Chapter 214 The Movie Is Released
Sister Zhou cleared "The Ancient City of Essence", which undoubtedly became the number one hot search. Now, Suyi Zhou is also the hottest No.1 in the Internet celebrity world. With the blessing of "The Ancient City of Essence", the popularity is invincible. The popular traffic stars can only be eclipsed.

The comments under the hot search exceeded one million in an hour.

"Why do I feel that watching is more enjoyable than playing."

"Hehe, you don't dare to play it. In fact, it's more exciting to experience it yourself, but the plot is too thrilling, and ordinary people really can't handle it."

"Sister Zhou's heart is really big. She died more than 300 times, and she just managed to resist."

"I heard that sister Zhou went to see a psychiatrist when she first started. We don't envy you at all for the money and enthusiasm."

"Hahaha, there are only two days left before "Raging Sunshine in Xiangxi" will be released, remember to buy tickets in advance."

"Buy a ticket for a game. The tickets for the last ten days have been sold out. Shit, these guys are too scary."


"Exquisite Ancient City" was cleared, just as "Nuqing Xiangxi" was about to be released.

Director Zhang's only comfort is that "Angry Qingxiangxi" hardly needs to be announced, and the popularity is unprecedented.

Just like what the netizens said, even if there is no screening, there are still too many people who have booked. Try to maximize the film schedule within ten days, but it still can't stop the netizens from crazily grabbing tickets.

That's a real hard-to-get ticket.

Not only the domestic, but even foreign netizens are looking forward to it, but unfortunately, there is no plan to release the film abroad for the time being, and many overseas Chinese plan to return to China to watch the film.

Of course, while the movie is hot, there is even hotter news abroad.

"The Great Xia Kingdom took away the corpse konjac and prepared to build biochemical weapons, strongly protest!"

I don't know if this news was spread deliberately by someone with a heart, or what, similar remarks have appeared in almost every country.

Then there were quite a few people who participated, and they all obviously felt the horror of Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

So far, no one has figured out how the corpse-flavored konjac affects people's perception, which is even more frightening. If the research makes it clear and it is made into a weapon, it will be quite terrifying.

However, immediately the Daxia Kingdom official refuted the rumors, saying that there is no corpse-flavored konjac at all. Please treat the game and reality rationally.

However, it’s okay not to refute the rumors. Once the rumors are refuted, everyone will believe that this is true.

However, Long Guo will not explain this any more, and let them guess directly.


That night, Zhou Suyi invited Lin Mu to dinner, and thanked Lin Mu Yibo well. After spending this time together, the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious.

No one mentioned the embarrassing scene last time, but the relationship between them is obviously more ambiguous.

Two days later, in the wee hours of the morning.

"Angry Qing Xiangxi" was officially released, and the first batch of audiences walked into the cinema with excited hearts and trembling hands.

Among these people, there are office workers and student parties. Even if they have to go to work tomorrow, who can miss this opportunity? To them, being able to buy a ticket is simply more joyful than winning the lottery.

For more than four hours, everyone was ready to hold back their urine.

The film begins with a narration.

"During the period of the Republic of China, the warlords fought in chaos, and the people were in dire straits. Although Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiling Mountain, was born in a family of tomb robbers, he cared about the people all over the world. Most of the gains from the robbers in Changsheng Mountain helped the people around him."

"Constrained by the current situation, he teamed up with the warlord Luo Laowai to enter Pingshan in western Hunan to steal the Yuan tomb. Just to find the Muchen Bead that can undo the curse of the clansmen, and to enter the ancient tomb of Pingshan, Xiling and Qianshan teamed up..."

The narration ends and the feature film begins.

With the background endorsement of "Exquisite Ancient City", this paragraph made the audience excited.

Originally, people were already very tired at this time, but since the beginning of the film, no one was sleepy or asleep, and almost all of them stared and watched without blinking.

The plot is tight and the whole process is high-energy. I am afraid that if I miss a little bit, I will not be able to keep up with the rhythm.

At the beginning, Chen Yulou learned of the existence of the Pingshan ancient tomb, so he wanted to lead the Xiling steppers to prepare to go there. He stayed overnight in the hall and encountered a raccoon who was in danger and was rescued by the partridge post.

Seeing this, the audience all sweated for Chen Yulou and lamented the ability of the partridge whistle.

After dawn, Chen Yulou led people to Pingshan Pass to meet Partridge Whistle again. The two groups went down to the tomb by various means. In the underground palace, they encountered a large number of poisonous insects and centipedes.

The special effects of the dungeon in this section are obviously spent a lot of money to create, it is extremely real, and there is no trace of green screen special effects.

Everyone was attacked by centipedes and poisonous insects, and suffered heavy losses, so they escaped narrowly and narrowly.

In order to explore the ancient tomb, he made many inquiries and found the Nuqing Chicken who cracked the poisonous insect.

In the ancient tomb, the Nuqing chicken fought against the six-winged centipede, and the scene was thrilling.

People who watched this episode were excited.

However, immediately after, Partridge Whistle's younger brother and younger sister died tragically, and Partridge Whistle was in great pain. His eyes made people feel extremely distressed, and the actor's acting skills reached a superb feeling.

The audience only felt as if the actor in front of them was the partridge whistle.

In the end, the corpse king appeared in the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty. Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou joined forces to defeat the corpse king dangerously, but they did not find Muchen Bead.

Chen Yulou got the news of King Xian's tomb in Chonggu, Yunnan, and wanted to invite Partridge Whistle to go with him.

But Partridge Whistle was disheartened, so he didn't go with Chen Yulou, bid farewell to Miss Hong, and left for another country.

At the end, the audience felt a sense of regret in their hearts.

Anyone who has played "Exquisite Ancient City" knows that Muchen Bead may be in the tomb of the King Xian, and it may be found after the Partridge Whistle has gone, but unfortunately, the closest time, the Partridge Whistle did not go.

Life seems to be full of regrets everywhere.

When the film ended, the hearts of the audience could not calm down for a long time.

More than four hours, I thought it was a long time at the beginning, but after reading it, I just felt that the time was too short to describe their ups and downs in life.

The whole film contains various elements, which don't make people feel complicated, but make the plot more full. Every character and role has flesh and blood, or people like it, or people hate it.

Until the ending song ended, no one was willing to leave. It was not until the second scene was about to start that the staff managed to invite these people out.

And the next wave of people looked forward to seeing them even more.

This night was not peaceful. The film reviews about "Angry in Xiangxi" were blown up immediately. Many people who watched the movie couldn't calm down for a long time, and they couldn't sleep.

The movie critics are all positive with the highest score, and of course there is the lowest score. The following comment is, "It's not good at all, don't watch it, so I can buy another ticket for a second look."

Netizens were furious.


(End of this chapter)

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