Chapter 228 The Horror of Reality

The scene under the water will definitely become a nightmare for many people.

It was too scary, Rao Team Li and Xiao Zhang had received professional training and had strong psychological quality, but they were still frightened.

I saw densely packed corpses floating about half a meter below the water surface.

These corpses are the ones hanging from the chains before. It seems that they have been soaked for a long time, and the mud on their faces has fallen off, but because there is a layer of shell left, they did not rot. Instead, they were soaked in water. The facial features become clearer.

Their expressions are very painful, and their facial features are almost twisted together. Under the rippling ripples, it's not to mention how terrifying.

And that's not the scariest.

The most frightening thing is that among these corpses, there are many people wearing modern clothes.

There were men and women among these people, and none of them stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths wide, as if they had suffered a great deal of pain before they died. Their bodies didn't know whether they were soaked or swollen, and they became bigger. a few laps.

And on their bodies, they were holding the hands of those people, as if they were thrown into the water by those people before, and they were suffocated to death.


Captain Li gasped.

This picture is really scary.

Netizens were also frightened. Many people were so frightened that they dropped their mobile phones on the ground, and some were so frightened that they screamed again and again.

In classrooms, offices, buses and subways, there were constant screams, and the scene was somewhat chaotic.

"Oh my god, I thought the pictures in the game were scary enough, but I didn't expect the reality to be even scarier."

"All art comes from reality. As expected, compared with reality, the game is still relatively conservative."


"These people are not all tomb robbers, are they? How did they die? Is it really difficult to be dragged down by those people?"

"It is said that a person who dies unjustly will die with regret, so it seems that this is also true!"


This scene really left a psychological shadow on many people. What kind of childhood shadow series, compared with the scene in front of me, it is simply nothing.

Chen Yan and the others, who were dancing outside, lost their composure in an instant. They were all silent for a while, with extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

Those young people who had thought about going in to explore before suddenly felt that it was better to go outside.

"Captain, these people, judging by their clothes and appearance, the time of death should not exceed one month!" Xiao Zhang said!

Li Dui said: "I heard that the nearby police have arrested a large number of tomb robbers, but now it seems that there are still a lot of fish that escaped the net and entered here, it's just..."

Li Dui didn't go on to say, these people are really miserable.

Looking at the expression on that face, one can imagine what kind of horror they encountered during their lifetime.


Suddenly, the water rolled over.


Xiao Zhang was taken aback, his nerves were really tense.

Everyone hurriedly looked up, and saw a dead body floating to the surface of the water from below. This is, this posture is really weird.

The corpse was standing. Judging by the facial features, it seemed to be a female corpse. The taupe skin really looked like Shura, the evil ghost from hell.

She stood upright under the water with her head out of the water. Although there were only two dark eye sockets left for her eyes, it gave the impression that she was looking at Dui Li and the others.


Li Dui felt like his scalp was about to explode.

Xiao Zhang and the others were even more frightened and trembled, their hands holding the guns were shaking non-stop.

Good guy, I thought the scene just now was a horror ceiling, who would have thought that there could be something even more amazing.

This time, I don't know how many timid netizens were scared to pee.

Fortunately, it's not dark yet, otherwise, it is estimated that many people will have nightmares tonight.

"Team, team, team, captain, she, she, she, she won't, won't, will she cheat?" Xiao Zhang was so frightened that he couldn't speak fluently.

Tension spread between the three of them.

Li Dui frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, a mummy, how could it be fraudulent!"

"But, but..." Xiao Zhang wanted to say, this corpse can still stand in the water without cheating, this scene is too evil.

The faces of Chen Yan and the others outside were also extremely serious.

Su Xin's face paled even more.

Originally thought that the canyon in front of Jingjue Ancient City was the ceiling of horror, but now it seems that compared with this place, it is simply nothing.

"My dear mother, I'm killing my dear, I'm just splashing, what are you doing with this?"

"Good guy, I never thought that what makes me feel the scariest is not a horror movie, but a live broadcast of reality."

"It's over, it's over, the corpse is cheating, Captain Li, run away quickly."

"Wave after wave, this is determined to send me away."


Netizens couldn't even handle the fright.

This is different from a game. No matter how scary the game is, if you don’t play it yourself but just watch it, you can subconsciously think that it’s not true.

But this is reality, whether it happened in real life or live broadcast, it makes people feel more immersive.

"Captain, what should we do? Still, do you want to continue?" Xiao Zhang asked.

To be honest, he wants to run now, but his status does not allow him to.

Facing the enemy, he can go forward bravely without fear, but this thing is really frightening.

Team Li didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking about what to do.

But they were thinking, and the female corpse didn't seem to give them time to think.

The body of the female corpse suddenly moved, and the water splashed, and the female corpse floated towards them at high speed.

"Fuck, shoot!"

Li Dui was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

The strings in Xiao Zhang's heart were stretched to the extreme. Hearing Captain Li's order, they immediately pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang...

Three guns fired consecutively and hit the body of the female corpse. The female corpse was punched with transparent bullet holes. The body also swayed, and the beating stopped.

However, before everyone could be happy, more and more corpses stood up from the water, as if they were all fake corpses all of a sudden.

"Captain, what should we do?" Xiao Zhang and the others felt like they were going to pee in fear.

"My God, all, all are up, we, we seem to be surrounded."


One corpse is scary enough, let alone so many corpses together, it feels like this is still the world, this is hell.

The big mouth of that ferocious beast is clearly the gate leading to hell, it's killing me.

Too Nima scary.

It can scare people to death.

That is to say, the three of them have excellent psychological qualities. If they were ordinary people, they would have fainted from fright.

There are so many corpses of tomb robbers here, it is estimated that [-]% of them were stunned and drowned in the river.


(End of this chapter)

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