Chapter 224 The Trigger
puff, puff...

The sound of falling into the water made one's scalp numb, and Zhou Suyi felt like her heart was about to jump out.

Originally, after watching the CG animation, there was a lot of psychological pressure.

I also learned some related knowledge about the art of warping, and I was even more frightened.

For her, the sniping technique is simply magic damage, how to block it?How to deal with it, I don't know anything at all.

Netizens' hearts were raised, and the screen was full of high-energy warnings.

Fortunately, the outside world is daytime now, otherwise, I have to send a few away.

"Fuck, these ancestors don't all cheat corpses, do they?" Fatty Wang shouted while rowing hard.

"You fucking don't want a crow's mouth!"

Zhou Suyi had lingering fears about Fatty Wang's crow's mouth.

Hu Bayi directly took out the flare gun, and shot it behind him.


The light suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire water hole like daylight, and then they saw that the corpses that were originally hanging were falling into the water one by one, like dumplings.

The corpses on the first floor were floating on the water, as if they were alive.

"Fuck, it's not good, hurry up, hurry up!" Hu Bayi's face changed drastically.

"No, no, it seems that there are no fake corpses!" Fatty Wang was slightly relieved when he saw that the corpses were not really fake corpses.

But Zhou Suyi was about to cry, "Don't you understand? It's not these corpses that are scary, but the bugs in their bodies. Hurry up!"

When Fatty Wang was reminded like this, he came back to his senses, and his face changed when he thought of the poisonous bug before.

This time it was really a fate, the two arms flew up.

Whether it should be said or not, Fatty Wang has a lot of energy, and the bamboo raft speeds up immediately.

However, how could this game let them escape so easily.

The corpses behind them fell faster and faster, getting closer and closer to them, then surpassed them, and began to spread forward rapidly.

For a moment, there was the sound of falling water all around.

There were several corpses that almost fell on their bamboo raft.

"It's over, what should I do?" Fatty Wang was in a hurry.

"What else can we do? Run away before the bugs hatch." Hu Bayi was still sober, escape was their only chance.

Because there were too many corpses, only a few hundred of them passed by, and who knew how many were ahead.

The light from the searchlight was too strong and too bright, and it was terrifying when it shone on the gray-brown human skin. Those figurines were like countless hanged ghosts, dangling in the narrow mid-air of the river.

What was even more frightening was that, further ahead, the chains were empty, the corpses had already fallen, and a layer of corpses was piled up on the water surface, which greatly restricted the speed of the bamboo raft.

However, the three soon discovered that after the corpses fell, there seemed to be no danger.

Fatty Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I said, are we overly nervous? It seems that there is nothing wrong. After so many years, it is impossible for the eggs in every human tunnel to remain alive, right?"

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "I hope so too, but..."

She wanted to say that it was impossible for this game to be so kind.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Hu Bayi relaxed a little, "Perhaps, we are really thinking too much. Many institutions in ancient times were arranged mostly to scare tomb robbers. For example, materials such as cinnabar soil are mixed like blood and water." , maybe, the layout here is to scare us and make us retreat!"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang became more confident, "Hehe, if this is the case, then Mr. Xian Wang really made a wrong calculation. Although he, Fatty, and I have other abilities, but I am so courageous! "

He made an exaggerated gesture with both hands.

"If you want to scare him, Fat Master, it's still far away."

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, who the hell was so frightened that her arms flew off just now.

"Fuck, no, look!"

Suddenly, Zhou Suyi saw changes in the corpses soaked in the water.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang hurriedly looked over.

It's okay if you don't look at it, the heart that just let go of this look suddenly lifts up again.

I saw that the river water soaked the human body's dry epidermis, cracks appeared on the taupe human skin, and the originally blurred human face became clear.

The mud on their faces cracked.

Under the dual effects of the light and the ripples of the river, the expressions on the faces of those people seemed to have changed, as if they had been revived in the river, each of them had a ferocious face, which was truly terrifying.

This scene was horrifying to the extreme.

Zhou Suyi thought that the scenes shown in the cg animation were already the scariest scenes, but now she realized that she still underestimated this underworld game.

The released cg is all drizzle.

These details are the most terrifying core.

"My mother, it's over, I don't dare to sleep at night, now I am urgently looking for a boyfriend."

"I, I, I have fresh soy milk and fried dough sticks."

"The Shadow of Childhood series is weak, but this Nima game is the ultimate in horror."

"Suddenly, what Silent Hill, Sadako, is so weak."

"It's over, it's over, I just bought the game, what should I do if I regret it."


Such a horrific picture really makes one's scalp burst.

And Zhou Suyi was in it, let alone.

Rao was in the ancient city of Jingjue, and her mind had been tempered a lot, but this scene still made her tremble all over, her heartbeat was also soaring, and she almost didn't enter the healing mode directly.

If Jingjue Ancient City started out as an adventure mode, then this game started out as a horror mode, two completely different styles.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were also furious.

"Fuck, old Hu, how many black donkey hooves did we bring, is it enough?" Fatty Wang's hair was just a little longer, otherwise, it would probably stand on end by now.

Needless to say, even if Hu Bayi saw this scene, he was much calmer than Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang.

"It's not a corpse scam, it's the light and shadow effect caused by the ripples."

"Damn it, feelings are meant to scare me, fuck me..." Fatty Wang waved the oar, but didn't dare to drop it.

Zhou Suyi also heaved a sigh of relief, at least it wasn't a real fraud, that's better.

If it's really a fraud, how many corpses are there? Even if the black donkey farms are all wrapped up, there may not be enough black donkey hooves.

But before she was happy for a second, she saw another change in the corpse.

The surface of the water suddenly seemed to be boiling, and bubbles continued to rise from below.

It was as if there was a huge pot underneath, boiling the water to a boil.

Those cracks that appeared on Renyong's body are gradually expanding and swelling, turning into cracks, and from Renyong's eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and the cracked holes in the body, bubbles are constantly emerging, and many dry insect eggs flow out of them. popped out.


(End of this chapter)

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