Chapter 227 I can't explain it clearly

The news of finding the water cave came back, and the entire archaeological team was boiling.

After all, everyone didn't have any hope before coming here. To be honest, they just came here to earn a wave of funds, but if it is really the same as in the game, then it is really a big prize.

Su Xin quickly took out the device and started the live broadcast.

Due to the warm-up in advance and the blessing of the Yunnan Chonggu game, many people have been waiting for it for a long time. Although the broadcasting time has been advanced now, many people poured in immediately.

"Ah, it's so much earlier, it's not in vain for me to come here early to squat."

"Hahaha, it's finally here. This time, don't stop midway."

"I watch the live broadcast of sister Zhou's game on my mobile phone, and watch the live broadcast of the archaeological team on my computer. It's so enjoyable."

"Why are these people in such a hurry, what happened?"

"It seems like hey, why are you so excited?"


As soon as the broadcast started, netizens saw the excited archaeological team, and they were all a little curious, not knowing what happened.

While running along, Su Xin explained: "Hello everyone, I am Su Xin, and we met again. I won't say so many opening remarks for this live broadcast. Now, our staff found a I found a water hole, which seems to be the same as the water hole in the game, and now I am rushing to have a look.”

Hearing this, netizens became even more excited.

"Good guy, if it's still the same this time, how will Mumumu Studio explain it?"

"Too much punishment, too much judgment, Lin Mu is really brave."

"I really didn't expect Lin Mu to be so stubborn. He couldn't explain it last time. This time, he dared to do it!"


Netizens don't know what to say about Lin Mu.

You can say that he is not a tomb robber, but the game he designed is exactly the same as the reality. He is not a tomb robber. If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can everything be so appropriate.

But if you want to say that he is a tomb robber, how dare the tomb robber do such a thing?
Are you really not afraid of being arrested by the police if they find evidence?
They were curious, but Lin Mu really had a headache.

"Hey, I don't know if that reason can be prevaricated this time, hey, it's so difficult!" Lin Mu could only think in his heart how to perfect the excuse last time.

Once the archaeological team followed up, it was almost certain that the police would come to find him again.

The water cave is still far away from the archaeological team's camp, and cars are not allowed inside, so a group of people ran directly there.

Fortunately, these members of the archaeological team have been working outside all year round, and their physical fitness is good. Even Chen Yan insisted on running over.

When they arrived nearby, the surrounding area had already been alerted. A not-so-big river passed through a water hole about three meters high and flowed into the depths of the water hole.

"Hahaha, like, it's really too similar!" Chen Yan laughed when he saw the water hole.

He also did some work, and even registered an account following Professor Zhong, and tried it out, but he really didn't have the talent for the game, so he couldn't pass the first level.

Therefore, it can only be related to Zhou Suyi, and I often watch it.

It can be said that Zhou Suyi didn't remember everything inside as clearly as Chen Yan.

Therefore, Chen Yan could tell at a glance that the shape of the water hole was almost exactly the same as in the game.

"Wow, do we have a chance to take a real risk?"

"The Thai pants are hot, haha, next time I have a drink with my friends, I'll brag!"

"Hey, hey, don't be too happy, you guys. I watched Sister Zhou's live broadcast. It's so scary. Now Sister Zhou is trapped!"

Several young people in the archaeological team were very excited.

Others are playing games, and they are exploring in reality. For young people, they can play for a whole year, no, they can play for a lifetime, and it is exciting to think about it.

Chen Yan was even more excited.

He is relatively young, and his status in the archaeological world is not that high, but if he really finds the King Xian's tomb this time, his status will definitely rise sharply.

"Hurry up, let's make bamboo rafts too, let's all move!" Chen Yan urged excitedly.

Team Li hurriedly said: "Professor Chen, there is no need to make a bamboo raft, we brought a kayak!"

"Yes yes yes, oops, I was so anxious that I forgot about it!" Chen Yan poked his hand excitedly, a little uneasy.

Team Li is fine, after all, he saw a big scene last time.

"Professor Chen, you should wait here first. I'll take someone in to see the situation. If there is no danger, you can come in again!" Captain Li said.

Chen Yan nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, I'll trouble you then, by the way, bring the camera!"

"it is good!"

Team Li immediately arranged for someone to prepare the kayak, and he entered the water cave with two people.

The searchlight illuminates everything in front of him, and everything in the water cave is presented in the lens.

Chen Yan and the others gathered around, waiting nervously.

Whether it is the same as in the game, or just a coincidence, no one can be sure, so everyone is very nervous at the moment.

The kayak moved forward quickly, twisting and turning.

Team Li was also very nervous. After all, everything presented in the previous game was too scary and too dangerous. Although they thought they had made sufficient preparations, no one knew whether it would work or not, and they were extremely nervous.

"Captain, look!"

Suddenly, Xiao Zhang next to him pointed forward, his face full of shock.

In the picture, the picture of the fierce beast opening its mouth to swallow the red stone beads appeared.

"Ye, same, haha, same, great, great!" Chen Yan was as excited as a child, dancing and dancing, without the calmness that a professor should have at all.

The young people beside him cheered even more excitedly.

They watched the excitement here, but Li Dui's heart was raised in an instant, and he took out his weapon.

"Everyone cheer up, there may be danger ahead!"

The three of them immediately focused on the front, all took out their weapons, and were ready to fight at any time.

The kayak quickly passed through the beast's mouth and entered it.

ding ding dong...

There was a faint sound of metal colliding, which made people's hearts rise to their throats.

When the searchlight illuminated the eyes, the first thing I saw were bronze chains with thick copper rust, hanging on them, as if they were tools to lead them to hang themselves one by one.

However, there was no corpse on it.

"Why, there are no corpses? Where are the hanging corpses!" Xiao Zhang wondered in a low voice, trembling in his voice that he didn't notice.

Li Dui and another team member also had their hearts in their throats.

Take a deep breath and try to calm down as much as possible.

Then, everyone's eyes gradually moved down. When they saw the situation under the water, they were prepared and terrified.


Xiao Zhang was so frightened that he screamed and almost fell into the river. Fortunately, Team Li grabbed him.


(End of this chapter)

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