Chapter 241 Ghost Signal
When Zhou Suyi woke up in the morning and saw Lin Mu being taken away by the police again, she didn't know what to say.

"This guy, he can't really be a tomb robber, right? But, it's not like, we've known each other for so long, and we can't see any connection between him and the tomb robber."

She has a very good relationship with Lin Mu now, but she is still a little worried about Lin Mu.

But thinking that Lin Mu came back safe and sound last time, it should be fine this time.

"Forget it, let's hurry up and play the game. I heard that tomb robbers really entered the Worm Valley. I have to help the archaeological team to speed up the progress and try to figure out everything ahead!" Zhou Suyi got up and took a shower.

Now she is much more casual.

Ever since she and Shirley Yang's personalities have become more and more compatible, now they don't even wear makeup.

In the past, it took at least an hour or more to put on makeup, which wasted a lot of time. Now I only do a light makeup, and it can be done in a few minutes. I feel that I have more time every day.

Entered the game again, and came to the big banyan tree again.

Fatty Wang is going hunting again.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Don't go, the animals here can't be eaten."

Fatty Wang looked at her with a puzzled expression, his eyes seemed to say, are you okay.

"Why? Brother Yang, let me tell you, these mountain delicacies are delicious, and the taste is not comparable to that of domestic products." Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi said heartily, you fucking killed us last time, you know.

Thinking of the delicacy of that pheasant, I didn't have the same knowledge as Fatty Wang.

"This place is close to the worm valley, and there are a lot of poisonous insects. The animals here are more or less poisonous. We don't understand it, so we eat it rashly. Once poisoned, it will be bad. It's better to do more than less. Let's eat the dry food we bring. , When I leave this time, I will treat you to a big meal!" Zhou Suyi said.

Fatty Wang was still a little reluctant, so Hu Ba said, "Fatty, just listen to Miss Yang."

"Okay, but, Brother Yang, don't forget, Fatty, I just want to eat hot pot when I go out, and I must have enough mutton."

"OK, no problem."

After a few people packed up their things and ate some dry food, it was completely dark.

Three people took turns to watch the night.

Zhou Suyi was on the first shift, Hu Bayi was second, and Fatty Wang was in the second half of the night.

Then, as soon as Fatty Wang lay down, the snoring started.

That sound is absolutely amazing.

"This guy, won't he wake himself up, who can sleep here?"

Then she realized that she was worrying too much, because Hu Bayi also fell asleep amidst the earth-shattering snoring.

Then the two of them were like a competition, snoring one after another, one after another.

The surroundings were pitch black, and the sounds of animals sounded from time to time, and Zhou Suyi was worried whether their snoring would attract any beasts.

Vigil is very boring.

Zhou Suyi leaned on her chin, thinking to herself, "I don't know if Lin Mu will snore when he sleeps. If it is so loud, then how will I sleep in the future?"

"Yeah, bah, bah, bah, what am I thinking!"

For a moment, his face was about to turn red.

"Sister Zhou, what did you think of? Why is your face still red?"

"Quiet night, there is a quiz with prizes. Guess, will you spend tonight safely?"

"Certainly not. If there is no danger, you must skip it directly. If you don't skip it, it proves that something is going to happen."

"It's quiet in this mountain, so it won't be haunted."


Now, even netizens understand the game's routines, and everyone feels that the darkness is coming, and there must be another trouble.


Zhou Suyi yawned a lot and felt a little sleepy.

But at this moment, a slight sound sounded from above.

Da... da da da... da da...

Although the sound was slight, it was very obvious at night, and Zhou Suyi woke up instantly.

She frowned and listened attentively.

The voice was not chaotic, but seemed to have a certain pattern.

Zhou Suyi swallowed, feeling a little nervous.

Legend has it that there are accompanying mausoleums and burial pits around the tomb of King Xian, as well as those terracotta figures hanging upside down as "Yin Yin". God knows what evil things are in this old forest.

She didn't dare to explore by herself, so she pushed Hu Bayi quietly.

Hu Bayi woke up immediately.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zhou Suyi's expression turned pale, Hu Bayi hurriedly asked.

Zhou Suyi said: "Old Hu, listen, there is a voice!"

Hu Bayi didn't know why, so he listened attentively, and immediately heard the voice.

He raised his head and looked up, but his sight was blocked by the branches and leaves on the tree, so he couldn't see the situation above clearly. The moonlight flickered between the branches, making it even more haunting.

Zhou Suyi said: "Old Hu, isn't this a bit like Morse code?"

Zhou Suyi watched a lot of spy war dramas, and Morse code often appeared. Moreover, she could hear this rhythm because it was the simplest rhythm.

"Morse code?" Hu Bayi's expression changed.

As a scout, he naturally knew the Morse code.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "If I heard well, this passage should be SOS, which is an international distress signal."

"Impossible, here is deep in the mountains and old forests, there can't be people on it, even if there are people, there is no need to use any Morse code, just call us?" Hu Bayao said.

Zhou Suyi also felt the same way, but the more she felt like this, the more weird she felt.

She thought about it, and decided that it was better not to meddle in other people's business. Curiosity killed the cat. More things are worse than less things.

But at this moment, the game prompt appeared again.

[You have triggered a hidden mission: Please explore the hidden secrets of this big banyan tree. Please explore the hidden secrets of this big banyan tree. 】

[Task Reward: Treasure Appraisal Ability]

[Treasure appraisal ability: You will have advanced treasure appraisal ability, any treasure will be able to see its value as long as it passes through your hands]

Seeing this game mission, Zhou Suyi's eyes became strange.

"Well, this is forcing me to find out what's going on, but these two big banyan trees are just, what secrets can they hide?" Zhou Suyi really can't figure out what secrets there are just two big banyan trees.

But since the game gave a hint and made a hidden mission here, it is said that the explanation must be related to the main story of the game, and it must also be related to King Xian.

Although the mission rewards are not too attractive, they cannot be missed.

At this moment, I saw Hu Bayi's expression was ugly, as if he had thought of something.

"Old Hu, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked.

Hu Bayi looked serious, "The situation may be troublesome, we may have encountered a ghost signal!"

"Ghost signal? What do you mean?"

Zhou Suyi trembled subconsciously. After all, these words are in the deep mountains and old forests, and it would be a little scary to say them in the middle of the night.

Since they are ghosts, they must have nothing to do with living people. Could it be that these two big banyan trees have become spirits?

(End of this chapter)

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