Chapter 20 Breaking Down to See a Psychiatrist
Lin Mu went home and ate instant noodles, and immediately felt sleepy after eating.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, um, not bad!"

On the day of work, it is a dream to be able to sleep back into the cage.

As for Zhou Suyi's 50 red envelope and private message, Lin Mu really didn't see it.

If you really want to see it, you won't even dare to buy it.

Most of his apps are set to do not disturb. If you don't open the app, you can't see the news at all.


Early in the morning, Zhou Suyi was probably the only one who didn't know that she was on fire again.

The fact that she gained 2000 million followers in one night has already been promoted for her.

This matter caused even more sensation in the circle.

For example, little girl Dai watched the news in the morning and ate a drawer of steamed buns with tears in her eyes.

"WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooishL L L K K K K L !" Dai Xiaomei was heartbroken.

Of course, there are also slow ones.

For example, Mr. Ma.

After seeing the news, she looked confused, "What's the situation? Why is Zhou Suyi suddenly popular again? Are you pornographic?"

Zhou Suyi simply cleaned up and dressed, and then came to the computer.

Looking at the background, it turns out that there are nearly 400 million more fans on the Hudou platform alone.

Her number of fans directly became No.1 on the entire Hudou platform.

She is very excited, and she knows that she can still be popular for at least two days, and in these two days, she will still gain a lot of fans.

"No, we can't waste time, let's start!"

Before nine o'clock, Zhou Suyi started the live broadcast.

"Shirley Yang entered the live broadcast room!"

"I am Hu Bayi and entered the live broadcast room."

"I'm sorry for entering the live broadcast room."


As soon as the broadcast started, a large number of eager netizens flooded into the live broadcast room.

"Hurry up, hurry up, keep going, I haven't slept well all night, and when I close my eyes, it's all Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi!"

"Hahaha, I am the same. I had a dream all night, and it was all about passing the level."

"Sister Zhou, you are too lazy, hurry up, I can't wait."

"Old woman, hurry up and search for the clearance guide of "The Ancient City of Essence". Last night, millions of netizens thought of hundreds of ways to pass the level for you!"


Zhou Suyi was stunned.

It's hot, it's hot, it's really fucking hot.

Usually, even if the time is announced in advance, there are only [-] or [-] people in the beginning, and they will get up slowly.

But today is completely different.

As soon as I started broadcasting, more than [-] people poured in.

She didn't even know that just at that moment, Hudou's server almost exploded.

"No one pays attention to me wearing black silk for pole dancing and eating canned herring?" Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

The screen full of bullet screens was urging her to play the game quickly.

You know, in normal times, the barrage must have been out of order.

After a simple greeting, Zhou Suyi got straight to the point.

"Wait for me, I'll go and search for the guide you mentioned. Anyway, I really don't know how to pass this level!"

Zhou Suyi immediately started searching.

Soon I found the strategy that netizens brainstormed.

There are hundreds of ways to crack the earth tornado recorded above.

Sister Zhou looked it over and chose some more reliable methods.

"Damn it, you guys are so awesome, you actually came up with so many solutions in one night, it's reliable, come on, come on, do it, this time, if you don't pass the level again, I'm so sorry for your hard work, gogogo."

Sister Zhou didn't have much confidence if she didn't come.

But after reading the strategies of netizens, I immediately feel full of confidence.

I don't believe it, the brainstorming of millions of netizens can't solve a small level of your game?
Not rich.

So, Zhou Suyi skillfully connected the device and opened the game.

Shirley Yang was chosen again.

Everything up front is going well.

Zhou Suyi lived to the seventh day again.

Moreover, using the strategies provided by netizens, the degree of recognition and favorability has increased a bit compared to before.

This time, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's attitude towards Shirley Yang was obviously much better.

Just after waking up, Zhou Suyi immediately beckoned people to leave quickly.

This time, instead of running in the direction An Liman led, they chose to take a detour, trying to avoid the earth tornado.

Since the front is just not enough, then choose a roundabout tactic.

However, this time they only lived 2 minutes longer, and were finally chased by the earth tornado.

Zhou Suyi experienced the pleasure of being torn apart again, and screamed again in fright.

"Fuck, it's not enough, it's too perverted, come again!"

Zhou Suyi also got angry and entered the game again.

This time, a new method was chosen.

Don't run away.

Isn't there a sandstorm?Isn't there a dragon roll?
Just dig a hole in place and hide under it, so you won't be blown away.

As a result, this bad idea caused Hu Bayi and the others to lose their recognition crazily.

After a day of digging, a small bunker was dug out, which could not resist the earth tornado at all.

"Damn it, digging a hole in the desert, what do you think, I don't believe it, damn it, I can't make it through, I'll eat shit... ten dorayaki!" Zhou Suyi was startled.

Damn, I almost lost my mind.

If you say eat shit on impulse, it will be over.

"Damn it, this game is too perverted, no wonder Zhou Suyi is going crazy, it's not going to work at all."

"Grandma, with the wisdom of millions of netizens, I can't do this designer anymore. Is this guy a pervert?"

"Mom, don't let what those foreigners say come true. This game won't end here. If this is the case, that person will be very disappointed."

"Absolutely impossible. A 90tb game can't be just this small."

"I still haven't found the right way, hurry up and keep trying, there are more than 80 ways!"


Netizens were also dumbfounded.

The difficulty of this game is far beyond imagination.

Zhou Suyi entered the game again, she was a little bit broken.

"Woo, I kind of miss other domestic games. At this time, if I can spend money or watch advertisements, and then give some game tips, that would be great!"

But it is a pity that this game does not have any krypton gold options, so we can only keep trying.

Then, during this day, Zhou Suyi followed the strategy given by the netizens and started a crazy attempt.

Delaying time, detours, digging holes, replacing people...

All kinds of methods have been used, and in the end, they were either killed by the earth dragon, or fell into the pit and suffocated to death, and some were bitten to death by wolves, poisoned to death by poisonous snakes, or poisoned to death by eating...

On this day, Zhou Suyi experienced various ways of dying.

When the game is over, people will collapse.

Feeling mentally ill.



(End of this chapter)

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