Chapter 233 No chance
There was silence around, only the slight sound of running water, which actually made Zhou Suyi and the others even more nervous.

Fatty Wang swallowed, "Tell me, could this giant python run away? It looks powerful, but in fact, it's a paper tiger. Knowing how powerful Fatty is, it was scared away."

"Stop being narcissistic!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Zhou Suyi stared at the water.

She has the residual eyes of the snake god, and can see in the dark night, looking for traces of the green-scaled python.

"Hey, even if I wasn't frightened by Fatty's arrogance, I might be full. After all, he has eaten so many water hornets!" Fatty Wang held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

In fact, it is a fluke mentality to say so.

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "If you go to eat, knowing that there is a big meal, will you only eat small dishes instead of big meals?"

Fatty Wang shook his head, "That's definitely not possible. If there is a big meal, who will eat side dishes?"

"That's it."

"Hey, this is a python after all, it can think like us, maybe..."

Before Fatty Wang finished speaking, Zhou Suyi felt something.

With the blood of Qilin, she has very keen senses.

She turned around abruptly, and at this glance, the three souls and seven souls were almost scared away.

I saw that the green-scaled python did not know when, but it came quietly behind them, with its huge head raised high, and a pair of cold snake eyes, staring at them.


Zhou Suyi swallowed, feeling like her heart was about to jump out.

At this moment, it was as if he had returned to the mood he had when facing the centipede monster.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw that Zhou Suyi's expression was not right, so they also hurriedly turned their heads to look.

The two were also taken aback.

"My mother!"

hold head high!
The giant python opened its mouth wide and bit Zhou Suyi with one bite.

"Why don't you fucking bite them!" Zhou Suyi was anxious.

There is no place to hide here, so in desperation, I can only take out the Vajra Umbrella.

The umbrella quickly opened and blocked it in front of him.


Zhou Suyi only felt as if she was knocked down by a locomotive, her arm went numb for an instant, and she flew out directly.

"Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi's eyes immediately turned red.

"Damn it, you uncle, if you dare to touch me, Brother Yang, I will fight you!"

For a moment, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were all in a hurry.

Hu Bayi picked up the engineering shovel and greeted the green-scaled python's head.


This time all the strength of feeding was exhausted, and the engineer's shovel smashed into the sarcoma on the head of the green-scaled python, and blood spurted out instantly.

Fatty Wang took out his shotgun, loaded it with gunpowder and steel balls.

"Go to hell you!"


The flames shot out, and the shot directly hit the green-scaled python's eyes.

The green-scaled python seemed to have gained wisdom, and knew how to dodge its head to the side. The shot missed the eye and hit the side.

The steel ball was directly embedded in it, but the power of the shotgun was really limited, and it couldn't cause fatal damage at all.

hold head high……

The giant python roared in pain, its huge body squirmed and crashed into the bamboo raft.

With a bang, the bamboo raft was knocked forward and jumped forward. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang couldn't stand upright and fell on the bamboo raft. The giant green-scaled python swished into the water again and lost its trace.

Zhou Suyi fell into the water with a plop.

As soon as he entered the water, his whole body became alert.

it's too cold.

The temperature of the river is extremely low.

She choked on a few mouthfuls of water and wanted to rush out of the water, but her arms felt numb and she couldn't control herself.

The impact just now was too severe.

When she opened her eyes, she saw several human tunnels floating around. The eggs in these human tunnels were gone, they were just empty shells, but their facial features were three-dimensional, as if they were water ghosts staring at each other. Watching her, waiting for her to die, being with them.

Zhou Suyi was so frightened that her scalp went numb, that is to say, her hair was long, otherwise, all her roots would stand on end now.

She hurriedly used her hands and feet to swim up.

Fortunately, those water hogs were eaten by the green-scaled python, and the rest had already fled to a distant place, otherwise, the water hogs alone would have killed him underwater.

"It's over, sister Zhou won't kneel again."

"Probably not, the game should be still alive before the prompt ends."

"If you don't die, then you will be blessed if you survive a catastrophe."

"Sister Zhou, come on, hold on."


As soon as Zhou Suyi fell into the water, netizens' hearts were raised in their throats.

Zhou Suyi used both hands and feet to swim upstream, feeling so angry at the same time.

Neither Hu Bayi nor Fatty Wang came down to save her.

Faded, faded.

Finally swimming out of the water, just in time to see the bamboo raft floating towards, Zhou Suyi hurriedly stepped forward to hold the bamboo raft.

When Hu Bayi heard the movement behind him, he thought it was the green-scaled python attacking from behind again, raised his engineering shovel and smashed down the equipment.

Just as Zhou Suyi was about to climb up, she saw the engineering shovel hit her head with the howling wind.

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi was numb.

I wasn't killed by the green scale python and water hog bee, is this going to be killed by my teammates again?

Fortunately, Hu Ba saw Zhou Suyi clearly, his eyes widened, and he turned to the side. The engineer shovel hit the water surface, splashing a large amount of water.

"Hu Bayi, you're trying to kill me. If I don't swim up by myself, you don't plan to control me anymore, do you?" Zhou Suyi was full of resentment.

Hu Bayi's face was filled with guilt, his eyes were red, and he didn't know what to say.

Fatty Wang hurriedly made a rescue by the side, "Hey, Brother Yang, it's good that you're not dead, aren't we going to avenge you, that big boa constrictor was directly opened by Lao Hu!"

"Come up first!" Hu Bayi pulled Zhou Suyi up.

Zhou Suyi trembled, her lips turned white.

It was too cold.

Without saying a word, Hu Bayi took off his coat and put it on for Zhou Suyi.

"You still have a conscience!" Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

"What about the giant green-scaled python?" Zhou Suyi looked around, but didn't see the giant green-scaled python.

Fatty Wang said: "You were beaten away by us, Brother Yang, you didn't see it just now, in order to avenge you, just now our brothers fought against that python, and the one who beat that python was like a slap in the face. Grandpa."

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, since when is your mother still thinking about bragging, can you be more serious.

Zhou Suyi had an urge to dig out Fatty Wang's heart to see how big it really is.

She was still worried.

If it was on flat ground, it would not be impossible for the three of them to deal with this giant green scale python.

However, now on the water, there is only a crumbling broken bamboo raft to support them. Once they fall into the water, the three of them will instantly become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.


(End of this chapter)

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