it, and besides, give me the staff, which character should I choose!"

Zhou Suyi did not lie.

She is in the game, so she feels the deepest.

On the device, her heartbeat has exceeded 120 at the moment.

People who don't participate in the game can't feel those inconspicuous sounds of music and talking, as well as other five senses from the body.

"I'm sorry to give away (yacht*10) to son A."

"Zhou Subuyi sent (airplane*20)."

"I don't want to give away (shark fin*1000) to old women."

"Little monkey yyds sent (yacht*50)".

For a while, the screen of the live broadcast interface was swiped with rewards, and there was no way to stop.

Zhou Suyi's ranking in the live broadcast room has risen rapidly again, thus attracting more netizens.

"Don't wait, go in quickly, ah ah, I can't take it anymore, go in quickly."

"Good guy, it feels like the car is driving on a high speed in an instant."

"Who else should I choose? Since the background stories are all related to the Zagrama tribe, Shirley Yang must be chosen."

"Old woman, I'm going in, bear with me!"


Zhou Suyi looked at the barrage and the full screen of tips, and was overjoyed.

"I didn't expect that just a cg animation would make these guys go crazy. That's great. If this goes on, I'm afraid I can reach the top of the rankings. Damn it, I'm going to fight hard, I want to be Hudou's first sister again! "

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath.

"Okay, seeing how anxious you are, then I'll start. I'll listen to you and choose Shirley Yang!"

Zhou Suyi chose Shirley Yang.

Games start.

The screen flashed and appeared in an old hotel room.

Zhou Suyi found herself sitting on a chair, facing a man with slightly longer hair.

"Miss Yang, although I am the team leader, you are the boss. I have to listen to you for specific matters. I want to ask. If we are going into the desert, we must at least hire a local as a guide. You have someone to choose." Yet?"

【Hu Bayi】

"Huh? What?"

The sudden question caught Zhou Suyi off guard.

Hu Bayi was speechless, "I said, Miss Yang, you don't think about this, right? Feelings, you are planning to go to the desert with your passion."

A fat man next to him jumped out, "Hey, Lao Hu, I have already said that this foreigner is unreliable and pampered, how can he understand this, this job is not for us to do, so, let's It was money, but we can earn it with peace of mind!"

【Fatty Wang】

An old professor came out to smooth things over.

"Leader Hu, we are all scholars. We don't know much about these things, and we have to rely on you."

【Professor Chen】

[Hint: Hu Bayi's favorability with you -2]

[Hint: Fatty Wang's favorability towards you -10]

[Hint: Professor Chen's trust in you -1]

[Reminder: The higher the value of various attitudes of game characters towards players, the easier it is to pass the level, and the lower the value, the greater the probability of failure. 】

Zhou Suyi? ? ?
What the hell, I just entered the game, why these npcs collectively lost their favorability and trust.

Give me some time to prepare.

Zhou Suyi was not stupid, and hurriedly thought of remedial measures, "Ah, since Mr. Hu is hired as the team leader, everything can be arranged according to the leader Hu's arrangement. I believe that the leader Hu has the ability!"

Hu Bayi smiled, "Hehe, okay, since Miss Yang trusts me so much, then we can't lose face, fat man, let's go, let's inquire about it!"

[Hint: Hu Ba's favorability with you +1]

[Hint: Fatty Wang's favorability towards you +2]

"Fortunately, the reaction was fast enough, and I made up for it a little!" Zhou Suyi heaved a sigh of relief.


screen transition.

A group of people appeared in the desert, but this desert should only be the edge.

In some areas, the river bed is not completely dry, the surrounding sand is also very shallow, and there are scattered small lakes and lakes everywhere.

Occasionally, a small flock of red-billed gulls and pochards swim on the surface of the water. Along the bend of the Kongque River, there are small oases with sandy dates, Populus euphratica and some shrubs growing.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. Is this a desert? It seems a little different from the yellow sandy sky I imagined."

"The solitary smoke in the desert is straight, and the sunset in the long river is nothing more than that!"

"The quality of this game is really good. The blockbuster movie has a visual sense, and there is no lottery advertisement yet. Conscience."

"It's really awesome. It feels like every frame can be used as a wallpaper. It's amazing."


Zhou Suyi sat on the camel, and the camel walked very steadily. It was the first time I experienced this feeling, and it was very novel.

At the front, an old man led the way on the leading camel, blowing some weird whistles from time to time to guide the camels.

Hu Bayi came over again, "Miss Yang, although this An Liman old man is greedy for money, you can rest assured that he has been dealt with by me and the fat man. He is absolutely reliable. He is called the living map of the desert by the locals. In short, In the next few days, they will take us to visit the famous local attractions, and when you have had enough fun, we will go back!"

Zhou Suyi was a little confused when she heard this.

What's the situation, aren't you going to find Jingjue Ancient City?God? Going to the sights.

"Leader Hu, are you mistaken? We are here to find Jingjue Ancient City, not to travel!" Zhou Suyi said dissatisfied!

Hu Bayi smiled, "Hehe, I understand, I understand, but you also know that this exquisite ancient city has disappeared for so many years, and so many people can't find it, so we are just trying our luck, bad luck , it's normal if you can't touch it!"

"That's right, so many people can't find it, so it doesn't depend on us. We agreed before that no matter whether we can find it or not, the money will not be refunded!" Fatty Wang also joined in!
"Fuck, what are you doing?" Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the helper I found myself?Why doesn't it feel right?

Which link went wrong?

What happened next further verified Zhou Suyi's guess.

【first day! 】

An Liman: "This is the Kongque River ruins, please take a good look!"

【the next day! 】

An Liman: "This is Bosten Lake, take a good look at it"


[Sixth day! 】

An Liman: "We have run out of food and water, only enough for the return journey, we must go back!"

[Hint: Game failed! 】

Zhou Suyi? ? ?
What the hell, I have only entered the game for less than 5 minutes, and I still look confused, so the game failed?
This shit is too shocking!


(End of this chapter)

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