Chapter 229 Reasoning
Corpses rising upright from the water, the scene is not to mention how horrifying, even horror movies can't make this effect, let alone reality.

Li Dui and others fired at each other.

When the bullets hit those corpses, they would immediately penetrate through them, and within a short time, the densely packed corpses were beaten into a sieve.

However, this has no effect on these corpses.

Because these corpses themselves are dead, it is impossible to be beaten to death again.

The circle of corpses was getting closer and closer to Team Li and the others, and Team Li and the others were running out of bullets.

"Captain, what should we do?" Xiao Zhang was about to cry.

"Retreat, retreat, escape first!" Captain Li did not dare to be reckless, and hastily issued an order to retreat.

Immediately, the three of them fired guns to suppress them while rowing backwards.


Suddenly, with a scream, Xiao Zhang collapsed on the kayak and covered his thigh, sweating coldly from the pain.

"Xiao Zhang, what's the matter?" Captain Li asked hurriedly.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, ah..."

Xiao Zhang rolled on the kayak in pain.

Li Dui's expression was extremely ugly, "Hold on!"

He gritted his teeth and took out a small blasting grenade.

This thing is not as powerful as a regular grenade, and it is used for small-scale blasting. Now, I can't control so much, so I just threw one at the corpses.


There was a muffled sound underwater, and a splash of water exploded at the center of the explosion, and the waves almost overturned their kayak.

Those corpses were also swept by the underwater turbulence.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Team Li and the others hurriedly paddled their kayaks and fled here quickly.

Fortunately, after the beast's big mouth came out, those corpses stopped chasing them. It seemed that there was an invisible barrier blocking their way.

Xiao Zhang was in so much pain that he finally fainted from the pain.

Team Li was in a hurry and had no choice but to speed up and take Xiao Zhang away.

When they went out, there were already people outside to meet them. Immediately, the team doctor came up to check the situation of Arrogance, and soon found that there was a blackened and swollen place on Xiao Zhang's calf.

The surrounding black lines spread to the surroundings, as if spreading out, and there seemed to be something wriggling under the skin, which was creepy to watch.

"This, this seems to have parasites, the situation is very dangerous, hurry to the hospital!" The team doctor was helpless.

Xiao Zhang was quickly sent to the hospital.

The faces of the rest of them were extremely ugly.

I thought this was a good thing for them, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen just after entering.

If Team Li and the others hadn't gone in early to explore the way, the archaeological team would have been in danger of being directly wiped out if they went in together.

Now, everyone is drooping their faces, how could they be as excited as before.

"How could this happen!" Chen Yan scratched his hair, which was already messed up like a chicken coop, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

He looked at Captain Li, "Captain Li, have you experienced it yourself, are those corpses really fraudulent?"

This result is difficult to accept.

What if it's really a scam?
Could it be possible to invite a few Taoist priests to subdue demons?

It's simply a joke of the world.

I have to bring a few Taoist priests with me when I come out to do archaeology. Will the School of Archeology still need to major in Taoist priests in the future?

Li Dui was silent, and he didn't want to accept the result, but seeing it with his own eyes, how could it be wrong.

Everyone saw him silent, but the answer was self-evident.

"How about, why don't we go to Wutai Mountain and invite some masters to come over and help, and save those dead souls!" Someone said.

Normally, Chen Yan would definitely scold him, but now he feels that this is not impossible.

Su Xin said suddenly: "I think we may have been misled!"

"What do you mean?"

For a moment, everyone looked at her.

After all, Su Xin participated in the excavation of Jingjue Ancient City, so he still has a say.

Su Xin said: "The first time we saw those people grabbing the corpses of those tomb robbers, we instinctively thought that they were fraudulent corpses, but if combined with the game, would it be that those people actually died in the In the hands of the water hog bee."

Everyone calmed down, and then they remembered the game.

Professor Chen said, "Su Xin, continue talking."

Su Xin nodded, "The wound on the leg of the previous team member was probably also stinged by a water hornet. Judging from the game, the sting of this mutated water hornet is very painful, and the pain will become more and more painful. Symptoms Are the same."

"But, it's different. In the game, when they entered the water hole, those water hornets swarmed in groups, and they were all on the water surface, but here, we didn't see any water hornets!" Someone questioned.

A game is a game, and reality is reality. Although they are very similar, it is not impossible for the game to make some changes on purpose.

Su Xin said: "You have also seen that there are many dead bodies in the water cave. These people may be the tomb robbers who came here before. They should have triggered the mechanism a long time ago. The water hornets have already passed the first wave. The stage that just hatched, is in the next stage."

Everyone nodded.

Those corpses were grave robbers, no one doubted that.

Except for tomb robbers, who would have nothing to do and enter a water hole that doesn't know where it leads.

Su Xin continued: "I don't know if you have noticed that after those water hornets hatched, the eyes of their bodies gradually turned gray and black, which was very similar to the skin color of those human beings. If they all inhabited on the surface of the corpse, Coupled with the dim lights in the water cave, it is almost difficult to be found!"

"So, I think it may not be the corpse that is fraudulent, but the water hornets attached to the surface of the corpse are moving, driving the corpse, making us mistake it for fraudulent corpse!"

After Su Xin finished speaking, everyone present was silent.

Li Dui suddenly stood up, "I'll go in again and try to get a human body out!"

Fraudulent corpses and water hog bees doing things are completely different things. Facing these two completely different things, the mentality is completely different.

So, you have to figure it out.

"Be careful, don't go in, use a rope to pull out one!" Chen Yan said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

Li Dui is also vigorous and resolute, and he will do what he says.

He is also really courageous. After experiencing such a terrifying thing just now, he still dares to go in now, which makes everyone admire him very much.

Chen Yan looked at Su Xin, his face full of relief, "Su Xin, it's fortunate that we asked you to help, the future generations are awesome, the future generations are awesome!"

Su Xin was a little embarrassed, "Professor Chen, these are all my guesses. I'm not sure about the actual situation!"

"No matter what the result is, it's good for you to have such an active mind!" Professor Chen looked at his students, quite disappointed.

The crowd waited again.

Li Dui led a few people in directly, and the few people who followed had their hearts raised in their throats.

Xiao Zhang's painful look before is still vivid in his memory, who is not afraid.


(End of this chapter)

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