Chapter 226 Really Found

For Zhou Suyi, it is a trouble now, but for many other anchors, this is simply an opportunity.

In the morning, Miss Dai copied a wave of Zhou Suyi's homework, and finally found the water hole. After seeing Zhou Suyi stuck, she couldn't be happier.

"Hahaha, I missed the opportunity of the Jingjue ancient city fire. Now, I must not miss it again. This time, it is tailor-made for me. The next fire will be me!"

Dai Xiaomei still regrets what happened before.

Originally, Lin Mu was the first to go to her live broadcast room to promote, but she regretted that she missed the opportunity to play the big fire, and then spent 50 to buy the resources of the game. In the end, not many people watched it, and 50 did not make any money. Come back, even more depressed.

Now the opportunity is in front of you, how can you miss it.

Immediately entered the game without much research.

That's how people are, when they watch other people playing, they scratch their heads anxiously, thinking that it's nothing, it must be better if they play by themselves, but as soon as they go in, they find that's not the case.

It's one thing to look at those hanging corpses from the outside, but quite another to experience them in person.

The huge psychological pressure almost made people collapse.

As a result, as soon as the corpse fell, the little girl was frightened and entered the healing mode.

Teacher Ma thinks the same way.

He is the most popular anchor besides Zhou Suyi, but who would dislike the opportunity to become more popular.

However, Teacher Ma is not stupid, he also saw that there is almost no solution in the water cave, so he didn't dare to go through the water cave, he used a stupid method and chose to climb the snow mountain to get there.

Teacher Ma thinks that the snow mountain is nothing more than that, no matter how cold it is, you just need to wear more clothes.

Then, set off with full confidence.

As a result, it was discovered that it was not the case.

Not to mention the coldness on the snow-capped mountain, although I wore a lot of clothes, I was still unbearably cold, and then I fell into the ice crevice for the first time and was frozen to death inside.

Falling from the side of the snow cliff for the second time, he was smashed to pieces.

Only then did he realize that this method is not very good, and climbing snow-capped mountains is much more difficult than he thought.

Zhou Suyi has been trying for the past two days,

At first, I tried to go directly without triggering the mechanism, but the bamboo raft was too heavy to carry it, and then I went into the water to try to crack the mechanism.

But let’s not talk about how cold it is underwater, this mechanism is a series of copper locks, it is almost impossible to pass without touching the mechanism.

I also thought of other ways, such as directly bringing an insecticide flamethrower or something, but it was useless, and I could only hold it a little farther.

No matter what method you think of, you have no chance in front of countless water hogs, and you will be killed by the water hogs in the end, and you will die in pain.

For a while, the players on the entire network were stuck again.

But this time was different from the first time.

Before Jingjue Ancient City, players suspected that there would be no follow-up to the game, and it would be over there, but no one doubted this time, which is the benefit of word-of-mouth.

In the past few days, more and more people have cleared the customs in Jingjue Ancient City. After all, with Zhou Suyi's experience, although the accumulated data is not as good as Zhou Suyi, they can barely pass the customs.

The word of mouth of Nu Qing Xiangxi has been fermenting. A few days have passed, but I still can't buy tickets, and the daily box office is maintained at the highest level.

And the archaeological team has entered Zhelongzhai.

This time, the Longteng archaeological team invited Su Xin to help with the live broadcast. After all, Su Xin has experience and is also a member of the archaeological team. The person in charge of this archaeological operation is Chen Yan, a relatively young archaeological professor.

You say you are young, but you are actually almost 50 years old.

Team Li was also invited to be in charge of security-related matters because of his previous experience.

In the room, Chen Yan called the main personnel for a small meeting.

"This time, the purpose of our coming here is needless to say. In recent years, funds have been in short supply, so I have no choice but to apply for this project. Although it may be a waste of money, I hope everyone will not slack off, and be serious and do your best. work!" Chen Yan said.

In fact, he really didn't report any hope.

The reality of Jingjue Ancient City is almost exactly the same as the game. This kind of thing is rare in the world.

He also thought about it, even if the designer of Jingjue Ancient City was really a tomb robber, how could he commit the same crime again after learning from this experience.

To be honest, this time I came here just to catch the heat. If I can really raise some funds, that would be great.

Everyone nodded. Although they didn't report any hope, everyone seemed to be looking forward to it.

Most of these people are young people, and they have all been exposed to two games, so if they can personally participate in reality and the game, it would be really hot.

"Su Xin, I heard that you did a good job in the live broadcast last time, this time it's up to you!"

The reason why I asked Su Xin to come was because I didn't need to pay any money, and it would be quite a bit of a fee to be another anchor.

With a poor family background, Chen Yan can save as much as he can.

Su Xin smiled awkwardly, "Actually, the effect was good before, it was because of the game, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"The young man is too modest. I heard that it was you who helped solve a problem in the game before it became popular!" Chen Yan said.

"Eh... this, it's not me, it's my teacher's credit!" Su Xin was a little embarrassed.

After all, it was Professor Zhong who discovered that there was a problem under the well in the ruins of Xiye Ancient City.

"Haha, it's all the same!" Chen Yan was very satisfied with this humble young man.

He looked at Captain Li again, "Captain Li, this time the security depends on you!"

"Don't worry, we will do our best!" Team Li said very solemnly.

In the group of Jingjue Ancient City, he had seen that the ancient tomb could really be so dangerous.

The giant centipede that is more than ten meters long, the earth dragon that is tens of meters long, and the extremely weird corpse-scented konjac, everything is terrifying.

Fortunately, after professionals took over there, they didn't have to continue to face those weird things.

Therefore, this trip to the Insect Valley was well prepared.

All kinds of weapons and equipment are complete.

"Professor Chen, Professor Chen, I really found it, I really found it!"

At this moment, a staff member ran in excitedly.

Professor Chen hurriedly asked: "Don't worry, talk slowly, what did you find?"

How could the staff not be excited, and said excitedly: "The vanguard troops we sent out really found that water hole!"

"The water hole in the game?" Chen Yan stood up abruptly and became excited.

"That's right, that's the water hole in the game!" the staff member said.

Chen Yan squeezed his hand subconsciously, and his hand trembled a little.






Chen Yan swallowed, and became even more excited.

"Let's go, take me!" Chen Yan trotted out excitedly, then suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned around, "Su Xin, start, start, start now!"

"Okay!" Su Xin became nervous and excited for a while.

The others also ran outside excitedly, only Captain Li's expression became solemn in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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