Chapter 232
The crunching sound around him made my teeth sour.

Although she still didn't know where the source of the sound was, Zhou Suyi had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"Damn it, don't you want to make trouble again at this time, don't you really give people a way to survive?" Zhou Suyi felt like scolding her mother in her heart.

Now their situation is very dangerous.

The salt that I brought has been dragged on for so long, and this is a situation that has been prepared in advance. If there are tomb robbers who come in, it will definitely be dead.

No wonder so many people died here in reality.

clap la la...

At this moment, the sound of stones falling into the water was heard.

"Fuck, what?" Fatty Wang was taken aback.

Hu Bayi hurriedly shone the light of the searchlight.

This photo terrified everyone.

As soon as the beam of light swept there, the sound of rolling gravel stopped abruptly, and in a piece of mushroom-shaped rocks, there was a giant python with green scales, facing the crowd with its body crossed.

"Damn it!"

When Fatty Wang saw this giant python, his soul was almost scared away.

This was much more terrifying than the two giant centipedes in Xiye Ancient City before, but much smaller than the earth dragon.

This giant green-scaled python was as thick as a water tank and more than ten meters long. It was like a giant blue dragon without claws.

The scales on his body shone with metallic light under the searchlight, and there were two huge sarcoma on the top of his head, as if about to grow dragon horns.

"Damn it, Lin Mu, what the hell are you thinking, you really don't leave any way for people to survive!" Zhou Suyi really wanted to scold her.

Their crisis has not yet been resolved, and now such a giant has emerged, who can bear it.

It is simply incomprehensible.

Not to mention that they only have a broken shotgun in their hands now, even if there is a Gatling, they may not be able to handle it.

The green-scaled python paused for a moment, and suddenly a smelly whirlwind blew up, and swam down the Mushroom Rock in a snake-swimming motion. Its huge and wild body knocked out countless fine powders from the white Mushroom Rock it passed by. .

Although the rock was hard, it was as fragile as paper in front of the green-scaled python, let alone a human.

Even if it is not swallowed in one gulp, it is enough to be bumped.

After the giant green-scaled python entered the water, the mushroom rock dust rolled up by it had not completely fallen down, it had already swam from the depths of the water to the bamboo raft like a gust of wind.

Along the way, he opened his bloody mouth wide, and all the water hornets below were swallowed by him and became its food.

The water hornets around seemed to sense danger, and fled in a hurry, and even the people below scattered towards the surroundings.

"I don't care, what's the situation, this big brother python is not here to save us!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up.

Zhou Suyi rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "I want to eat farts. After eating these bugs, the next one is to eat us. To this giant python, those water hornets are just appetizers, and we are the big meal!"

"Hey, Hu, don't you think that brother Yang is getting more and more down-to-earth now!"

Should I say it or not, I don't know how Fatty Wang's brain circuit has grown, and he is still mentally poor at this time.


At this moment, the bamboo raft shook violently and flew up from the surface of the water to a height of more than one meter. The three of them were out of reach and almost flew out.

Fortunately, I didn't cut corners when making this bamboo raft, otherwise it would fall apart immediately.

Once falling into the water, it is definitely a dead end.

"Fuck, you fucking sneak attack, you fucking can't afford it!" Fatty Wang still yelled as he flew up.


The bamboo raft fell into the water again, and some of the bamboos were smashed, and the ropes that tied them loosened immediately.

However, this one also helped them.

With this shock, the water hornets below were knocked down seven or eight times, and the bamboo raft became light again.

Hu Bayi picked up the engineering shovel and started to stroke.

"Don't be dazed, run quickly!"

Without her reminding, Zhou Suyi was already rowing, and the bamboo raft moved forward quickly again, trying to get out of this dangerous area.

"This is too extreme, isn't this a test that people can pass?"

"My good fellow, I originally thought that the ancient city of Jingjue would be difficult, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. This is the ceiling of difficulty."

"One chain after another, it doesn't give people a chance to breathe a sigh of relief."

"Hey, I feel like I bought too many games. I guess I can pass the first level. The things in the water cave have nothing to do with me."


The advent of this double-turning danger really makes people see no hope of surviving.

Netizens were all sweating for Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi looked back, and saw that there were not many water hornets that were densely packed just now, only small pieces left on the water surface.

"It's over, the water hornets have been eaten, everyone be careful!" Zhou Suyi hastily reminded.

After the side dishes are finished, the next step must be to eat them.

This huge green-scaled python lives here. It is estimated that it has not eaten such a large food for a long time, and it is impossible to let them go.

Afraid of what to come.

There was another bang, and the bamboo raft flew up again.

This time was different from the last time, it didn't fall directly, but gliding in the air, and it was moved forward rapidly by the green-scaled python on its head.

"Fuck me!"

"Fatty, hurry up and hold on!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Fatty Wang hurriedly climbed to the middle of the bamboo raft and stabilized the center to prevent the bamboo raft from falling directly.

This scene is so exciting.

It's like doing a roller coaster, the experience is really amazing.

Zhou Suyi could only feel the wind whistling in her ears, and she was holding on to the bamboo raft tightly.

"Damn it, I will never ride a roller coaster again!" she yelled in her heart.

This time, it flew directly to a distance of more than ten meters, and the green-scaled python dived into the water again with a whoosh, and the bamboo raft fell.


Good guy, this made the bamboo raft that was already falling apart even more precarious.

At this moment, the hearts of netizens are extremely tense, and they feel as nervous as if they are on a roller coaster.

The three of them sat on the bamboo raft, and the surroundings became silent. After the giant green-scaled python entered the water, it completely disappeared.

However, instead of being relieved, the three of them became even more nervous.

Obviously, this thing is in an unknown place, and the pressure on them is even greater.

The members of Su Xin's archaeological team are also paying attention to Zhou Suyi's live broadcast all the time.

Originally, watching Zhou Suyi use salt to deal with water hornets gave them inspiration, and they were overjoyed, but after seeing this giant green-scaled python, they were all terrified.

How does Nima deal with this.

Fortunately, there is this game in front to guide them, otherwise, if they enter rashly, they will definitely die like those grave robbers, and they will not know how to die.

Too dangerous.

This Nima is the river leading to hell and the underworld.

The young people on the archaeological team who were eager to try had long been frightened. Now that they are allowed to go in, they probably dare not go in.


(End of this chapter)

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