Chapter 243 Haunted

Hu Bayi's nerves were tense, and he stretched his hand in, but who would have imagined that before he touched the corpse's head, the helmet on the head moved.

At the same time, the sound of metal knocking came from inside.

"Fuck me!"

Hu Bayi was so frightened that his hands trembled, and the paratrooper knife in his hand almost dropped.

Zhou Suyi was also so frightened that she almost screamed.

If it was in front of her eyes, it would scare her to pee.

But Hu Bayi was really courageous, he gritted his teeth, picked up the helmet with a paratrooper knife, and immediately saw two golden rays of light shooting out of it, shining brightly.

"Damn it, are all these ghosts glowing with golden light?"

Zhou Suyi was stunned, her brain was short-circuited.

Hu Bayi was also dumbfounded, he and Fatty Wang had seen real zongzi, but how could zongzi have golden eyes, did this nima meet the corpse king?

"No, it's not a zongzi!" Hu Bayi soon discovered that it was not a zongzi, but a big bird.

The big bird held half a green tree lizard in its mouth like a steel hook, and the other half was bloody under its feet. It may have been flying in from the hole at the other end of the cabin, hiding inside to enjoy a feast, but it was caught by Zhou Suyi. They were disturbed.

Zhou Suyi also saw it clearly, and suddenly became a little out of breath.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a fucking bird, it scared my mother to death."


At this moment, the big bird reacted, flapped its wings violently, and flew towards Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded in front, and at the same time, the paratrooper knife in his hand slashed at the big bird.

The big bird dodged and flew over Hu Bayi's head. At the same time, its claws like steel hooks grabbed Zhou Suyi's head.

Zhou Suyi gasped.

The speed of this big bird is too fast.

Moreover, the claws were all smooth with black metal. If they were scratched, their skulls would be torn off.

In desperation, Zhou Suyi suddenly made a Kuixing kick.

Just on this branch, he kicked it up with a volley.

The big bird was too fast, felt the danger, and flew upwards, but the kick still touched the big bird's chest, the big bird was kicked out, chirped a few times, flapped its wings and disappeared into the night among.

Zhou Suyi landed steadily on the branch of the tree, panting heavily, with lingering fears in her heart.

Hu Bayi hurriedly asked, "Are you all right?"

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "It's okay, what kind of bird is this? So fierce?"

Hu Bayao: "It should be the horned owl. The sound we heard before is probably made by this thing."

Zhou Suyi's eyes were weird, and she said in her heart that her feelings had lasted for a long time, her heart almost jumped out of fright, is it just a bird?
It's kind of embarrassing to say it.

"Damn, it turned out that a bird was doing something, and I thought there was some big secret."

"Emm, this... I thought it was really haunted, but it turned out to be a fucking bird."

"You may not believe me when I tell you, but I almost peed on a fucking bird."

"Fuck, I really want to pluck and roast this bird, it's so annoying."


Netizens feel a little ashamed.

I never thought in my life that I was scared enough by a bird.

Hu Bayao: "This thing is very vindictive, be careful, let's go down first!"

Before Zhou Suyi could reply, she felt a strong wind blowing behind her.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi reminded Zhou Suyi immediately.

She didn't dodge it, because Hu Bayi was behind her, and if she couldn't guard against it, Hu Bayi was likely to be hit.

Immediately, she turned around abruptly, and slashed behind her with the little sword in her hand.


The horned owl didn't seem to have expected Zhou Suyi to react so quickly, and grabbed Zhou Suyi's head with two claws, but Xiao Shenfeng was too fast.

With a swish, the hook on the horned owl's paw was straightened off.


The horned owl was so frightened that its feathers stood on end, and it flapped its wings in a hurry and was about to run away.

"If you want to run, leave it to me!"

Zhou Suyi was really angry.

Being so frightened by a bird, how can I act like this in my heart, not to mention, this horned owl dared to come back to revenge them, it is simply too deceitful.

She raised her hand sharply and grabbed the horned owl's paw.

The horned owl got even more furry.

It is estimated that if there is thinking, it will definitely think that this woman is a tigress, so brave.

Hu Bayi next to him was also stunned and swallowed, probably thinking in his heart, if he really had something to do with Shirley Yang in the future, would he be domestically abused?

It seems that Fatty Wang's worry is not superfluous. If he is subjected to domestic violence, can he survive it?
Zhou Suyi grabbed the eagle owl's paw, and the eagle owl struggled hard, trying to take Zhou Suyi into the air.

Zhou Suyi grabbed the tree trunk next to her to prevent her from being taken off.

Horned Owl panicked, opened his mouth and bit Zhou Suyi's hand.

It has a hook in its mouth, like a steel hook. If it is bitten, a piece of meat may be gone.

Of course Zhou Suyi couldn't let it bite her.

"Get out of here!"

The hand holding the horned owl was violently thrown, and the horned owl was thrown flying.

The horned owl fluttered its wings, fell into the grass, flopped for a long time, and then disappeared into the night again, probably not daring to come back this time.

Zhou Suyi pinched her waist, "If you dare to come back again, I will definitely pluck your hair!"

Hu Bayi next to him swallowed again.

What a fierce woman.

Why does it feel that my temper is not the same as at the beginning?

"Hey, Old Hu, Ms. Yang, what's the situation, what are you bothering about here?" Suddenly, Fatty Wang's voice came from behind.

The two hurriedly turned their heads and saw that Fatty Wang had also climbed up.

"Why did you come up?" Hu Bayi asked.

Seeing Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi suddenly felt that something was wrong, but she didn't think about it for a while.

"Hey, didn't I see you two disappeared, so I came up to take a look?" Fatty Wang said!
"It's okay, I met a horned owl, and Miss Yang has already beaten it away!" Hu Bayao!
He looked at the wreckage of the plane, "This looks like a transport plane, there may be some equipment inside, I'll go in and have a look."

"I'm with you!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi got in from the side, Fatty Wang immediately followed, and Zhou Suyi also followed.

After entering, I found that there were several sealed boxes inside.

Hu Bayi pried the box open and his eyes lit up when he saw the contents inside.

Inside turned out to be guns and ammunition wrapped in oiled paper, protected by oiled paper, and many guns were still brand new without rust.

"Fuck, is he here to buy the goods for us?"

Seeing these guns, Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

Hu Bayi was also overjoyed, "Haha, these are Chicago typewriters, and they are still usable. They are really cheap for us. With these weapons, our trip will definitely be safer!"

"Old Hu, Brother Yang, what kind of plane are you flying up there?"

At this moment, Fatty Wang's voice suddenly came from below.

When they heard this sound, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi felt as if they were struck by lightning, and their bodies froze instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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