Chapter 216
"Brothers, are you ready, I'm going to start!"

Zhou Suyi put on the device directly and clicked the game start option.

It was still a matter of selection, Zhou Suyi directly chose the role of Shirley Yang.

【Your account has been detected and all rewards have been automatically loaded for you】

Immediately afterwards, all the task rewards that Zhou Suyi obtained in "Exquisite Ancient City" were naturally inherited.

[Tips: Some plots of this game are too horrifying, please play with caution. 】

【Minors under the age of 18 please play under the supervision of an adult. 】

[Players with heart disease and other diseases, please play with caution. 】


The game proceeds with a long list of hints.

Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded, because there were not so many hints when she was in Jingjue Ancient City.

"Wow, it seems that "Yunnan Bug Valley" is really more hellish!"


Zhou Suyi swallowed, and became a little nervous.

The pitch-black picture gradually became brighter.

bang bang bang...

There was a bumpy sound.

As soon as Zhou Suyi entered the game, she felt her body shaking violently, and there was a lot of noise next to her, as if she was sitting in a car.

When I opened my eyes, I found that I was really sitting in an old bus.

The car was driving very fast, and it shook very violently. The wobble made her feel dizzy, and she felt a little rolling in her stomach.

Looking out the window, his expression changed even more.

The car was actually driving beside a cliff, which was a winding mountain road. Looking down through the car window, one could see the rushing river below the cliff.

The steam on the big river is filled with water, which looks very spectacular.

"This is Bug Valley?" Zhou Suyi took a deep breath.

This game really starts with a thrilling mode.

"Damn it, the cliff is so trembling, the road is still so difficult, the driver is still driving so fast, are you desperate? You are sending me away at the beginning of the game." Zhou Suyi complained in her heart.

She looked at the situation in the car, there were quite a few people, and those people could tell from their clothes that they should all be locals, all sleeping with their eyes closed, as if they didn't take it seriously at all, as if they were used to it.

Then look at Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang in front of him.

Hu Bayi was fine, with his eyes closed and his shoulders hugged, his body swayed back and forth with the car, quite rhythmically.

Looking at Fatty Wang again, his face was as white as paper, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he retched from time to time, he seemed to be tortured terribly.

This guy is afraid of heights, and the car shakes so much, it's no wonder he isn't afraid.

Fatty Wang complained cursingly.

Seeing that Hu Bayi was fine, he couldn't help being a little envious, "I said, Lao Hu, Miss Yang, don't you two feel dizzy because of the difficulty? After this journey, Fatty, I feel like my internal organs are about to shift."

Hu Bayi didn't open his eyes, the old god was there, "Fatty, you have to know how to keep up with the rhythm. If you look at other people, they are all swaying with the car, so you won't feel dizzy. If you don't believe me, try it!"

"Really?" Fatty Wang was dubious, and he also swayed with the car.

Within a minute, Fatty Wang opened the car window and vomited outside.


This time, he almost threw up Zhou Suyi in disgust.


At this moment, the car seemed to hit something, and after a violent shaking, the car stopped.

This shock almost didn't make Fatty Wang swallow what was in his mouth again, and the angry Fatty Wang cursed, "What, what, I said that driving like this will guarantee accidents, this time it's okay, I hit someone Bar."

Everyone in the car woke up and talked a lot.

The driver opened the door to check the situation.

"Go, go down and have a look!" Hu Bayi said.

Zhou Suyi felt that since the plot of the game started here and bumped into people, it must be not simple, there must be something wrong.

"Well, let's go down and have a look!"

So she didn't refuse, and followed to check the situation.

"Come on, come on, start doing things at the beginning, I like it."

"This driver is Qiu Mingshan, the car god. The broken road is still on the edge of the cliff, and he dares to drive so fast. He is really brave."

"You won't bump into a zongzi at the beginning of the game, will you?"

"Damn it, I watched Nuqing Xiangxi yesterday, that corpse king is really fierce, you can't just meet him here without starting the game."

"I'm envious of those who can buy tickets, and those who can't, I can only watch the live broadcast of Dumb Bride."


As soon as we started to do things, the netizens immediately came to their heads.

Zhou Suyi and the others went down to check the situation.

After going down, I realized that I didn't hit someone, but knocked down a stone man.

The stone figurines are as big as a real person, and they are lifelike. They have been broken at this moment. Looking along the road, there are two green traces at the position of the rut.

Zhou Suyi frowned slightly, this color made her feel that something was wrong.

"There must be something wrong with this stone maid." She thought to herself.

The stone figurines are not solid, there is only a layer of stone shell on the outside, and the middle is all empty. From the inside, dense white flesh worms crawled out, wriggling together.

These meat worms are not big, countless meat worms are crushed by the wheels, and green juice flows out, which looks extremely disgusting.

Looking at those meat worms, Zhou Suyi felt goosebumps all over her body.

These worms are nothing to look at alone, just like large maggots, but when they are densely packed together, they look extremely disgusting.

The fat man wiped the stain on his mouth, stared at the stone figurines, and whispered in Hu Bayi's ear: "Old Hu, the style of the stone figurines should be imitated from the Han Dynasty. It is related to the Tomb of King Xian that we are looking for!"

Hu Ba nodded.

"It shouldn't be wrong, it must have something to do with King Xian."

Zhou Suyi frowned and said: "But, if this thing is really from that era, how could there be so many bugs in it, and all of them are still alive!"

"It's really weird. I heard that King Xian is good at killing techniques. These bugs may be related to killing techniques!" Hu Ba said.


Zhou Suyi thought of the introduction to King Xian in the background story, it was indeed said that King Xian was good at slaying, and this thing seemed to be very evil and cruel.

It's just that the meat worms in front of me don't seem to be able to connect with the scrotum.

"Hey, I think you guys are thinking too much. Isn't this just a big maggot? There are such things everywhere in the toilets in the village!" Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously. insect.

The green juice splashed, and it was disgusting to watch.

Zhou Suyi was disgusted for a while, and wanted to tell Fatty Wang to stop messing with it. One more thing is worse than one thing less. Curiosity killed the cat, so don't play it dead.

But at this moment, I only felt a tingling sensation in my thigh. I looked down and found a green mark on the trousers, which seemed to be the mucus from the meat worm's body.

"Fuck me, Fatty Wang, your uncle!"

Zhou Suyi's complexion changed drastically, and she had a very bad premonition, feeling that she was cheated by Fatty Wang again.


(End of this chapter)

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