Chapter 222 It's That Simple

News about Insect Valley came one day, and sharp-eyed netizens found a notice on the official website of the local police station, an extremely outrageous notice.

The general content is that 108 tomb robbers were recently captured.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded, and quickly became a trending search.

"Good guy, are these tomb robbers really quick-witted? The game has just been launched, and they have already gone ahead of schedule."

"It is estimated that when Mumumu Studio released the first cg, some people rushed to Worm Valley."

"The official speed of action is still slow. Someone must have gone in."

"Hahaha, this is simply the grave of a grave robber."

"It's really ruthless, so many tomb robbers were caught at once, this is going to take over the old nest of tomb robbers."


This news is dumbfounding.

Netizens all took it as a talking point for a smile, but those who originally had the idea of ​​robbing the tomb gave up the idea in an instant.

Insect Valley!

Two people were leaning against a big tree, both of them were in tattered clothes, like beggars, with scabbed wounds on their bodies, both of them looked weak.

These two people are the first group of third masters to come in.

Now, only the third master and Scarface are left.

When the two of them came in, they were full of vigor and vigor, but now they are both skinny and skinny, and they seem to be dying soon.

"Third Master, we, still, do we want to continue? Brothers, we are all dead, we, two..." Scarface sighed, his face full of fear.

They have been here for a month, and they are still alive, which also shows their abilities.

And the tomb robbers who came after them were not caught by the police, and almost all died.

The two of them can survive until now, but they just feel unwilling.

After finally getting here, all the brothers are dead. If I just go back like this, I am really unwilling. Who knows if the Tomb of King Xian will be in front.

The third master gritted his teeth, "It's come to this point, if you go back, are you willing? His grandma, I have been fighting for so many years, and this is the first time I have suffered such a big loss. If I go back, how can I mess around on the road? I have dug the King’s Tomb.”

Scarface smiled wryly, "But, third master... hey."

He wanted to persuade him, but seeing the resolute look of the third master, he still gave up, "Third master, why don't we wait, as long as the game is open, there will definitely be a way for us to enter safely."

"I can't wait any longer. Do you think the officials are just eating dry food? When the game comes out, they will come too. There is no food for us. Take a good rest and sleep well tonight. Tomorrow, we will continue. I have a hunch. We should be close!" The third master still insisted.

"Okay, listen to the third master!" Scarface gritted his teeth and decided to continue.

Those who travel a hundred miles are half to ninety, these two people are persistent enough, but they far underestimated the horror of presenting the king's tomb.


The sky is bright.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang prepared their equipment and were ready to set off.

No matter whether Zhou Suyi got the information of the water cave or not, they had to start, at worst they had to climb the snow mountain.

Zhou Suyi came out and stretched her waist.

She slept in the game, and she also slept in reality. Although the time was short, she was in good spirits.

"Brother Yang, how is it, how is it?" Fatty Wang saw Zhou Suyi, and immediately ran up to ask the result.

Hu Bayi also hurried over.

Zhou Suyi smiled triumphantly, "It's done!"

"Damn it, Miss Yang, did you put the peacock to sleep? You talked about it after sleeping all night?" Fatty Wang looked surprised.

"Get out, you bastard." Zhou Suyi cursed.

Fatty Wang quickly waved his hand, "No, no, that's not what I meant, what I mean is, why don't you just take a nap, and Miss Peacock will tell you."

Hu Bayi also looked curious.

Zhou Suyi was proud, "I told her a lot of things outside, as well as some of my experiences abroad, and then she told me."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Zhou Suyi really didn’t lie, she communicated with Peacock and found that Peacock is a girl who is yearning for the outside world and eager for adventure, and then she told Peacock about Shirley Yang’s various adventures abroad, which made Peacock’s admiration reached 100%.

Then, the peacock said the location of the water hole.

"Yes, sister Zhou has some ideas."

"This woman has figured out the game."

"It looks more and more like Shirley Yang Benyang."

"Hurry up, little girl Dai and the others are almost catching up with you, sister Zhou, speed up the progress."

"Brothers, I feel like I'm going to have a good time."


Netizens are looking forward to the next plot.

"Eat something, ready to go!" Zhou Suyi went to find something to eat.

Fatty Wang stroked his hair, "Old Hu, tell me, if I tell you something about my past glorious deeds, will the peacock girl also have to worship me?"

"Hehe!" Hu Bayi rolled his eyes, "About you? What about your glorious deeds? About you reselling tapes everywhere, or about you being so poor that you can't even afford food!"

"Hey, Hu, from what you said, when we fought Zongzi in Niuxinshan, Fatty, I was very fierce."


After breakfast, Zhou Suyi and the others bid farewell to the peacock.

Peacock watched them leave with some reluctance.

When they left the village, the villagers still looked at them unkindly.

However, a few people ignored it.

Following the guidance of the peacock, he quickly found a big river, followed the river all the way down, and found a hidden cave at the foot of the mountain.

The outside of the cave is covered by vines, so you can't see it if you don't look carefully.

"It should be here. It happens that there is a bamboo forest here. Let's get a bamboo raft and go in!" Zhou Suyi said.


When Fatty Wang saw that the target was right in front of him, that was hard work and excitement.

Next, the three of them worked together to cut bamboos around, and started to make bamboo rafts with local materials.

Zhou Suyi doesn't know how to do this handicraft, but fortunately Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty are masters, but they are very skillful with their hands.

After a while, they made a big bamboo raft.

After installing the equipment, the three of them couldn't wait, they got on the bamboo raft, went down the river, and entered the cave.

The temperature in the cave was very low, Zhou Suyi tried the water temperature with her hands, and it was freezing cold.

"so cold!"

Hu Bayao: "The water should flow down from the snow line on the top of the mountain, so the temperature is extremely low."

As soon as you enter the water cave, it is like entering another world.

There are many stalactites on the top of the cave, which are wonders left over millions of years ago, making people feel like they have come to another world.

Zhou Suyi felt novelty, "It's so beautiful, it's not much more enjoyable than going on a trip!"

She feels more and more that the 299 yuan is the real value. In the game, she can not only experience the almost perfect and realistic beauty, but also the thrilling adventure.

If you go out to play these projects, there is no one who can't get it.

You can also stay at home, which is simply the gospel for lazy people.

Let’s just say that even if you’re afraid of plot risks, it’s enough to just go in and see the scenery. Otherwise, 300 can quickly buy a few tickets for scenic spots.


(End of this chapter)

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