Chapter 215 Attack of the Insect Valley
In just one night, the word-of-mouth of "Angry Qingxi Xiangxi" completely exploded, and various netizens on the Internet spontaneously posted articles blowing up, commenting from various angles.

Netizens even called out that Da Xia Kingdom finally had its own blockbuster.

Of course, word of mouth is not good, and there are extremely poor reviews, polarized.

"It's really not good-looking at all, it's too rubbish, really, believe me, if you buy a ticket, you will regret it."

"This is the worst movie I've ever seen, [-] cents special effects, rubbish plot, actors' acting skills are not online throughout, don't buy tickets, really."

"Don't waste your money, don't buy a ticket, if you bought a ticket, return it quickly."

"Guys, you guys are having sex with me here. If my friend didn't grab the ticket and read it, I would have believed it."

"It's so shameless, you really worked hard to get the tickets!"


However, most of the bad reviews are intentional by netizens.

There is no way, it is really hard to get a ticket, it is impossible to get it, it is too hot.

Even in the wee hours of the morning, there wasn't a single vacant seat.

Other films in the same period as "Angry Qing Xiangxi" were unlucky, and the film schedule was repeatedly compressed.

Director Zhang conferred the god again.

"Angry Sunshine in Xiangxi" directly became his masterpiece, and it became a huge hit.

Director Zhang wanted to invite Lin Mu to participate in the event several times, but unfortunately Lin Mu refused.

Lin Mu was very relieved to see the movie became popular, and he still recognized Director Zhang's level.

He doesn't care about the dividends of the movie at all, but has already uploaded "Yunnan Bug Valley", and it will be officially put on the shelves at twelve o'clock in the morning.

An announcement was also made on the homepage of the wl platform.

The players were immediately excited when they saw the announcement.

Originally thought that after sister Zhou cleared "The Ancient City of Essence", she would have to wait for a while before "Yunnan Insect Valley" would be released, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Wow, the efficiency of Mumumu Studio is very high. If domestic dramas have this efficiency, there will not be so many half-productions now."

"Strong, hey, I can't get the movie tickets for "Nuqing Xiangxi" recently, but it's good to be able to play "Yunnan Bug Valley"."

"Tell me, will the price increase this time? "The Ancient City of Essence" is so popular, if it is a duck factory, it will definitely increase a lot."

"It's possible. After all, if you have money, you don't want to be a bastard. Moreover, judging from the cg animation, Yunnan Chonggu seems to be more complicated than "The Ancient City of Essence", and the price increase is worth it."

"I hope it won't cost more than a thousand. The student party really can't afford it."


What players are most worried about now is that the price of "Yunnan Bug Valley" will increase significantly.

After all, word of mouth has been established, no matter how expensive it is, there will definitely be people willing to buy it.

This is warming up for "Yunnan Insect Valley", and the outside of the real Insect Valley is also very lively these days.

Since the first wave of the third master's group entered the worm valley, people came one after another on the follow-up road.

The temptation of "Exquisite Ancient City" is too great, countless gold and silver treasures are found there, as long as the tomb robber encounters such a large tomb once, he can sleep peacefully for several lifetimes and retire directly.

So, who would miss Yunnan Bug Valley?

They all have the same idea as the third master, they want to enter early before the game starts, so as not to be caught by others.

During this period of time, the number of people traveling to Insect Valley has increased significantly. Of course, it is unknown who is mixed among them.

At first, the local police didn't pay much attention, but they took action later.

Almost none of the first wave of people who went in came back alive.

The second wave of people were caught by the police before they could act.

As soon as the third wave entered the mountain with their equipment, they were wiped out.

These days, almost half of the tomb thieves from all over the country are here, and the insect valley was called the tomb of the tomb robbers by the people in the industry.

That was really miserable.


Eleven fifty at midnight.

Zhou Suyi logged into the account early, and was waiting for the first time to rush.

Of course, the big anchors such as Teacher Ma and Dai Xiaomei are waiting nervously in front of the computer regardless of whether "The Ancient City of Essence" has been cleared or not.

They lost at the starting line in "Exquisite Ancient City", so they naturally didn't want to lose to Zhou Suyi in "Yunnan Insect Valley".

Everyone is saving their energy, waiting for a wave tonight, even if they don't sleep, they still want to grab the heat of "Yunnan Bug Valley".

As far as Zhou Suyi's popularity is concerned, who is not jealous? Everyone wants to fight for this opportunity.

"Sister Zhou, you have to work harder. The little girl next door said she won't sleep at night, so just figure it out."

"Tomorrow happens to be the weekend, and I'm going to stay up all night tonight. Let Sister Zhou explore the road first, for fear that "Yunnan Bug Valley" will not be up to standard."

"Sister Zhou, go ahead, come on."

"The others are probably useless. After all, they haven't cleared "The Ancient City of Essence", so they don't have an advantage over Sister Zhou."


Although the game has not yet started, the popularity of the live broadcast exploded.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and the popularity of the live broadcast directly exceeded [-] million. The screen was full of rewards, and the viewers were dazzled. Zhou Suyi was not so excited about it now.

Netizens are holding a wait-and-see attitude. After all, according to their experience, most of the sequels in the past are easy to fill, and the level is lower than the first one. They are made for the purpose of making money.

Although the CG animation released in "Yunnan Insect Valley" is very exciting, but who knows if all the wonderful shots have been released.

Therefore, instead of spending money to buy it directly, it is undoubtedly the best choice to see how the game is.

Finally, it was twelve o'clock.

"Brothers, are you ready? Sister Zhou will take you to the Insect Valley, Ollie."

Zhou Suyi was also a little excited.

When the time comes, the interface changes.

Zhou Suyi clicked in, and there was a prompt to buy the game.

Zhou Suyi looked at the price nervously, it was still 299.
"Damn it, why don't you raise the price? Are you so conscientious?" Zhou Suyi was also very excited.

She also feels that the price of this game will inevitably increase. After all, the quality of the game is too high, and the cost must be extremely high. Coupled with the current frightening popularity, normal people will definitely take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

But the current forest is really not short of money.

Should I say it or not, the speed at which games make money is really terrifying. Just by selling games, the small goal is making money. Just one game in Jingjue Gucheng made tens of billions.

The point is that it doesn't cost anything, the game is all done by the system, and there is no cost at all.

"Fuck, 299, the conscience of Mumumu studio, praise, just rush."

"I'm a fan of life, true love, awesome, awesome."

"Fuck, it's unexpected, it's awesome, it's really awesome."

"I already borrowed money, but I didn't expect it to be so cheap. Haha, I rushed to the brothers."


The players were extremely excited, the pricing was beyond their expectations, and they felt like seeing the sun through the clouds and mist.

Zhou Suyi paid directly, bought the game, and clicked the start button without wasting any time.


(End of this chapter)

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