Chapter 217 This is a tasteful game

Zhou Suyi was a little crazy, she looked at Fatty Wang angrily, wishing she could strangle Fatty Wang to death.

It's a pity that the tingling feeling from her thighs quickly swept through her whole body, making her unable to move.

"Miss Yang, what's wrong with you?" Hu Bayi's expression changed, and he hurriedly supported Zhou Suyi.

Fatty Wang was also taken aback, "No, Miss Yang, you will get motion sickness, you should react now, your reflexes are a bit slow."

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi almost vomited blood angrily.

"Fatty, you, your uncle, puff..."

After saying these words, Zhou Suyi spat out a mouthful of old blood.

【game over】

"Hahaha, I burst out laughing, the emotional "Exquisite Ancient City" is a waste of time, right? Why does it still gg as soon as it comes in?"

"This is really a bit unlucky. I just said that when there is no danger, Fatty Wang is the most dangerous."

"Sister Zhou, why don't you just go on and on and kill Fatty Wang first."

"Is this bug so poisonous? It won't work if it touches a little mucus."

"Good guy, Shi Renyong is blocking the way, and there is also a terrible slaying technique. Is this considered to be a show of authority?"


Netizens are dumbfounded.

I thought that with two months of game time and experience in the ancient city of Jingjue, this game would have to go a long way, but who would have thought that it would be gg within 10 minutes of the start.

Zhou Suyi's cheeks were a little hot, and she also felt a little ashamed.

I thought, this time, I absolutely can't let those people like Dai Xiaomei and Teacher Ma overtake them, not to mention clearing the level, but it's okay not to die overnight.

But who would have thought that he would be so unlucky.

"Damn Fatty Wang, I really should kill you directly." Zhou Suyi said angrily.

Of course, that means whining.

If he killed Fatty Wang directly, not to mention losing all of Hu Bayi's favorability, he would probably be killed by Hu Bayi.

"Hey, I have to be more cautious this time. I heard that there are many poisonous insects in the insect valley, and there is also a slaying technique for the king. By the way, let me first find out what the slaying technique is? If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapon , Knowing a lot of information will definitely help.”

This time, Zhou Suyi didn't rush in, and went directly to check the information.

There are quite a few introductions on the Internet, and she read it with relish.

On the other hand, Dai Xiaomei played the game with the intention of becoming a blockbuster. As soon as the game was released, no matter how much it cost, she just bought it, finished it, and entered the game.

The whole set of actions is done in one go.

Enter the game, choose the role of Shirley Yang, and come to the bus.

Then it felt like the world was spinning.

"Fuck, what's going on, why, I'm so dizzy, vomit, vomit, I really want to, vomit..."

Before I figured out what was going on, I felt a tumbling in my stomach and my mouth was drooling.

"Yang, Miss Yang, hold back, hold back!" Fatty Wang's terrified voice came from the opposite side.


Dai Xiaomei didn't hear what he said clearly, she opened her mouth and vomited all over Fatty Wang.

A strange smell filled the entire car.

Fatty Wang looked at the sticky stuff on his body.



Then, he threw up too.

For a while, the smell in the whole carriage became stronger.

The car was already bouncing, and everyone reacted more or less. Being infected by the two of them and stimulated by the disgusting smell, more and more people couldn't bear it.



For a while, the whole car was full of vomiting.

Man, that smell is absolutely amazing.

Even Hu Bayi, who was originally calm, couldn't help it now, covered his mouth and before he had time to open the window, he began to vomit.

"Good guy, the old woman is awesome. I was a little hungry and wanted to have a supper, but now, I just want to &%...%¥"

"It really disgusts me."

"This is a tasteful video."

"The old woman is still a dish after all."


Netizens were disgusted.

I felt that the smell in the carriage was permeating around me, and I felt my nose choked just thinking about it.

"Ji Li Gua &...%" The driver couldn't bear it anymore, and turned his head and spoke their local language dissatisfied with Ji Li Gua, as if cursing.

Then, he vomited too.

When he vomited, the car body immediately became unstable.

He was driving fast, and this is a winding mountain road, a slight mistake can cause a catastrophe.

The body deviated to the side, and it was too late when the driver reacted.

The bus drove directly like a roller coaster, and flew to the bottom of the cliff with a whoosh.


There were screams in the carriage, and the people in the carriage flew towards the Lancang River below with the smell of vomiting.

【game over】


Little girl Dai's mental quality is still far behind, she screamed in fright as soon as she opened her eyes, and she recovered when she saw the familiar environment around her.

"Fuck, what the hell is going on?"

It happened so fast that she was a little confused, and she still hadn't figured out what happened.

Good guy, this time the game experience took a full 1 minute, breaking the previous record of 3 minutes set in Jingjue Ancient City, and the game failed.

She was a little crazy, and hurriedly checked the replay. After watching it, she almost vomited again.

"What's going on, why, I'm so dizzy just after entering the game, it's unscientific!" Dai Xiaomei was annoyed, "Is this still playing, just spit it out, as for, even drove a car off a cliff?"


Teacher Ma also wants to directly surpass Zhou Suyi with this Yunnan Insect Valley.

It's really that Zhou Suyi is too hot now, the popularity is over the top.

Although he is currently the No. [-] male brother in the live broadcasting industry, he is still far behind Zhou Suyi, so he naturally wants to surpass him.

Just like Little Sister Dai, when he entered the game directly, he chose Hu Bayi, and immediately felt dizzy, nauseated and vomited.

"It's so dizzy, this is, you're doing a roller coaster?"

Teacher Ma opened his eyes, feeling a little confused.

Then I heard Fatty Wang say: "I said, Laohu, why don't you have anything to do? If you have any tricks, please share and share. I really can't help it, I want to vomit!"


Fatty Wang's face was pale, and he retched for a while, covering his mouth and almost vomited.


Seeing Fatty Wang's appearance, Hu Bayi suddenly felt more nauseated, and he retched for a while.

"Hahaha, fuck it, old Hu, you're acting so alike, I thought you had nothing to do, and your relationship has been turned upside down." Fatty Wang suddenly laughed happily.

Then, I couldn't hold back my excitement, and something sprayed out from between my fingers, and most of it splashed on Teacher Ma's face.

Teacher Ma is numb.

A disgusting smell entered his nostrils, and then, wow...

The familiar scene reappeared.

【game over】

Teacher Ma's fans were also disgusted.

"What's the matter, Teacher Ma and Miss Dai all vomited, why is it that Miss Zhou is fine?"

"It's also incomprehensible. I just played a game, and I also feel very sick and want to vomit. I can't bear it at all."

"It's weird, it's different treatment."

"Is it possible that it's because of the Qilin bloodline? Only sister Zhou got the Qilin bloodline after clearing "The Ancient City of Essence", and her physique is strengthened, so everything will be fine. Others have not cleared the level, so the weak physique will vomit."

"If this is the case, then do you have to clear the "Exquisite Ancient City"?"


For a while, netizens speculated again and again, and they were a little confused about why they played the same game, and why the results between them and Zhou Suyi were so different.


(End of this chapter)

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