Chapter 221
Zhou Suyi originally thought that this sub-quest would be easy, so she could just ask Peacock directly, but looking at Peacock's face now, it seems that it is really not the case.

Peacock hesitated for a moment, but said, "To go to Zhelong Mountain, you have to cross a snow line. Many people have not gone there before."

When Fatty Wang heard that he had to cross the snow line, he had a bitter look on his face, "Oh my god, I still have to cross the snow line. Fatty, I'm most afraid of the cold!"

Hu Bayao: "Fatty, you are used to extravagance and licentiousness. Climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands is learning from the hard-working spirit of our ancestors. It is a beautiful virtue."

He wanted to make a long speech, but Fatty Wang said, "We didn't bring cotton coats!"

"Ahem!" Hu Bayi stopped talking immediately, and looked at Peacock with a smile, "Sister Peacock, you are a local, do you know if there are any shortcuts?"

Peacock is even more difficult.

She glanced at Zhou Suyi, and then said: "Actually, to enter Zhelong Mountain, there is still a waterway, which can directly pass through the mountain."

"Waterway!" Fatty Wang was overjoyed, "Sister, hurry up and tell me, where is this waterway?"

Peacock shook his head, "It's not that I didn't tell you, it's just that Zhelong Mountain is a forbidden area of ​​our village, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Fatty Wang became anxious when he heard this.

"Hey, sister, tell us secretly, we will go secretly, and never tell others, so that others will not know that we have gone to Zhelong Mountain!"


Peacock is very difficult.

"Peacock, come out!" At this moment, Peacock's eldest brother Ada shouted from outside.


The peacock responded and ran out in a hurry.

There were three people left in the room, and they were all a little depressed.

"I said, Old Hu, Brother Yang, what should we do now? The peacock doesn't say anything, and others don't say anything. We can't really go to climb the snow-capped mountains. In that case, it will take a lot of effort!" Fatty Wang said.

He really didn't want to climb the snow mountain.

Hu Bayi is actually fine. After all, he has been to Kunlun Mountain before, and he has stayed in the ice and snow, and he doesn't mind climbing the snow mountain. However, he really didn't bring any heating equipment.

If you go out to buy equipment again, it will take at least a few more days.

"Since Zhelong Mountain is a forbidden place for the locals, it proves that there must be some secrets hidden inside. I guess, it is likely that the tomb of King Xian is really inside. At least we can be sure that we should have come to the right place." Hu Bayi Road.

Zhou Suyi didn't speak, she was also thinking of a way.

"Before I helped the peacock get things, I gained 20 worship points. This is another new stat. It will definitely not appear for no reason. It should be related to this mission. If this is the case, then I should find a way to continue to improve the peacock. Admiration is enough."

Zhou Suyi nodded her head, thinking that her guess should be right.

"Miss Yang, Miss Yang, what do you think?" Hu Bayi called out in a daze when he saw Zhou Suyi.

Only then did Zhou Suyi come back to her senses, "Ah, what's wrong?"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other.

"Brother Yang, we are studying what to do next. If the peacock doesn't tell us the location of the waterway, then we can't go all over the mountain to find it?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "Leave this matter alone, I'll take care of it."

"You have a solution?" Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's eyes lit up.

As a result, Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "There is no way, but you can try."

After a while, Peacock came back and arranged for them to live. It was supposed to be Hu Bayi and the three of them sharing a room, but Zhou Suyi said: "Peacock, can I live with you? Live with their two elders." Together, it's a little inconvenient!"

The peacock froze for a moment, "Okay, okay!"

Although a little embarrassed, he still agreed.


time flies.

The night passed quickly, and the major anchors showed their special abilities, all of them were fighting or being tortured in the game.

Dai Xiaomei quit the game with two big dark circles under her eyes.

Last night, they waited for half the night, finally waiting for Peacock's brother to pick them up, and then entered Zhelongzhai, but did not get any news.

The same is true for Mr. Ma. After staying up all night, the progress is not fast.

But fortunately, Zhou Suyi is also in the stockade, and hasn't left yet, so, based on this calculation, although Zhou Suyi was faster than them at the beginning, everyone is in the stockade now, which is somewhat balanced.

Early in the morning, news spread that the box office of "Angry in Xiangxi" exceeded 15 billion.

The box office of 15 billion in two days directly broke the box office record of Great Xia.

It's not the scariest.

The most frightening thing was the horrible attendance rate of "Angry Qing Xiangxi", almost reaching [-]%, except for some who had important things to leave midway, the rest of the show was almost full.

It is still hard to find a ticket.

Tickets were hard to buy in the first place, and those with the first swipe hadn't gotten the tickets yet, and the second swipe started to join the army of grabbing tickets, making the original situation even worse.

Netizens are very depressed about this.

"Please, big brothers and sisters who are second brushes, don't compete with us for tickets, give the children a chance."

"My friend has cancer and is going to die tomorrow. Before he died, he had a wish. He wanted to watch "Nu Qing Xiangxi". Could someone with good intentions give me a ticket."

"Please, my friend also has cancer, please also ask for a ticket."

"I'd like to buy it with plain black silk, does anyone sell it?"

"Damn it, I'm going all out, give me a ticket, I'll be your girlfriend for a day, you can do whatever you want."


In order to get a movie ticket, the netizens are doing their best.

This movie is so popular, Director Zhang laughs from ear to ear almost every day, and he will be woken up by laughing in his dreams.

And those stars who boycotted "The Ancient City of Essence" for the sake of popularity, are now nailed to the pillar of shame, and are constantly being pulled out to flog their corpses.

At the same time, another big event happened.

Just in the morning, the archaeological team officially announced that the Longteng archaeological team will be stationed in Chonggu, and a webcast will be broadcast at that time.

Apparently, Su Xin's archaeological team had a good time before, and now other archaeological teams have also moved their minds.

A live broadcast can earn tens of millions of dollars, which is a lot of money for the archaeological team.

As soon as the news came out, netizens became even more excited.

"If the game is still the same as the reality this time, it will be exciting."

"Hahaha, it feels like a real punishment, there are more and more judges."

"The official also understands the popularity, but I'm looking forward to it."

"It's not going to be in the middle of the broadcast and then turn off the live broadcast after discovering something amazing, that would be too uncomfortable."


Netizens are looking forward to it.

For a moment, almost all the eyes of the whole network were focused on Insect Valley, and the local traffic suddenly skyrocketed, driving local tourism and other industries.

The local officials even seized the opportunity and really became popular.

Officials in other places are envious. They all think about whether to go to Lin Mu and ask Lin Mu to make a local game. This is the secret to the explosion.


(End of this chapter)

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