Chapter 225 This is clearly unsolvable

The body of the corpse was cracked, and countless insect eggs emerged from it, densely packed, some like frog eggs stacked on top of each other, and anyone who watched would suffer from dense phobia.


Zhou Suyi looked at those eggs, and instantly got goosebumps.

Those insect eggs live when they see water, just like a dry sponge absorbs water, it expands rapidly, and its body becomes a white water pig the size of a finger belly.

This water pig is different from normal water pigs. Although its body is similar to that of a leech, there are fins like little finger caps growing on both sides, like wings. It swims extremely fast, and they all swim towards the bamboo raft at high speed.

"Hey, what kind of bug is this?" Zhou Suyi had never seen this kind of strange bug before, and felt that it was so dense that it made one's scalp tingle.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang recognized it.

"This is the horrifying water hornet in Yunnan. This kind of shallow water insects likes to attach to floating objects to lay eggs. Sometimes in the paddy fields of Yunnan, Guangxi and Vietnam, the buffaloes that are farming suddenly If you jump up and run wildly, you will be bitten by a water bee." Hu Bayi quickly popularized science.

Fatty Wang's face turned green, "My mother, I heard that this thing is a cow bitten, and it will scream in pain. If we are called, my mother, I don't dare to think about it, I don't dare to think about it, Old Hu, you should give me a shot first, give me a good time, I don’t want to die in such pain, Fat Lord, if I go down and say that I was killed by bugs, it will be even more embarrassing and thrown home.”

"That's not right, old Hu, why does the water hornet have wings? Is this damn mutated?"

"Stop talking nonsense, are you still talking nonsense at this time, hurry up and copy the guy!" Hu Bayi cursed.

While speaking, those water hog bees that came out first had already rushed forward.

Zhou Suyi's reaction was fairly quick, and she quickly pulled out the vajra umbrella from her back and blocked it in front of her.

dang dang...

Those water hornets were quite powerful, and they made a tinkling sound when they hit the vajra umbrella, which was called a crisp sound.

Both Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi took out their engineering shovels and kept hitting them.

The jingling sound was endless, and several people soon broke out in sweat.

"No, if this goes on, I'll be exhausted sooner or later, I have to find a way to get out of here!" Zhou Suyi shouted loudly.

Although she is very strong, there are too many water hog bees here.

There are tens of thousands of corpses in one corpse. With so many corpses here, if they beat them one by one, even nine lives would not be enough to kill them.

"Find a way to rush out." Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang glanced at the front with an ugly expression, "No way, the front is blocked by corpses, so I can't draw my hand at all."

"Fatty, clean up the corpse, and Miss Yang and I will cover you!" Hu Ba said.

"it is good!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi killed the water hornets that were rushing up one by one, protecting Fatty Wang in front of her.

Fatty Wang hurriedly pushed away all the corpses in front with his engineering shovel, and the bamboo raft moved forward slowly.

However, there are too many water hog bees.

They were trapped for a while, and more and more water hornets rushed forward.


Fatty Wang exclaimed, as if he had been bitten, he groaned in pain, and almost fell into the river.

It's not that Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi don't work hard, it's really hard to guard against.

This thing was the size of a little finger, and it was extremely fast. It jumped out of the water, and it was impossible to determine its position. It could block one, but it couldn't block ten or eight.

At this scene, the netizens who watched were sweating for them, so nervous that they couldn't breathe.


Zhou Suyi suddenly felt a pain in her calf, it felt like being pricked by a needle, it was very painful, this was not the scariest thing.

The most frightening thing is that this thing seems to be able to secrete a neurotoxin, making the wound more painful.

After only a short while, the pain became unbearable, as if a knife was stirring it non-stop, big beads of sweat dripped down on Zhou Suyi's forehead.

I don't know if it's painful or tired.

"No, oh fuck, it hurts to death!" Fatty Wang screamed a few more times, and was bitten a few more times, so painful that he almost rolled on the bamboo raft.

Hu Bayi also snorted a few times, but it was clear from his face that he was also bitten a few times, and now he is holding on.


Zhou Suyi was hit again, and her arm was bitten out of reach. After the water hornet took a bite, it fell to the ground, seemingly dead, motionless.

Zhou Suyi cried out in pain again, feeling that her arm became more and more inflexible due to the severe pain, and then a chain reaction occurred.

More and more water hog bees landed on her.

Heartbreaking pain swept through her body again and again, causing her to fall on the bamboo raft and scream. The pain made her lose all thinking ability, fell into the water, and was instantly surrounded by water hornets.

Fortunately, surrounded by countless water hornets, his consciousness soon became blurred.

【game over】

Zhou Suyi suddenly opened her eyes. Although the painful feeling disappeared, she still had lingering fears and gasped for breath.

Although he had died hundreds of times, the degree of pain this time would definitely rank among the top three.

"It's too perverted, it's too perverted, this damn, at least level 12, although I haven't given birth to a child, it definitely hurts countless times more than giving birth to a child, shit, how can this damn, it's impossible Go!" Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth.

Thinking about having dinner with Lin Mu two days ago, this guy was still gentle and gentle, but who would have thought that the game designed by such a person would be so ruthless.

"Good guy, just like the earth tornado that started in Jingjue Ancient City, the start is in hell mode."

"Before, I relied on God's blessing to pass the test. What will I rely on this time?"

"I added ten points of willpower to the hidden mission before, it seems useless."

"Although I don't know how much it hurts, I can tell from their appearance that it hurts a lot. It's definitely not enough to rely on willpower alone."

"Then how do you live? There are so many water hornets, it is almost an unsolvable mode."


Although the netizens didn't experience the pain in person, they could feel the pain of Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi in the game.

This is something that no one can bear.

The most perverted thing is that the water hornets are almost endless, and this level is equivalent to no solution, and it is impossible to pass it.

Originally, netizens thought that Zhou Suyi had cleared such a difficult game as Jingjue Ancient City. After accumulating so much experience and abilities, wouldn't it be easy to clear the second game?

But now they found out that it was a big mistake and that was not the case at all.

The degree of abnormality of this Yunnan Chonggu is far better than that of Jingjue Ancient City.

All of a sudden, players from all walks of life began to brainstorm, thinking about how to pass the customs here. Everyone knows that as long as they can be the first to pass the customs here, it may lead to another wave of enthusiasm.

Teacher Ma before became so popular, who wouldn't be envious.


(End of this chapter)

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