Chapter 235 The Power of the Great Desolation
The piranhas snapped at the food under the bamboo raft. Their teeth were so sharp that the ropes tied to the bamboo raft were bitten off one by one.

Zhou Suyi is really anxious.

Before, I only prepared a large amount of salt to deal with those bugs, but I never thought that there would be piranhas in this water hole. Now there is really no good way to deal with it.

The piranhas were very fast, and they all rushed up, and some piranhas jumped out of the water, ran towards them and bit them.

This thing's mouth is full of fish scales and teeth, if it is bitten into a vital point such as the throat, it will be enough to kill it.

Fatty Wang picked up the engineering shovel and smashed it.

A few piranhas were thrown into the air, and the piranha bit the sapper directly, leaving a row of teeth marks on the sapper, which shows how good the mouth of this thing is.

Zhou Suyi blocked it with the Vajra Umbrella with one hand, and harvested it with the Little God's Edge with the other.

The movements are nimble, fast, steady and ruthless. Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are in admiration.

As soon as those killed piranhas fell into the water, they would immediately cause other piranhas to snap up them.

In the blink of an eye, those severed fish were torn into pieces and became the food of other companions, not even bones left.

They don't care if it's the same kind or not, as long as it's food, they don't want to escape their sharp teeth.

Those who watched this scene gasped, feeling chills in their hearts. If the bamboo raft couldn't support it and fell apart, then everyone would be the same as those piranhas just now, with no bones left.

This is not alarmist talk, with the teeth of these piranhas, they can do it, and they will not even let go of the marrow in the bones.

"No wonder everyone is so afraid of piranhas, this thing is really ruthless."

"I heard that there used to be a perverted murderer who raised a lot of piranhas. When he killed a person, he threw them into it. In the end, there was no leftovers left."

"Fuck, brother, it's night, so stop talking nonsense."

"The bamboo raft can't hold on anymore, sister Zhou and the others are going to fuck."


Netizens are all sweating for Zhou Suyi and the others at this moment. At least in their view, the current situation is almost unsolvable, and there is no possibility of surviving.

"What to do, what to do!" Fatty Wang seemed to be really afraid of these piranhas, "Old Hu, why don't you give me a good time first, Fatty, I would rather die by your hands than be killed by these fish." have eaten."

Hu Bayi said in a bad mood: "Get out, you are still poor at any time, smash it for me, let them kill each other if you smash it to death."

"good idea!"

Fatty Wang took turns with the engineer shovel and slapped hard under the water surface.

One by one piranhas were crushed to death, and other piranhas snapped up, and the water around them seemed to be boiling.


Another rope snapped.


The bamboo raft spread out a little to the side, and it looked like it was about to fall apart.

"No, if this continues, you will end up dead sooner or later. Find a way, way, way!" Zhou Suyi racked her brains anxiously.

"Lin Mu will definitely not design unsolvable levels, there must be a chance, there must be a way!" This is Zhou Suyi's experience in playing these two games.

It is also the reason why she has been able to persevere and not give up when she encounters danger.

Because she knows very well that as a game, it cannot be unsolvable.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she saw a platform about ten meters ahead.

"Look, there is a stone platform in front, as long as we go up, we can get rid of these piranhas!" Zhou Suyi said excitedly.

As a result, Fatty Wang immediately poured cold water on him, "At our speed, I'm afraid the boat will sink after halfway through. Once it falls into the water, it's really game over. Let me see, let's use my plan. Take one shot at each person, and have a good time, otherwise, you will be eaten by these fish, and there will be no corpses left, only lumps."

"I fucking..."

Zhou Suyi was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

It's this time, what is this fat man thinking in his mind, I really want to open a ladle for him to take a good look.

She gritted her teeth, pointing at these two people now is hopeless.

It seemed that as a game, she had to figure out a way to break the situation as a player.

Thinking of this, she directly took out the probing claw, shook it a few times and threw it out.

The probing claw turned into a stream of light and flew out, firmly fixed on the stone above the stone platform.

"You wait for me!"

Zhou Suyi didn't wait for the two to react, her body flew out in the air.

She was extremely fast, skimming the water.

Several piranhas jumped up and bit her, and several piranhas bit directly on the sole of the shoe.

Fortunately, these shoes are leather boots, very hard, no matter how strong the piranha's teeth are, it is impossible to bite through them all at once.

Just like that, Zhou Suyi flew onto the corpse platform with a few piranhas, rolled forward and stood up.

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, which is called an elegant.

With the addition of Qilin blood, the body has become more flexible.

Hu Bayi called out beautifully in his heart.

Fatty Wang became anxious immediately, "I'll go, Brother Yang, you can't leave your loyal little brother behind!"

"Stop talking nonsense and continue!"

Zhou Suyi shook her hand, and the Yin-penetrating claw fell down, and then threw it towards Hu Bayi and the others.

Hu Bayi grabbed it.

Zhou Suyi put her foot on the stone and started exerting her strength at the same time.


The speed of the bamboo raft increased several times in an instant, as if flying, and rushed towards the Shitai people.

This is a distance of about ten meters, almost in the blink of an eye.

And the bamboo raft was about to fall apart, after such a fast sprint, it fell apart completely with a crash.


Zhou Suyi shouted.

At this moment, the bamboo raft was still one or two meters away from the stone platform. Fatty Wang jumped directly towards the stone platform, stepped on a nearby stone, and climbed up dangerously.

Hu Bayi hesitated for a moment, raised his hand to grab their packages, and then jumped up.

However, the bamboo raft has fallen apart and cannot be borrowed.

Seeing that Hu Bayi was about to fall into the water, those piranhas' eyes were glowing red, just waiting for Hu Bayi to fall into the water, they would have another big meal.

"Old Hu!" Fatty Wang became anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Hu Bayi's complexion also changed, knowing that he was procrastinating.

However, without the equipment in the package, they will have a difficult time ahead.

Fortunately, with the rope still in her hand, Zhou Suyi hurriedly pulled it with all her strength.

"Come up to me!"

You know, Hu Bayi weighs [-] to [-] catties, plus those packages, at least [-] catties.

But Zhou Suyi was stunned to use her own strength to force Hu Bayi to fly upwards.

Hu Bayi himself was stunned.

He thought that he would definitely die, but who would have thought that the woman in front of him really possessed the power of the wild.


(End of this chapter)

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