Chapter 237 The Beauty of Nature
After leaving the cave and finally seeing the outside world again, Zhou Suyi only felt a sense of enlightenment.

Although the scene in this water cave is strange, it's okay to look at this thing for a short time, but after a long time, it will feel depressing and stuffy.

The high sky and wide clouds in the outside world are more comfortable.

"Finally out!"

Zhou Suyi opened her arms, breathing the fresh air outside, feeling good.

Although the sky was cloudy and it seemed that a storm was brewing, it didn't affect her mood.

Looking up, there are mountains all around, and the middle is getting lower and lower, full of large virgin forests, there are many strange flowers and trees that are not well-known at all, and there are countless ravines, deep valleys, and dangerous streams.

"This is the real beauty of nature, and those scenic spots are simply incomparable!"

Zhou Suyi looked at everything in front of her, and felt that the 300 yuan spent on this game was really worth it.

She has traveled to many scenic spots, but each scenic spot has a large number of human-intervened scenic spots, which are far less comfortable than this pure human nature.

In the deep valley, under the slightly dim light, you can still clearly see the grass and flowers inside, but the more you look at it, the more unfathomable it becomes, like an abyss.

And some places are surrounded by clouds and mist, as if they have come to a fairyland.

"My God, this scenery is too good, this is the real pure nature, pure ecology."

"I feel like I can live a long life here."

"Nonsense, we who are used to the smell of car exhaust will definitely not get used to it when we go here."

"Is this not purely equivalent to a tourist adventure? Oh my god, if the front is not too dangerous, I really want to go and see it."

"Is there a master who can come up with a strategy that can make it easier to pass the water hole, please pay for it."


Who can not be tempted by this natural beauty and magnificence, and who can not want to come in and see for himself.

However, with that dangerous and frightening water hole to resist, it is really not easy to come.

Although Zhou Suyi demonstrated the method of clearing the level once, in the eyes of many people, this method cannot be replicated, so many people are looking for an easier way to clear the level online.

Because of this, many people have been scammed, spent a lot of money, and ended up buying a bunch of SpongeBob animations.


Hu Bayi looked into the distance, took out a map and compared it, "It looks like the entrance of the Insect Valley is in front of it. It almost maintains the original style, and it seems that there are few people on the road. There are probably some poisonous insects and beasts. Everyone be careful!"

Zhou Suyi also said: "I checked some information, there are a lot of poisonous insects here, everyone must be careful!"


As soon as the words fell, a crisp sound sounded beside him.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi turned their heads to look, and saw Fatty Wang took his hand off his neck, and took a closer look, good guy.

A black-striped mosquito the size of a fly was beaten into a patty.

Fatty Wang tsk-tsk, "Hey guys, look, is this a mosquito? This is the ancestor of mosquitoes. This head is too big!"

Zhou Suyi took out a bottle of green liquid, "I brought toilet water, this thing can repel insects, you all should spray some!"

"And this good thing?" Fatty Wang snatched it up, sprayed it on, and immediately felt that it was very fragrant, "It smells so good, this thing smells so good, right?"

"Look at you, who have never seen the market before, this thing is a foreign perfume!" Hu Ba said.

In this day and age, things like toilet water are rare, and most people can't afford them at all.

Fortunately, the role of Shirley Yang is not short of money, she has whatever she wants.

If it wasn't for the control, it would be fine for someone to get a few AK's directly.

The two of them each sprayed some, and they felt that their bodies were fragrant. They were amazed that the mosquitoes around them really stopped approaching them.

"Let's go, keep going, and try to find a place to stay before dark!" Hu Bayi walked out first.

The further you go, the more difficult the road is. There are almost no traces of human habitation here. There are primitive jungles everywhere, and there is not even a walking route.

They have to open the way as they walk, and the speed is not fast.

Moreover, there are more and more mosquitoes and poisonous ants around, and Zhou Suyi has seen colorful snakes disappearing in the grass many times, which made her scalp numb from fright.

Don't look at how brave she looks now, she has fought against monsters like the green-scaled python and centipede monster, and she has seen a lot of that kind of strange snake in the ancient city of Jingjue.

But there is still an instinctive fear of this thing.

This thing is fine under the nose, but once it disappears suddenly, it will make people feel even more uncertain.

Although he didn't express much, Hu Bayi still saw Zhou Suyi's fear and felt funny in his heart.

Thinking of the time when this woman faced the green-scaled python and those corpses, she never seemed so scared.

Instead, I was afraid of a few poisonous snakes passing by, which was interesting.

"Miss Yang, don't worry, these snakes usually don't take the initiative to attack people. As long as we don't provoke them, nothing will happen. Besides, I have some sulfur powder here. If you sprinkle some on your body, those poisonous snakes will not dare to attack you." It's getting closer!"

Hu Bayi took out the sulfur powder and gave it to Zhou Suyi.

"Thank you!" Zhou Suyi was a little embarrassed, feeling that the image she had erected before had collapsed.

The night gradually darkened, and everyone still had a long way to go from the insect valley, so they could only set up camp on the spot and stay up all night first.

"There are two big banyan trees in front of it, which can just keep out the wind and rain. Tonight, we will spend the night there." Hu Bayi pointed to the front and said.

"it is good!"

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang are naturally fine.

They walked over quickly and found a very flat bluestone under the big banyan tree. They took a photo with a flashlight and found that it was clean enough to spend the night on it.

The air in this mountain is very humid, so Hu Bayi found some dry firewood, lit it on a large stone slab, and picked some weeds, and dried them with fire.

Zhou Suyi is not good at these things, and she can't get involved, but fortunately, Hu Bayi is familiar with it.

Fatty Wang stroked his grumbling stomach, "You guys wait here, I'll get some wild game to fill up our five internal organs temple!"

Zhou Suyi felt that there might be danger here, and it would be better to have less than one more thing, so she said: "This is near the insect valley, so don't mess around, we brought dry food, let's eat dry food."

But Fatty Wang waved his hand, "Hey, the dry food doesn't have any meaty smell at all, so don't worry, I'll walk around here and not wander around."

Suddenly, Fatty Wang saw a pheasant in the grass, and his face was full of excitement, "Yo, pheasant, Lao Hu, Brother Yang, today, we will have a good fortune, Fatty, my roast chicken level is top-notch! "

"Pheasant!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart, this thing is to protect animals, but it should be fine to eat one in the game, I really want to taste it.


(End of this chapter)

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