Chapter 218 Terrible

Dai Xiaomei, Teacher Ma, the anchors, and ordinary players all encountered the same problem, and they all felt a strong sense of dizziness and vomiting immediately after entering the game.

Only some people resisted this feeling, most of them vomited directly and the chain reaction caused a car accident.

Most of the players guessed that this was linked to the Jingjue Ancient City, and it was necessary to clear the Jingjue Ancient City.

No matter which character you choose, you will be rewarded with Qilin blood for completing the main mission, and your physique will be greatly enhanced.

"No way, no way, you must clear the ancient city of Jingjue, it's a bit difficult."

"Hey, I don't want us ordinary players to have fun."

"No, you are stupid, why do you have to vomit on others, can't you vomit outside?"

"Fuck, brother, I feel like you've got the truth. When Sister Zhou was playing, Fatty Wang vomited, and he just vomited out the window, so nothing happened."

"Um... It hurts my heart, yes, why don't you spit it out."


It has to be said that there are many netizens who are active in thinking, and they can see the problem at a glance.

Dai Xiaomei saw this keenly, and her eyes became extremely strange.

In such a short time just now, she opened a few more, and every time she thought about not vomiting, she really could bear it for a while, but when Fatty Wang vomited first, she would be infected and vomit immediately.

I never thought that the secret to clearing the level is just to spit out the window.

"Fuck, no way, it's that easy, good guy, I'm playing a game, you give me a sense of public morality, right?"

Dai Xiaomei was a little frustrated, but in order to catch up with Zhou Suyi's progress, she hurriedly entered the game again.

As soon as he entered the game, he quickly opened the window and vomited outside.

Sure enough, there was no chain reaction this time, and the scene of the crash was successfully persisted.


Zhou Suyi researched a lot of information about the surgery, and the more she researched, the more frightening she felt.

"Oh my god, this thinning technique is so terrifying, so vicious and cruel, this King Xian is also ruthless enough."

There is a brief introduction to King Xian in the background information, but it is not complete.

Now, through the method of slaying, Zhou Suyi discovered that this King Xian was too terrifying, he was definitely a tyrant among tyrants, and his methods were extremely cruel.

"This shouldn't be called Xian Wang, it should be called Xie Wang."

Zhou Suyi felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought about the production method of sarcomas.

"Hehe, that's fine. Stealing the tomb of this kind of person really doesn't have any psychological pressure at all. Not only is there no pressure, it's still killing harm for the people. They deserve to be stolen. Brothers, let's keep going!" The determination of the people to eradicate harm.

On the contrary, it makes people feel that this is really not to rob tombs, but to eliminate harm for the people.

"Brothers, go and check the qi technique and you will know why sister Zhou said that."

"If you really want to relieve your anger, you have to steal it in reality. I don't know if the official will hold a live broadcast this time and also live broadcast the insect valley."

"I'm really looking forward to it appearing in reality. It's really interesting to see the combination of fiction and reality."

"Stealing his dog's day to offer the king."


Some people checked the information and learned about the horror of the qi technique. They really didn't have any good feelings for King Xian, only anger.

Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

This time at the place where the car crashed, she looked at Fatty Wang very cautiously.

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously and wanted to step on it, but Zhou Suyi hurried forward to stop him, "I said, can you not be so short on your feet, do you know what kind of bug it is, so you dare to go up and step on it!"

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously, "Hey, Ms. Yang, take a look, it seems that you have never been to the toilet in the countryside since you were a child, and there are many such maggots in the toilet. When I go to the toilet, I am willing to take one. Fight these bugs with sticks."


Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, is this guy disgusting?

"Fatty, don't be disgusting. I heard from Ms. Yang that she must have a reason for stopping you." Hu Bayi felt a little embarrassed.

Zhou Suyi nodded, still thinking that Hu Bayi was much more reliable.

"It's not a maggot, it's a gnat."

"What are you talking about?" Fatty Wang was a little confused, "This bug knows pain too?"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, feeling that she rolled her eyes a lot today.

"It's not the bug that knows the pain, but the bug. It's a very poisonous bug. Don't touch it rashly, otherwise, you will feel better!"

Fatty Wang obviously didn't believe it, "I said, Ms. Yang, you are exaggerating. You still hurt worms. Isn't this just an ordinary maggot."

Hu Bayi turned serious, "It is rumored that King Xian is proficient in the art of thinning, and the art of thinning is very mysterious. Ms. Yang, what is the basis for your saying so?"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "There are many ways to perform the suffocation technique, one of which is to feed the living person with scorpion, which is a kind of insect eggs, and then seal the seven orifices of the person with mud, and suffocate the person to death, about three days From left to right, the flesh and internal organs in the human body have become the nutrients of the larvae, and they are filled in instead, and the eggs are hatched again, and the eggs will be in a state similar to dormancy for a long time without contact with the air!"

"Also, this is not a stone man's cave, but a real man's cave!"

"Fuck, no way, is this a human being? But why is the shell so hard?" Fatty Wang obviously didn't believe it.

Zhou Suyi continued: "Because it loses moisture quickly in a short period of time, the human skin will quickly dry up and become as hard as tree bark."

"Is it really so evil?" Fatty Wang looked at those fleshy maggots again, and didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

"The real production method of qi surgery is far more cruel than this." Zhou Suyi sighed.

Fatty Wang said: "If that's the case, then it's really not a good thing to sacrifice Mr. Wang. If we pour his fight, it's really killing the people!"


Zhou Suyi quite agrees with this point of view.


At this moment, the sound of flying birds came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, several flying birds swooped down to grab the meat worms on the ground.

But they just ate a few, and when they tried to fly away, they all fell down, twitched a few times, and died.


The people in the car were all terrified when they saw this scene.

"Fuck, it's really poisonous!" Fatty Wang's eyes widened.

I didn't believe it just now, but now I really believe it.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +2]

[Hu Bayi recognition +2]

The game prompt appeared again, and this wave of popular science skills made Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's favorability increase again.

You know, in the ancient city of Jingjue, it was already difficult to increase the degree of recognition, only the degree of favorability increased faster, and now finally moved again, Zhou Suyi was quite relieved, feeling that the homework she had done in advance was not in vain.


Speaking of the update issue, it’s not that I don’t want to update more. My father has lung cancer, and the hospital is busy with work at home. It’s the limit to squeeze out time to write two chapters a day. I will try my best to ensure that there will be no interruptions. I hope everyone understands!
(End of this chapter)

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