Chapter 220 Main Quest Started

Zhou Suyi was very satisfied after listening to Fatty Wang.

"Okay, then it's settled. If I can move, you will be my younger brother in the future. Whatever I say, I will do it. Don't go back on it!"

"All right, all right, whatever you say is right!" Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously at all, "I said, take it easy, dodge your waist, and if we carry you again, we won't be able to carry you anymore."

"Hehe!" Zhou Suyi stepped forward and was about to pick up the bag.

The little girl pulled Zhou Suyi, "Sister, why don't you forget it, it's really heavy!"

She naturally knew how heavy the bag was.

Originally, she was waiting for Elder Brother to pick her up, but now that Elder Brother is not here, she can only wait here, so she is not in a hurry to leave.

"It's okay, my sister is much stronger than these men." Zhou Suyi was extremely confident.

The little girl smiled wryly, probably thinking in her heart, these two elder brothers are so tall that they can't lift them, how could you have such strength when you are so thin.

Hu Bayi also wanted to persuade him, the bet is small, if he dodges like him, the gain outweighs the gain.

Then I saw Zhou Suyi walking up to the bag, grabbing the mouth of the bag with one hand.

and then just...

Fatty Wang, Hu Bayi and the little girl all stared wide-eyed, as if they saw a ghost.

Fatty Wang pulled Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, Lao Hu, hit me quickly to see if I'm still dreaming in the car and haven't woken up."


Hu Bayi was not polite, just a slap, the slap of the good guy seemed to avenge the last time he was beaten in the secret room, Fatty Wang covered his face in pain, "Old Hu, you fucking really slapped me!" Ah, hit it and hit it, you still use so much energy."

Hu Bayi sneered, "Ahem, didn't I help you make sure if you were dreaming, how, how, does it hurt?"

"Nonsense, my face is swollen, can it not hurt." Fatty Wang was annoyed.

Hu Bayi hurriedly changed the subject, "My good fellow, Miss Yang really keeps her secrets hidden."

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

[Peacock's admiration for you +20]

[Main quest starts: Find King Xian’s Tomb and get Muchen Bead]

[Task Reward: Black Gold Ancient Knife]

A series of prompts appeared again in the game.

"That's fine. Sure enough, the game starts with giving points. You have to grasp it. This girl's name is Peacock. It's a nice name." Zhou Suyi couldn't be happier.

"The main quest has also started. The game should be regarded as the official start. The first part is the process of getting used to it. Search for the King Xian's Tomb and find the Muchen Bead. It seems that the Muchen Bead is really here. Also, the black gold ancient sword is here again. What important prop is it, it should be very powerful!"

Now Zhou Suyi has a small sharp-edged dagger, but she doesn't have a long weapon at hand. If there is one more knife, it will be complete.

She looked at several people proudly, "What are you doing in a daze, let's go, sister, lead the way!"

"Ah?" The little girl came back to her senses, "Ah, oh, yes, yes!"

She hurriedly took the small bag and ran to the front to lead the way.

Zhou Suyi said again: "Little brother, let's go, Brother Yang will take you to Zhelongzhai."

After speaking, she carried the bag that looked bigger than her and followed the little girl forward.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were really shocked.

It's terrifying that someone can walk like flying with such a big bag on their shoulders.

Fatty Wang murmured: "I'm talking about Lao Hu. If you two really get married in the future, are you sure you can fight if you two have conflicts? Miss Yang, no, Brother Yang, I won't domestically abuse you." Well, if you come to me for help, you say, should I help or not? It’s so contradictory.”

"I can't beat it, I really can't beat it!" Hu Bayi said casually, and then thought of something, the old man blushed, and came to Fatty Wang's head, "What nonsense are you talking about, hurry up, follow up!"

"Hahaha, the shocked little eyes make me laugh to death."

"Sister Zhou is a real woman and a man."

"I think what Fatty Wang said is right. With Zhou Suyi, it's really easy to be domestically abused. If you can't beat her, it's embarrassing."

"It seems that it's all the effect of Qilin's blood. It's awesome. I have this ability. I can earn more than [-] yuan a month moving bricks."

"Damn it, brother, your ambition is really lofty."


Netizens were not too surprised, but felt that the Qilin blood was really useful.

Then it will be hard for those players who have not cleared the ancient city of Jingjue.

Although they got rid of the gnats, they couldn't go directly to the stockade. Instead, they had to wait here for Peacock's brother to pick them up.

With this advantage, Zhou Suyi was far ahead.

Along the way, Peacock and Zhou Suyi became acquainted, especially for Zhou Suyi, they seemed to have a feeling of admiration and admiration.

When we arrived at the village, the sun was already setting.

I met a lot of people on the road, but they all looked at Zhou Suyi with strange eyes, as if they were not very friendly.

Peacock took them home and met Peacock's elder brother named Ada.

That is a very strong man.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang greeted each other warmly, but Ada, like those villagers, did not respond, and looked at them with strong hostility.

Peacock arranged a room for them, and enthusiastically went to prepare food and drink.

[Side quests open]

[Learn the way to Zhelong Mountain, and go to the insect valley through Zhelong Mountain]

[Task Reward: Will +10]

Suddenly, the game released a new side mission.

The main mission runs throughout, and the side missions are interspersed, similar to hidden missions triggered by accident.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly remembered the task in her heart, thinking that this branch task should not be difficult, so she should just ask about it.

Fatty Wang put the things away, "I said, Old Hu, Yang... Brother, do you feel that the people here seem to have a strong hostility towards us?"

Hu Bayao: "Hey, it's normal. Every place has its own customs. It is said that the Miao Village basically doesn't communicate with the outside world very much, so they are not very friendly to people from outside. Don't worry about those people. , anyway, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"That's right, but that little girl named Peacock is really nice. Without her, we would really have to sleep in the open tonight." Fatty Wang praised.


Just then, the door rang.

Peacock opened the door and walked in, "Sister Yang, Brother Hu, Brother Fat, this is our local camellia, you guys try it!"

"Thank you, sister!" Fatty Wang picked up the tea and drank it.

"Well, it's delicious, really good!"

"You know how to taste, you don't drink tea as much as you do, you have to taste it every sip!" Hu Ba took a small sip of the tea, "Well, it's really good, it's delicious!"

Fatty Wang rolled his eyes, "Hey, I thought you could say some lofty words, and that's how you feel about your feelings!"

Zhou Suyi also took a sip, and it tasted very good.

She hurriedly took the opportunity to say: "Peacock, we are going to Zhelong Mountain tomorrow morning, can you hire a local guide for us? Don't worry, we will pay for it."

However, when talking about this, Peacock's originally smiling face disappeared instantly, and he became a little embarrassed.

Seeing her expression, Zhou Suyi felt something was wrong.

This side mission sounds simple, but now it seems that there is something inside it.


Thank you for your blessings, I will do my best to keep updating!
(End of this chapter)

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