Chapter 231 Feasible Method

The staff of the archaeological team got busy, sending the weird bug for inspection, and at the same time invited professionals to come here for inspection.

If you don't test, you don't know. Once you test, you will find some problems.

The red stone bead is really not an ordinary stone bead, it has strong radiation on it, and the death of those water hornets seems to be related to the red stone bead.

Fortunately, the result of the test was that the radiation had no effect on the human body, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's not easy to present the king. Thousands of years ago, it was clear to use a stone bead with radiation to trap these water hornets. It's incredible, incredible!" Chen Yan repeatedly sighed.

At the same time, he looked forward to the King's Tomb even more.

Zhou Suyi also breathed a sigh of relief after watching the live broadcast, "It's okay, it's okay, it's not really a fake corpse, it's all a joke from a water hog bee, it seems that the situation I encountered is not too bad, but, how should I deal with these things? Where's the water hog bee!"


Zhou Suyi suddenly patted herself on the forehead, "Why am I so stupid, since I know this thing is called a water hog bee, then Du Niang, don't you know the shortcomings of this thing? Although it is a mutated species, it must be useful That's right."

So, Zhou Suyi really found some information about the weakness of the water hog bee.

"Hahaha, I'm really smart!" Immediately, Zhou Suyi stopped wasting time and started the live broadcast directly to prepare for the game.

After some operations, they came to the water cave again, and the three of them carried the equipment onto the bamboo raft.

Fatty Wang complained: "I said Brother Yang, what are you doing with so much salt? Even if we want to eat and sleep in the open for a few days, we don't need to bring so much salt, it's heavy enough!"

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to explain, and wanted to say more money, but thought that they were no longer in an employment relationship, so she swallowed the words.

Although Hu Bayi was also curious, he still said: "Fatty, why are you talking so much nonsense, Miss Yang must have a reason for doing so."

"I said, old Hu, you are too biased. What is your name? Yes, yes, you are called a friend who forgets sex!" Fatty Wang was dissatisfied.

Hu Bayi blushed, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhou Suyi was helpless, "I checked the information, and they said that there are a lot of leeches in Yunnan. I'm afraid there are also in this water cave, so I asked you to bring so much salt. This thing is the nemesis of leeches."

"It turns out that it is like this. You can bring some, but you can't bring so much!"

While Fatty Wang was chattering, everyone entered the water cave, passed through the mouth of the beast, and entered the place where the chains hung the people.

Not long after, those traps were triggered again, and Renyong began to fall like dumplings.

Zhou Suyi has experienced this scene countless times in the past few days, but every time she sees it, she still feels a little terrified.

"Quick, speed up!" Zhou Suyi urged.

Then, the water hornets rushed out and rushed towards them.

"Sprinkle salt!" Zhou Suyi had already made preparations.

Water hornets are like leeches. High salinity will dehydrate their body skin, and they will lose it in severe cases.

This taste should be no less than pouring sulfuric acid on people.

Seeing the dense water hornets, Fatty Wang almost bowed to Zhou Suyin.

"I said Brother Yang, you are amazing, I am convinced, I really admire Fatty!" Fatty Wang was convinced, and felt that calling him Brother Yang was really worth it.

Looking at those things again, Fatty Wang is not afraid at all.

"Haha, these water hornets are just a plate of loose sand right now, so there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll find a chance to fish some out and roast them later. Let me tell you, these bugs have high protein content, and they are crunchy and delicious after a bite."

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi almost threw up.

Can your mother have a stronger taste? These are worms that grow out of corpses, and you want to eat them too.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

The value has increased again. Obviously, this wave of planning for a rainy day has once again been approved by Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and rush out, if we drag on for a long time, we will still be trapped to death!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

She knew in her heart that although she had brought a lot of salt, it was a river.

Sprinkling salt on these water hornets will temporarily suppress them, but the river water will wash away the salt soon, so they must escape here before the salt is sprinkled.

The cooperation of the three of them was considered a tacit understanding, and they rowed forward quickly while spreading salt.

Don't say it, it's really useful.

A bag of salt was sprinkled on those water-hog bees, and the water-hog bee swarm dispersed in an instant, and the entire water surface was in chaos.

"Hahaha, it's useful, okay, let's go!" Fatty Wang shouted excitedly, and the salt spread became even more joyful.

"Okay, sister Zhou has some brains."

"Why does it feel like Sister Zhou who plays other games and Sister Zhou who plays this game are not alone at all."

"This method is quite simple. Didn't you sprinkle salt on leeches when you were young?"

"They're all a group of children without childhood, poor!"


Netizens expressed their admiration for Zhou Suyi's idea of ​​this method.

Although many people know that leeches are afraid of salt, they never thought of this method in practice.

The bamboo raft moved forward quickly, but Zhou Suyi felt that the kayak was getting slower and slower.

"Fuck, you two, don't be lazy!" She thought it was Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang who were slack.

But looking back, the two of them threw half of their arms away, their foreheads were covered with sweat, it didn't look like they were being lazy.

Hu Bayao: "It's not right, it's not that we're being lazy, it's that the bamboo raft is sinking!"

Zhou Suyi saw that this was really the case. At this moment, water began to seep under their feet, and it was obvious that the bamboo raft sank a lot.

Zhou Suyi looked down carefully, and immediately discovered the problem.

I saw that the bottom of the bamboo raft was covered with layers of water hornets.

These water hornets are firmly fixed under the bamboo raft, which increases the weight of the bamboo raft and makes their speed slower and slower.

"Damn, it's really a dog's skin plaster!" Zhou Suyi cursed, and beat the bamboo raft hard, trying to shake the water hornets off, but it's not that easy.

Let's spread the salt, if it doesn't reach the bottom of the bamboo raft, it's a bit uncomfortable.

"No, if this continues, the raft will sink sooner or later, and we don't have much salt, Hu, Brother Yang, hurry up and find a way!" Fatty Wang's excitement just now disappeared.

Zhou Suyi was so anxious that she finally came up with this method, but it was so difficult that it would not work at all.

Should not be ah.

This time it was indeed a lot farther than other times, but it was still useless.


But suddenly, another strange sound sounded from the side, like the sound of metal rubbing against rock.

Although I don't know what the sound is, I have a very bad premonition in my heart.


(End of this chapter)

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