Chapter 242 Wonders
When Zhou Suyi heard Hu Bayi say the word ghost signal, she felt a little apprehensive.

Not only her, but the netizens also felt apprehensive.

"Ghost? What kind of plane, the ghosts are coming out."

"The ancient city of Jingjue has the eggs of the snake god, so it's not too much to have a ghost here."

"Barrage body protection."

"High-energy warning ahead, please feel inferior and quick-acting heart-rescue pills."


For a moment, everyone became nervous, even more nervous than Zhou Suyi.

"What is a ghost signal?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Hu Bayao: "Have you heard about the ghost ship? All the people on board disappeared, but the ship continued to wander on the sea, as if with some kind of obsession. This ghost signal is the same as the ghost ship. Personal obsessions are always going on in circles!"


Zhou Suyi felt a layer of goose bumps on her body.

You just say that you will not die with peace.

Hu Bayi was quite calm, "No matter what it is, just go up and have a look and it will be clear. You go and wake up the fat man, and I will go up to see the situation first."

"Okay, be careful!" Zhou Suyi went to call Fatty Wang.

"Fat brother, wake up, wake up!"

As a result, Fatty Wang turned over, "Don't make trouble, it's in the middle of the night, oops, I hate it!"

"Oh, something went wrong!"

"Oh, let's talk about it tomorrow morning, let me sleep for a while!"

Fatty Wang slept so soundly that he didn't get up at all.

Zhou Suyi was speechless, this guy is really unreliable at critical moments, and Hu Bayi has to be trustworthy.

"Never mind you!"

Zhou Suyi looked up at Hu Bayi.

These are two entangled couple old trees. They are 30 meters high, and the canopy with a diameter of more than [-] meters covers the moonlight. In addition, the branches and leaves on the tree are too dense, and you can see it with a wolf-eyed flashlight under the tree. Height within ten meters.

At this moment, Hu Bayi moved swiftly and had already climbed up.

"Old Hu, what's the situation above?" Zhou Suyi asked softly.

Hu Bayi's unexpected voice came from above, "Here, there is an airplane."

"What, fly, plane?" Zhou Suyi even wondered if she heard it wrong.

How can a plane come out of this tree?

"It looks like a transport plane probably from World War II crashed here!" Hu Bayi said above.

"Wait, I'll go up and have a look!"

Zhou Suyi suddenly became interested, and immediately climbed up.

She was faster, with a light body, like a monkey, and climbed up with a whoosh.

When I came to the top to see it, I was suddenly surprised.

"There are really planes!"

Under the quiet and frosty moonlight, there is a section of the cabin of a huge plane inserted upside down between two trees. The wings and tail are missing. There are several large holes in the fuselage. The holes are filled with things, and the inside cannot be seen. situation.

The hatch had been separated from the fuselage, and it was completely deformed by the collision. It was covered with rust and mottled, thick moss and vines, almost becoming one with the tree trunk, and the landing gear got stuck in the gap between the trees.

Hu Bayao: "During World War II, this was a battlefield, and it was not uncommon for planes to crash frequently. The sound just now may have come from this plane!"

"It's from here?" Zhou Suyi's expression became serious in an instant.

This plane has been crashed for hundreds of years at least, how could the people inside be still alive.

At this time, the clouds in the sky seemed to be thicker in order to match the current atmosphere, covering the moon, and the surroundings looked even darker, giving people a bad premonition.


Although many strange things have been seen in the ancient city of Jingjue, things like 'ghosts' can still make people fearful.

The unknown is always the scariest thing.

"I'll listen carefully!" Hu Bayi pressed his ear to the shell of the plane, wanting to listen carefully.

dang dang...

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound from inside.

"Fuck me!"

Unable to defend himself, Hu Bayi was taken aback, his body stepped back, his feet stepped on the air, and he fell down.

Zhou Suyi was also taken aback, but her body's instinct hurriedly stopped Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi's body was suspended in the air, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

This position is at least 20 meters from the ground, and if you fall, you will die.

Netizens were also shocked.

Originally concentrating on it, the heavy knocking sound almost didn't send people away directly.

"It's so dangerous, Miss Yang, thanks to you!"

Hu Bayi was pulled up and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

[Hu Bayi Favorability +1]

Zhou Suyi didn't care about this, but looked at the wreckage of the plane vigilantly, "Just now, what happened? The pilot inside is not really alive, is it?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "It's absolutely impossible, the wind and the sun are blowing here, the corpses have long since rotted away, and there is no chance of turning into rice dumplings!"

"It's not Zongzi. Is it possible that it's really a ghost?" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi took a deep breath, "Instead of scaring yourself here, why don't you open it and see what's inside, just look at it!"

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Zhou Suyi bit her bullet, she took out Xiao Shenfeng.

"The introduction said that this dagger can ward off evil spirits, I hope it will be useful!"

With the dagger in hand, he felt more confident.

Hu Bayi took out the paratrooper knife from his boots, and cut a hole in the decayed machine cabin.

He lay on his stomach in the hole in the cabin and shone his flashlight in, trying to see what was constantly sending signals.

I have to say that Hu Bayi is really courageous.

The beam of light shot into the pitch-black interior of the cabin, and the first thing I saw was a pilot's helmet. He lowered his head, probably because his cervical spine was broken when the plane crashed, and his head was hanging on his chest, motionless.

The deformation of the body is relatively serious, and the gap is narrow.

Hu Bayi couldn't see clearly how good or bad the corpse under the helmet was, but one thing is certain, the angle of the head and body is definitely not a pose that a living person can make.

Moreover, judging from his professional knowledge, this place is not grounded, nor can it be a zongzi.

If the voice really came from the corpse, it might really be a ghost.

For a moment, the atmosphere became extremely tense and depressing.

Zhou Suyi also saw the corpse inside through the gap, and her nerves immediately tensed up, holding the little god's blade firmly in her hand, as if she was fighting him.

At this moment, even if the corpse really suddenly cheated, Zhou Suyi would dare to go up and stab him twice.

This is the stress response caused by extreme fear.

The adrenaline rush turns fear into courage.

Hu Bayi was even more daring, he actually held the dagger and stretched towards the head of the corpse inside, as if he wanted to make sure whether this person was dead or alive.

But just when the paratrooper's knife was about to touch the corpse, the helmet on the corpse's head suddenly moved a few times, trying to lift his head up forcefully.


(End of this chapter)

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