Chapter 238 I'm Not Reconciled

Zhou Suyi swallowed unconsciously when she thought of roasted pheasant.

She has never eaten this food before, and after tossing and tossing for so long, she is really hungry.

The most important thing is that those dry foods are really not very delicious, and she doesn't want to eat them if she can.

Therefore, he did not continue to stop Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang sneaked over with a shotgun in his hand.

With his marksmanship, of course, without exception, he was killed with one shot.

The pheasant thumped a few times before it became completely silent.

"Hahaha, chicken, don't blame you, you are a dish in the world, you go early this year, and come early next year!" Fatty Wang stepped forward with a pheasant in his hand, happily saying jingles.

"Okay, don't be poor, hurry up and shed your hair, I'll make a fire!" Hu Bayi rubbed his stomach, and he was also hungry.

"Okay, let me tell you, Lao Hu, this chicken's food must be good, good guy, it's at least six or seven catties after shedding its hair!" Fatty Wang ran to the riverside with the pheasant in his hands and began to shed its hair.

"Good guy, it's real punishment, there is a judge."

"I want to report that someone here eats nationally protected animals."

"No, I want to report it because I didn't get it."

"Yes, this game can actually be a gourmet game."

"Hahaha, there is another way to play."


The previous Jingjue ancient cities were all in the desert, and the resources were really scarce. Although many players opened up new ways to play, no one has really developed this kind of food.

It is different now.

There are countless delicious delicacies in Zhelong Mountain. Moreover, hunting here is not against the law, and you can also have a good meal. For foodies, it is simply a huge temptation.

Fatty Wang plucked and disemboweled pheasants by the river. He didn't throw away any edible food, even the chicken gizzards were excreted and kept.

"I said, Lao Hu, today we are really lucky. This pheasant is not the same as ours. It is still a black pheasant. The skin on this body is black. It must be very nourishing!"

Hu Bayi smiled and said: "Haha, maybe it's the foreign chickens that flew over from Africa, the international chickens, we have to treat them well, and we can't miss the seed salt chili noodles."

"Hey, don't worry, we didn't bring anything else when we came out, but we brought a whole set of things, just to eat such a bite of wild game!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Suyi gulped down her saliva, feeling a little greedy.

Soon, the charcoal was burning red, and the pheasant was put on top.

This pheasant is very fat and rich in fat. It will be sizzling quickly after being roasted, and at the same time it exudes a strange fragrance.


Zhou Suyi swallowed again.

"Fuck, old Hu, this smell is amazing. The chicken here smells better than our chicken. It is indeed a foreign chicken!" Fatty Wang swallowed his saliva even more.

Not long after, the pheasant was cooked, and Hu Bayi broke off a chicken leg and handed it to Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, come and taste our craftsmanship first!" Hu Bayi had a proud face, as if he was very confident in his craftsmanship.

"Thank you, then I won't be polite!" Zhou Suyi couldn't bear it anymore.

It smells so good.

No delicious fried chicken, smoked chicken, or beggar's chicken are as delicious as the roasted pheasant in front of me.

"Huh, huh, it's so hot!"

Zhou Suyi was so hot that she turned her hands back and forth, and took a light bite.


After this mouthful, the taste of fat was completely released, filling the entire mouth instantly, giving the taste buds an explosive pleasure.

At the same time, a strange fragrance is also spreading.

The taste cannot be described in words, it seems to be a faint herbal fragrance.

She took a bite, the meat was fresh and tender, the chicken was not bad at all, with a strong chewiness, it didn't look like chicken at all.

This mouthful of Zhou Suyi was intoxicated.

"Mom, this is too delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious thing!" Zhou Suyi sighed sincerely.

After eating a mouthful of meat, Zhou Suyi closed her eyes, her face full of intoxication.

Fatty Wang was proud, "Hey, let me just say, those things from abroad are not something that people can eat. Brother Yang, you just got to know our brother late, otherwise, when you go back, you will definitely have to eat it." starve!"

The meaning in the words is that if you eat what they made, and then eat other things, you will not be able to eat at all.

"Yeah!" Zhou Suyi didn't care what he said, and nodded along, showing off.

"Can I ask for the little yellow car?"

"Good guy, it's good this time, it's not scary at night, you started poisoning you."

"I never thought that this scary game would become a stumbling block on my way to lose weight."

"nonono, I suddenly felt that this game is very friendly to people who want to lose weight. We can eat like crazy in the game without worrying about getting fat. This is really cool."


Zhou Suyi's mouth was full of greasy food, which made the netizens envious.

A chicken was quickly man-made by the three and only the bones were left. Fatty Wang didn't even have any bones left, and chewed all the small bones that could be eaten.

"Hey, satisfied, life is like this, what more can I ask for!"

Zhou Suyi pressed back on the ground with one hand, and touched her belly with the other, with a satisfied face.

"Oh, oh, why does my stomach hurt so much!"

Suddenly, Fatty Wang next to him groaned in pain.

Hu Bayi smiled and said: "Who told you to eat so much, for a chicken, you made half of it yourself, good now, hold on!"

"Oh, I'm stupid, my stomach..." As soon as Hu Bayi finished speaking, his expression changed suddenly, and he clutched his stomach.

"You have a stomachache too?" Zhou Suyi looked at the two of them with weird eyes.

"Oh, I can't do it, I can't do it, it hurts me to death!" Fatty Wang screamed in pain.

Zhou Suyi glanced at it, it didn't look like it was an act, the cold sweat on Fatty Wang's forehead was painful, and a layer of black air quickly covered his face.

Looking at Hu Bayi again, it's the same, with black air gradually spreading on his face.

"You guys, you won't be poisoned, right?" Zhou Suyi's expression changed drastically.

In just a short while, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were already rolling on the ground in pain.

Fatty Wang was even more serious, and his body began to twitch.

Zhou Suyi was in a hurry.

"No, why am I fine, I eat too... Oops!"

Suddenly, she also felt the pain, as if her intestines were suddenly twisted into twists, it hurt her heart.

"Yes, poison!" Fatty Wang uttered two words, and when he rolled his eyes, he fell unconscious.

Hu Ba kicked his legs, but there was no response.

"Why, maybe, it will be poisonous!"

Zhou Suyi was extremely depressed, she dodged the gnat, killed the green-scaled python, and escaped the piranha, but finally capsized in the gutter on a chicken.

Who can stand this.

"I'm not reconciled!"

But it's too late to say anything.

Zhou Suyi was the same as the two just now, rolling on the ground in pain, desperately struggling for a long time before rolling her eyes and passing out.

【game over】


(End of this chapter)

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