Chapter 240 Predicting the Future
Outside the worm valley.

Third Master and Dao Scar sat slumped in front of two big banyan trees that were still smoking.

The two big banyan trees were lying on the ground as if their roots had been pulled out. The roots of the trees were overlapping, and a huge stone statue was wrapped around a huge stone statue, which looked like a big bastard, but it was a little different.

There is also a huge stone tablet on the statue, which is engraved with dense handwriting.

At the crown of the tree, there is also a blood-red coffin. There are many withered thin vines beside the coffin, like blood vessels emanating from the coffin.

Inside the coffin lay a strange corpse.

The third master and Dao Scarface were sitting on the side, and they both looked even more embarrassed.

There are wounds all over his body, and there are more bruises all over his body from being strangled by something.

Scar's face was extremely ugly, looking at the things in front of him, "Third Master, we got these things, it's worth the trip, or, let's go, this place is too evil , this Xianwang, feels a bit evil!"

Along the way, he was really a little scared.

If it weren't for the third master's great ability, he would have died several times.

His brothers are the best example.

Although the third master looked embarrassed, he was very calm, "Such a large arrangement may hide a lot of secrets. I have a hunch that we are getting closer and closer to the real tomb of the king. Don't worry, I know it well. If the time comes when I can't handle it, I will take you away!"

"Okay, I'll listen to the third master!" Scarface nodded.

He knew the third master very well, and knew that since the third master would not leave, he must be somewhat sure.

If you choose to believe in the third master, you're done.

With the third master and the others thundering, Li Dui and the others are much more comfortable. Unless those people attacked the water hornets on the corpses at the beginning, the rest of the threats had no chance, and it went very smoothly.


Early in the morning, Lin Mu opened his eyes and was awakened by the sound of the system.

[The popularity value of "Yunnan Bug Valley" has exceeded 1000 million, and a chance to randomly draw a skill will be rewarded. Do you want to draw it now? 】

Lin Mu immediately woke up, a little surprised.

Because the speed of breaking through 1000 million this time is a bit slow.

However, he soon figured out why.

"Although there are quite a few people who buy games, there are still very few people who actually play games. I guess they are all scared by the horrifying plot at the beginning, so they dare not come in to play rashly!"

This explanation is reasonable, and so is the fact.

Many people have bought the game, but most of them haven't cleared the ancient city of Jingjue, and the plot of Yunnan Chonggu Valley is too scary, so they are not in a hurry to play the game.

Therefore, after so many days, Lin Mu's popularity reached 1000 million.


Lin Mu looked forward to it.

The last time I got the inheritance of moving mountains, I don't know what good things I will get this time.

Soon, a turntable appeared in his mind, with various skills appearing on it, and then began to rotate.

Soon, the pointer stopped, Lin Mu looked at the position of the pointer, and his eyes lit up.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability of Muchen Bead to predict the future]

[Skill description: King Xian can see some pictures of the future through Muchen Bead, but there are great limitations. This makes the future that King Xian sees incomplete, causing him many misunderstandings. 】

[Predict the future: You can only predict what will happen in the next 100 minutes within 10 meters around you. 】

Lin Mu's eyes were still shining after reading the introduction.

"Although you can only predict what will happen within 100 minutes within 10 meters around you, it's still awesome. If you play scratch-and-play with this thing, you can definitely make a fortune!"

However, the current Lin Mu doesn't care about the little money in the scratch-off.

As for the lottery ticket, I dare not even think about it, I am afraid that if I buy a number, the director will change the number every minute.

And gambling is awesome, but I don't know if I can predict what happens within 100 meters of me when I watch the TV.

"Try first!"

Lin Mu couldn't wait to try it out.

Immediately, he activated this ability, and suddenly, one after another, the future pictures quickly passed through his head like a slideshow, and then his eyes became strange.


He sighed, got up and got dressed, and after a simple wash, he came to the door.

Glancing at the time.

"Ten, nine...three, two, one!"

Muttering in his mouth, when he read one, he opened the door directly.

There were several people in police uniforms standing outside the door, and the leader was Dui Zhang who had come to look for Lin Mu before.

Team Zhang raised his hand in the air, as if he was about to knock on the door.

But I didn't expect such a coincidence, just as I was about to knock on the door, the door opened by itself.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, Mr. Lin Mu, good morning!" Team Zhang greeted embarrassingly.

Lin Mu shrugged, he said to himself that this is not a coincidence, I was waiting for you.

"Morning Zhang, let's go!"

Lin Shu went straight out.

Team Zhang was dumbfounded.

He hasn't said anything yet, but why does it feel like Lin Mu knows everything.

" you know what we want to do with you?" Captain Zhang asked.

Lin Mu smiled, "What else can I do, my game overlaps with reality again, so naturally I came to find out about the situation."

Team Zhang and the others looked at each other.

They came here for this purpose. They wanted to go back to Lin Mu for a brief inquiry and record, but who would have thought that Lin Mu seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, it was too evil.

Team Zhang took Lin Mu out.

Lin Mu can use his ability to predict the future at any time, and these images flashed through his mind naturally, without any impact on him.

It felt weird, like I had become a prophet myself.

Of course, although he is not as awesome as the prophet and sage, he can predict what will happen thousands of years later, but it is also amazing to predict what will happen within 100 minutes of 10 meters around him.

On this section of the road, Lin Mu stopped a delivery boy, prevented a car accident, stopped a child who was about to cross the road, reminded a woman that there was a problem with her heel, and helped Team Zhang and the others catch a thief who was about to steal. Thief.

Team Zhang and the others were taken aback.

When passing by a lottery event site, Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't go in to the boss inside Huo Huo, and left directly.

The boss didn't even know that he had escaped a catastrophe just now.

Along the way, Lin Mu felt as if he had become a god.

The skills drawn this time are simply too awesome.

The news that Lin Mu was taken away by the police soon spread like wildfire, and many news media reported it immediately.

But compared to the big commotion last time, this time the netizens expressed their composure, thinking that this is normal. For Lin Mu, this is commonplace. On the contrary, they feel that those media are too ignorant to make a fuss.

"That's it? I don't think it's strange that Lin Mu isn't invited to drink tea."

"Haha, is there nothing in the media to report now?"

"Get into trouble? No, he is clearly going home to visit relatives."


(End of this chapter)

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