Chapter 234
Zhou Suyi was very worried. After all, this was on the water, and it was in the field that the green-scaled python was good at. If it was on land, the three of them could work together with each other.

But not here, as long as the bamboo raft is damaged, the three of them will surely die.

As I was thinking about it, I heard the sound of splashing water behind me, as if something was tumbling violently in the water.

"Damn it, it's coming again, fat man, copycat!" Hu Bayi immediately became vigilant.

Fatty Wang quickly picked up the shotgun.

Vaguely, he saw that the water behind him seemed to be boiling.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were good, and she could see clearly. She saw that the huge body of the green-scaled python seemed to be wrestling with something. The originally clear water surface began to glow with a blood-red light!
"What's going on, it's so difficult, and there's something more terrifying than the green-scaled python underwater?" Zhou Suyi's hairs stood on end when she got here all at once.

What kind of water hole is this shit? It's too dangerous.

If I knew it earlier, I should really go to climb the snow mountain.

It's okay to be a little tired and cold, at least it won't be so dangerous.

She didn't know that the snow mountain was no safer than here. After climbing the snow mountain for several days, Teacher Ma suffered a lot, so she didn't climb it.

"Fuck, why is this boa constrictor still hunting monsters down there?" Fatty Wang shouted.

Hu Bayi felt something was wrong, "It's not right, it seems to be struggling."

"Struggling? Don't be kidding, this thing is so big, there is something that can make it struggle?" Fatty Wang didn't believe it.

Zhou Suyi saw that the water surface had completely turned blood red, and she could vaguely see a huge black shadow moving under the water.

This huge black shadow kept changing its shape, like a huge demon, trying to swallow the giant green-scaled python.

"What the hell is this shit?" Zhou Suyi's scalp exploded.

Although I didn't see what it was, but that thing can make the green scale python struggle painfully, which is enough to prove its danger.

"Don't worry about what's going on, run quickly!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded loudly.

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously, "Hey, what are you afraid of, it's probably because Lao Hu opened the scoop for him just now, it hurt his vitals, and he is dying now."

But Hu Bayi shook his head, "Impossible, the shovel only made a small hole when it went down, it's nothing to it at all, listen to Miss Yang, run quickly."

The tumbling of the water in the distance became more and more intense, and the giant green-scaled python kept tumbling in the water, making the river water look like it was about to boil.

Moreover, there was the sound of iron plates rubbing against each other, the sound became louder and denser, and the sound made people's teeth ache.

The three of them didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly took the opportunity to row the boat desperately, trying to escape from here.

"No way, there are still things hiding, how dangerous is this water cave?"

"This is not giving a chance to breathe."

"One danger after another. Now I think those tomb robbers who were caught were lucky. Otherwise, they would definitely die if they came in rashly."


Netizens don't know what to say.

In Jingjue Ancient City, only the centipede monster in Xiye Ancient City and the earth dragon in Jingjue Ancient City are in danger, and other places are all about stamina and intelligence.

But this Worm Valley is different, it is a big adventure mode.

Taking risks, taking risks, taking risks, is always nerve-wracking.

Now, the water hornets under the bamboo raft were almost swallowed by the green-scaled python, and the rest were nothing to worry about. The boat almost flew away towards the distance.

All three of them played their lives.

If they don't risk their lives, the things behind will have to risk their lives.

Gradually, the voice behind him slowly disappeared, it seemed that the giant green-scaled python was dead and had no strength to continue struggling.

"What the hell is this shit, it can kill that terrifying green-scaled python!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi said: "I don't know, I just saw a huge black shadow, which can keep changing its shape and surround the giant green scale python."

"Sombra, can you still change shape?"

When Hu Bayi heard this, he seemed to think of something, "I seem to have guessed what it is."

"What, old Hu, don't be foolish, just say it quickly."

Hu Bayi said in a deep voice: "It should be a piranha. This thing is very sensitive to blood. As long as there is a bloody smell, it will immediately rush up. The green-scaled python was injured in the head by me, and blood flowed into the water. Come piranhas, that's why these piranhas didn't appear before, but now they appear."

"Piranhas? Don't scare me, I'm so fucking afraid of this thing!" Fatty Wang shuddered, and it was obvious that he was really afraid of piranhas.

Hu Bayi continued: "The piranha's teeth are very sharp and can bite through the steel plate. Although the scales of the green-scaled python are very hard, they can't stop them. If it is really a piranha, the green-scaled python may soon die. It will be eaten up, and then, it will come to attack us!"

"I'm stupid, I don't want to be eaten by a group of fish!"

Fatty Wang immediately increased his strength, and the engineering shovels were about to fly.

Zhou Suyi also felt her scalp tingling.

If it was a piranha, it would be terrible.

This thing is definitely more threatening than the green scale python in the water.

As long as it falls into the water, it will be torn into pieces in minutes, and the flesh and blood of the whole body will be eaten, leaving only the bones.

This taste is definitely not much better than a thousand cuts.

Just thinking about it made her body tremble unconsciously.


At this moment, there was a sound of metal rubbing behind him, and at the same time, the water boiled again.

The three of them looked back, all anxious.

Afraid of what would come, there were actually a large number of piranhas chasing after him.

Each of these piranhas is only the size of a palm, but the teeth in their mouths are so dense that they look sharp.

At the moment, these piranhas are devouring the remaining water hornets.

Although many of the water hornets on the bottom of the boat were shaken off, there were still some of them. At this moment, they became the food of the piranhas. Countless piranhas frantically snatched them up and crashed into the bottom of the bamboo raft, biting those water hornets.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not for us, it's for those bugs!" Fatty Wang heaved a sigh of relief.

But Zhou Suyi's face turned green.

The rope tied to the bamboo raft under her body broke just now, and while these piranhas were eating the water hornets, they also bit the rope below.

"Damn it, if you eat bugs, eat bugs, don't bite the rope." Zhou Suyi was about to cry.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang took a look.

Well, a few ropes have been bitten off.

The bamboo raft was already in dilapidated condition after being hit by the giant green-scaled python, but now that it has been handled by the piranhas like this, it is simply worse, and it is about to fall apart.

If it falls apart, they really have no chance at all.


(End of this chapter)

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