Chapter 236
Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were dumbfounded.

Although I saw Zhou Suyi help the peacock carry things before, she was very strong.

However, it is only now that I realize that this is not ordinary strength.

It takes more than 300 catties to hold Hu Bayi and the package, but it is not [-] catties to pull them up and fly.

Hu Bayi landed firmly on the stone platform, threw the package aside, panting heavily.

Although all this happened in an instant just now, I felt like I had walked through the gate of hell, my mood was ups and downs, and my heart was about to jump out.

The bamboo raft fell apart completely, and the piranhas below boiled and rolled.

Of course they were very upset, they didn't get the big meal, and let the big meal go away, which made it difficult for Yusheng.

"You don't want to die!" Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi angrily.

Although the tone was blaming, there was also deep worry.

Although it is a game, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have long been regarded as true friends.

These days, relationships in the real world are unreliable. Good brothers and sisters may stab you in the back at any time. A pure and sincere friendship like in games is really worth yearning for.

Hu Bayi felt warm in his heart, "Without these equipments, the road ahead would definitely be more difficult, so I tried to take the risk, but I didn't expect it to be too late. Fortunately, I have you!"

Zhou Suyi didn't know what to say after hearing what he said.

"Next time, don't take such risks again. If the equipment is gone, just go back and get it. If you lose your life, you will really lose everything." For Zhou Suyi who had died more than [-] times, she still cherished her life very much.

She knows that this is a game and can be played over and over again, but Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang don't know that every adventure is really a game of life.

It's not fair to them.

"Okay, I remember!" Hu Bayi nodded with a smile.

Fatty Wang winked at Hu Bayi from behind, his eyes seemed to say, there is drama, there is drama.

Zhou Suyi ignored them and let out a sigh of relief.

The spirit had been tense, but now he finally relaxed, and sat on the ground with one buttocks, still feeling unreal.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

So unreal.

Such a dangerous level has actually come over.

Came over in a daze.

"Hahaha, tell me, do we survive a catastrophe?" Fatty Wang also laughed excitedly.

Although the feeling of licking blood with the tip of a knife is not good, the excitement of the rest of life will definitely cause a large amount of dopamine to be secreted. This kind of extreme excitement and happiness is absolutely incomparable to other things.

"It's awesome, it's really awesome, just that set of movements, even if there is a mistake in one link, it is impossible to survive."

"Hahaha, this feels like a flash of inspiration for my previous game play, very awesome."

"Sister Zhou is amazing, yyds, she's really here, she's a dick."

"Thai pants are spicy."

"Good guy, I don't even know what to say, so handsome, so cool, so awesome!"


Netizens really called it awesome.

It took less than half an hour for the water hole to go from front to back, but during this half hour, everyone's hearts were constantly tugging.

It can be clearly said that if any part of it goes wrong, it will have to start all over again.

But Zhou Suyi really came here.

I don't know if it was luck, or if it was really operated, anyway, it came here.

Like Zhou Suyi, they felt a little unreal.

Sitting there, Zhou Suyi became less excited after a while.

Think carefully about the previous experience, which can be regarded as summing up the experience.

"Corps, worms, green-scaled pythons, piranhas!"

Any one of these dangers taken alone is enough to be fatal, and combined together, it should be more dangerous and there is no way out.

However, thinking about it carefully now, it seems that it is not the same thing.

The combination of several dangers increases the difficulty, but actually weakens it.

Everything, as long as you persist for long enough, you can see the opportunity.

The green-scaled python ate a lot of worms, giving them a chance to breathe, and then faced the green-scaled python for a while, and waited for the piranhas, giving them a chance again.

At the extreme moment of facing the piranhas, there is a stone platform waiting for them here, which is another opportunity.

In theory, as long as they seize every opportunity, they can get through safely.

Of course, this is only theoretical. In reality, they almost couldn't bear it several times.

"This fellow Lin Mu, how did he grow his head so rigorously? This distance is not bad at all!" After Zhou Suyi thought about this clearly, her admiration for Lin Mu was beyond words.

"Hahaha, it is said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. In my opinion, this indicates that we will turn our back on Old Wang's fight, and it must be a matter of course." Fatty Wang laughed happily.

Hu Bayi also said: "No, who was it before that always asked me to shoot him, Fatty, how about I shoot you now?"

"Hey, Lao Hu, it's meaningless to say that. How could I have imagined that our brother Yang is so wise and powerful, a hero among women, and a contemporary Hua Mulan!" Fatty Wang gave all the compliments he could think of to others. Think it over.

Zhou Suyi was delighted to hear that.

After all, who would say too little about good things?

Hu Bayao: "It seems that our understanding of King Xian is a bit biased. I originally thought that King Xian was a generation of grass-headed emperors separated from the ancient Dian Kingdom, and his tomb would not be too large, but Just judging from the canal passing through the mountain, this King Xian, who is good at voodoo, is really powerful, and his power is definitely not small."

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

"So, there must be a lot of treasures in the ancient tomb dedicated to Wang Laoer?"

Zhou Suyi glanced at Fatty Wang, and this guy's eyes started to light up again.

Hu Bayi glared at him, "Fatty, we have agreed, except Muchen Bead, you can take up to three things, don't be greedy!"

"Hey, don't worry, fat man, I'm that kind of person!"

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi looked at him with weird eyes.

That look seems to say, don't you?

The three of them had a good rest here before continuing on the road.

On the way, I saw some caves on the high mountain wall, which were arranged in an orderly manner, as if they had been dug by hand.

"It seems that King Xian really created this place!" Hu Bayi was even more sure.

There are obvious stone steps at the bottom of the mountain wall, and decayed human bones can be seen on the ground from time to time, as well as some weapons and armors, all of which are rotten.

After walking a long distance, they found a cave. Several people got out of the cave, and finally left the water cave and came outside.


(End of this chapter)

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