Chapter 230 It's Really It

Team Li led a few people to bite the bullet and entered the water hole again. Although he was afraid, but he had a responsibility, he could only bite the bullet. Everyone was extremely nervous, including Team Li.

As Su Xin said, everything is just her guess, and the specifics are still uncertain.

Therefore, Team Li was also beating drums in his heart.

"Captain Li is really fighting hard, and he is really courageous. He can catch up with Fatty Wang."

"Captain Li, be careful."

"I hope Su Xin's guess is true, otherwise, I really won't be able to sleep at night."

"Barrage body protection, if you can talk, please talk more, I'm so nervous."


At this moment, the sky has gradually darkened, and without sunlight, it makes people feel extremely uncertain.

Everyone was sweating for Team Li and the others.

Soon, the kayak arrived at the door of the beast's big mouth. They didn't go in, and they could see the corpses floating inside from a long distance away.

The corpses seemed to have regained their composure, suspended about half a meter below the surface of the water.

There are still some stumps and broken arms left in it, which were just blown out.

"Wait for a while to hold Renyong, and immediately retreat!" He gave an order, and everyone nodded, with their hearts in their throats.

Captain Li took out a rope-firing gun, aimed at the nearest intact human body, and fired.


The arrow flew fast with the rope, just right through the corpse.

The corpse shook a few times in the water, but did not stand upright as before.

Li Dui's heart was in his throat, and he slowly pulled the rope, and the corpse was slowly pulled over.

At this moment, all eyes were on the corpse.

The corpse slowly approached the stone statue of the beast, but suddenly, for some reason, the corpse trembled violently and struggled.

The surface of the water is boiling, like a drowning person, who is frantically trying his best to save himself.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and everyone present was trembling with fright.

Captain Li trembled and almost let go of the rope.

This scene is too scary.

But he gritted his teeth and pulled the rope hard.

clap la la...

The surface of the water kept rolling, and the body struggled more and more violently, splashing water everywhere.

The closer it was to the beast, the harder the corpse struggled, as if he was afraid of the beast.

The archaeological team camp was dead silent, and no one spoke, as if they were afraid that speaking would disturb something.

Zhou Suyi has been trying for the past few days, but she has been unable to make it through, which annoys her. Seeing the archaeological team live broadcast, she also ran over to watch together, looking for inspiration.

This scene shocked her too.

"It seems that I really misunderstood Lin Mu, good guy, this reality is countless times more terrifying than the content in the game!"

She felt that if she encountered this scene at that time, she might really be scared to pee.

It would be a shame to be ashamed.



Human Yong seemed to be crazy. When he got close to the beast, he almost jumped out of the water. However, after passing the beast's mouth, the whole body suddenly stopped moving, and the water became calm.

This sudden calm made Li Dui and the others even more uncertain.

Several team members were holding guns, ready to shoot at any time, for fear that the corpse would come suddenly.

Don't be afraid of doing things all the time, but be afraid of being surprised.

Team Li didn't dare to keep approaching the corpse to them, and said to go, the others immediately rowed, pulled the corpse and rowed out of the water hole.

Not long after, the body was pulled out.

Everyone hid and watched from a distance, not daring to get close, for fear that the corpse would cheat again.

Team Li went ashore and pulled the corpse up with a rope.

Although it was already sunset, it was still much brighter than the inside, but the gray-brown skin was really light-absorbing, and it was hard to see clearly at a distance.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no danger, Li Dui gritted his teeth and approached boldly.

"Captain Li, be careful!" Everyone hurriedly reminded.

Li Dui waved his hand to signal them not to be afraid.

When they got close to the corpse, Team Li finally made some discoveries.

On the body surface of this corpse, there is a dense layer of fish scale-like things.

These things are piled up layer by layer, and the color is exactly the same as that of the skin of the corpse. If you look closely, it seems that there are two transparent wings.

"Yes, Water Horn!"

Li Dui had goosebumps all over his body, and the densely packed water hornets piled up on top of each other, which really made people feel panicky.

However, these water hornets are motionless now, as if they are dead.

He picked up a wooden stick and poked them, but the water hogs remained motionless.

"Captain Li, how is it?" Su Xin asked from behind.

Team Li said: "It's water-hog bees. The surface of the corpse is covered with a layer of water-hog bees. The movement of the corpse before should really be caused by the movement of water-hog bees. However, it seems that these water-hog bees are all dead!"

"It's really a water hornet, not a fake corpse!"

Hearing this, a big stone in everyone's heart finally fell.

Chen Yan was the first to run over, looked carefully, and then wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Strange, there, these water hornets can drive a corpse to move, but after they come out, why are they all dead for no reason!" Someone asked curiously.

Everyone shook their heads, unable to figure it out.

Su Xin suddenly thought of something, "Could it be the red stone bead, which feels quite abrupt when placed there, or could it actually be used to limit the spread of these water hornets? "

"Hey, it's really possible!" Chen Yan nodded, admiring Su Xin even more.

I can't wait to ask Professor Zhong to bring someone over.

"But what's the reason?"

Su Xin thought for a while, "Maybe it's a magnetic field or some kind of radiation. Someone can check the strength of the magnetic field or radiation here."

"Yes, yes, find someone to do it right away!" Chen Yan said, "By the way, take one of the water hog bees and send it for inspection. By the way, ask some zoologists and botanists to find out what it is."

Immediately, the staff immediately began to get busy.

The archaeological team finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it was the water hornet who did the thing, there was no such great pressure in my heart. It was much better than the result of fraudulent corpses, and it was acceptable.

"Hey, fortunately, it's not really a fake corpse, otherwise, I really want to doubt everything in this world."

"Su Xin is awesome, I like it very much."

"It's a pity, Su Xin is here to help, otherwise, I want to watch Su Xin play games."

"This water? Is the bee so evil? Is there any local people who can give you some popular science? If there is no one, I will spread rumors."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, I won't dare to sleep at night."


Netizens also breathed a sigh of relief at this result, feeling relieved.


(End of this chapter)

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