Chapter 21
Lin Mu slept soundly this time, and when he woke up, it was already dark.

He stretched his waist and yawned long.

"Ah... It's comfortable, and I saved a lunch, making a lot of money!"

I closed my eyes again to get used to it, and then took a look at my phone.

It's past seven o'clock in the evening.

Habitually opened the game forum to pay attention to today's game news.

This is a habit that I have developed over the years as a game experience teacher.

Although I am no longer a game experiencer, it is impossible to change my habits all at once.

However, as soon as he opened the forum, his brows frowned.

The first message on the top is about the game "Jingjue Ancient City".

This is not surprising to Lin Shu.

The appearance of such a phenomenon-level game will inevitably cause an uproar in the game forum first.

But the second message was about him.

[An unscrupulous game experiencer deliberately discredits Duck Factory for money, the conscience of the industry? No, just a greedy clown! 】

This message was also pinned to the top.

Lin Mu clicked on it and looked at it. He did not write his name throughout the article, and replaced it with Lin, saying that he threatened the duck factory in order to get more money, and the duck factory would not compromise in order to maintain integrity. Write articles to discredit.

Below are some screenshots of the chat.

The comments below are even more one-sided.

"Shameless, shame on our game industry."

"This kind of person should be banned directly and permanently banned from the game industry."

"Fortunately, I thought this guy was the conscience of the industry, but he turned out to be a disgusting sewer rat."

"After all, it was a wrong payment. It's just too hateful. It's a pity that I believed his experience report before!"


There are tens of thousands of comments below, and Lin Mu has searched a lot, but none of them are for him.

"Fuck, I really don't want any face!"

Lin Shu was furious.

He immediately responded with a comment.

"What's the truth? You can experience the game by yourself, and you can see it at a glance, and there are screenshots. If you double-open the app, one person can fake it!"

However, after this comment was sent out, it immediately prompted a violation and was deleted by the administrator.

"Damn, it really is as black as a crow in the world!"

Obviously, the forum has already stood in the united front with Duck Factory.

Capital is powerful, and in the face of absolute strength, it is impossible to stand on the side of the weak like him.

Lin Mu exited the post and continued to read.

There are still many posts below, some of which have moved out the experience reports he wrote before, and some have listed his ten deadly sins, almost all of which are deliberately smeared.

Lin Muqi's hands were shaking.

He wanted to explain, but he didn't even have the chance to explain. The right to speak was held in other people's hands. He was a small person, and he didn't even have a chance to speak out.

I can only let these people on the Internet wantonly smear themselves.

This stuff doesn't hurt, but it's disgusting.

Cyber ​​violence is always the most terrifying, killing people invisible.

It's not easy to mess up a person.

Even if you find a lawyer to sue, the litigation process is long, so let’s not talk about it. In the end, people can just delete it directly, and then an apology is enough.

"If you can't see it, your heart is pure!" Lin Mu directly closed the forum.

He opened other software, wanting to read current affairs news and distract himself.

However, some self-media accounts on the news are also hacking him.

Although the click-through rate of most articles is not high, because too few people know him.

But this kind of behavior made Lin Mu a little bit unbearable.

It was obvious that someone was deliberately taking the rhythm and discrediting him.

"It's so deceiving!" Lin Mu hit the bed with a fist, his body trembling.

At this moment, he had the urge to block the door of the duck factory and beat up the rumormonger.

Big deal, just fight them directly.

If you are willing to cut yourself to pieces, you have to pull the perpetrator off the horse.

"No, calm down, impulsiveness can't solve the problem, but it will make people get the handle. However, this matter must not be left alone. After all, I am also a one-in-a-kind time traveler. If I can bear this breath, I will simply travel directly into a shrunken body. Forget the turtle in the shell!"

Lin Mu calmly thought about it.

Although Duck Factory is awesome in this world, he is not an ordinary person. With a system, he is not without strength.

"Since you want to play, let's play with you. I didn't want to kill them all, but you forced me!" Lin Mu's eyes became dark and numb for the first time.

Others have not given him a way to survive, so the only choice he can make is to resist.

The business that Duck Factory relies on for survival is games.

But in this regard, Lin Shu, who has a god-level game system, is simply the nemesis of Duck Factory.

Dai Qing herself doesn't know how much trouble her decision has brought to the future of the duck factory.

After calming down the anger in his heart, Lin Mu opened the Hudou software, ready to see the effect of Zhou Suyi's live broadcast today.

However, after going online, I found that Zhou Suyi had already downloaded it.

"Hey, it's so early today? It's unscientific!"

Then he saw the private message in the background.

"From Zhou Suyi?" Lin Mu was a little surprised, and opened the private message.

Then I saw a red envelope of 50.

"Good guy, what a big deal, the price is 50, which is willing and generous."

Lin Shu was somewhat surprised by this.

Although he knew that Zhou Suyi would definitely make a lot of money in the past few days because of the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

It is understandable to send a red envelope to thank you.

But he didn't post it, and he couldn't say anything, after all, he was using others for publicity.

However, it was by Lin Mu's surprise that Zhou Suyi was able to send out such a big red envelope.

In her impression, these anchors and Internet celebrities are all here to make money. It is okay to get money in, but there is no way to spit it out.

Zhou Suyi being so willing made her favorability towards Zhou Suyi soar.

Lin Mu was not polite, let alone hypocritical, and just clicked to receive it.

"Thank you boss, the boss is generous!"

They are all adults, so there is no need to say too much, everyone knows it in their hearts.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi didn't reply to the message, Lin Mu sent another message.

"Sister Zhou, you said you have something to talk about? What is it?"

This time, the other party responded quickly.

"Brother Mumumu, wait for me, I'm seeing a psychiatrist, right away, wait, I'll contact you right away!"

"Huh? How did you go to see a psychiatrist?" Lin Mu was a little puzzled.

Zhou Suyi usually looks carefree, it doesn't seem like she has a psychological problem.

But this is a private matter, Lin Mu didn't think much about it.

Just curious, what will happen to Zhou Suyi looking for her?

She already has game resources, so there's no need to contact me again?
Why is that?

Lin Mu couldn't figure it out for the time being.


(End of this chapter)

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