Chapter 244 True and False King Fatty

Seeing these weapons and equipment, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were overjoyed, but when they heard Fatty Wang's voice from below, they felt their scalps go numb for an instant.

Fatty Wang was talking below, so who came up just now?
How could there be two Fatty Wangs, and which one is the real one?

Zhou Suyi suddenly turned her head to look for Fatty Wang, but at this moment, she felt a pain in her back.

"Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi exclaimed.

Zhou Suyi turned her head slowly, and saw Fatty Wang's face with a strange smile.

At this moment, his hand actually pierced Zhou Suyi's heart like a knife.

【game over】

The next moment, Zhou Suyi was forced to quit the game.

"My mother, what's going on? Why are there two Fatty Wangs? Is your mother playing Infernal Affairs? But where did this fake come from? How could it be exactly the same as Fatty Wang? Is it really haunted?"

Now that I think about it, it feels kind of weird.

"I felt something was wrong when Fatty Wang came up. This guy is afraid of heights, so he couldn't climb up directly."

"That's right, Fatty Wang has been calling Zhou Suyi Big Brother Yang. When this fake product came out, it was called Miss Yang. This is a flaw. It's a pity that he had just passed the danger and no one noticed."

"The question is what is this fake? It can't really be haunted by ghosts, can it?"

"Can't afford it, let's engage in a sneak attack."

"It's over, it's over, it's the pilot who can't rest in peace, it's a ghost."


Netizens were also stunned.

No one expected that two Fatty Wangs would appear out of nowhere, and there was something pretending to be Fatty Wang, and suddenly attacked Zhou Suyi.

Who can prevent this.

"Damn it, is it really the pilot's ghost? Do you want to take some scapegoats?" Zhou Suyi frowned, "If that's the case, how can I play it? Is it possible that I have to learn how to exorcise ghosts?"

It's ridiculous to think about.

"It shouldn't be like this, it can't be a ghost, but what is it? Damn, I need to find out!"

Although he was scared after being attacked to death, he was naturally upset.

First, he was terribly frightened by the horned owl, and now he was stabbed inexplicably, and everyone felt unhappy.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi didn't think too much about it, and was going to take revenge directly.

This time, Zhou Suyi was obviously much more courageous, and the eagle owl was kicked away by Zhou Suyi as soon as it came out.

The horned owl was probably in a daze, didn't this human know how to be afraid?

Hu Ba was stunned, and thought to himself, Ms. Yang's reaction was too fast, she was really courageous, she was really a hero among women.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

Then, a little data was added in a daze.

Immediately, Fatty Wang climbed up again.

"I said, Miss Yang, Lao Hu, what are you doing here?"

Hu Bayi didn't think much, "Why did you come up here?"

"Hey, I'm worried about you, so I'll come up and have a look!" Fatty Wang acted as if nothing had happened.

Zhou Suyi glanced at Fatty Wang, she was so angry that she wanted her back molars.

"Grandma's, it's you who sneaked up on me, right? I want to see what you have become!" Zhou Suyi held Xiaoshenfeng.

This dagger can ward off evil spirits, and it is also the source of her confidence.

"Fatty, come here, I have something to tell you!" Zhou Suyi waved to Fatty Wang, her expression as calm as possible.

Hu Bayi was a little confused, not knowing what Zhou Suyi wanted to say to Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang didn't think much, and approached, "Miss Yang, what's the matter, tell me!"

The two were almost facing each other. At the same time, no one noticed that Fatty Wang squeezed his hands, and there was a strange gleam in his eyes.

Immediately, he raised his hand and threw it at Zhou Suyi's heart.

However, Zhou Suyi was faster than him.

A dagger directly pierced Fatty Wang's heart.


This time he directly stabbed in, and Fatty Wang's face suddenly changed, as if he couldn't believe it, and his body jumped back suddenly.

He reacted too quickly, Zhou Suyi was dodged before the dagger was completely pierced in.

"Miss Yang, what are you doing?" Hu Bayi became anxious when he saw this scene.

In his opinion, Zhou Suyi was crazy, and wanted to kill Fatty Wang.

He hurried up to stop it.

Zhou Suyi saw that the knife didn't kill her, so she hurriedly prepared to make up the knife again, but Hu Bayi stood in front of her, and the knife didn't fall.

"You're crazy!" Hu Bayi shouted, a little angrily.

Although he had a good impression of Zhou Suyi, but Fatty Wang died together, so of course he couldn't let Zhou Suyi kill Fatty Wang.

"Get out of the way, he's a fake!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could such a good-looking man be a fake?" Hu Bayi obviously didn't believe it. After all, he saw it with his own eyes, so how could he be wrong?
"Brother Yang, Lao Hu, what's going on, why did you all run up there?" Suddenly, Fatty Wang's voice came from below.

It's okay for Zhou Suyi, after all, I knew that the one just now was a counterfeit.

But Hu Bayi's face suddenly changed.

A look of disbelief.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, but there was nothing behind him, and the Fatty Wang just now was gone.

"Where is the person?" Zhou Suyi also searched for it, but she didn't see the fake.

Obviously, taking advantage of Hu Bayi's blocking, the impostor had already run away.

"Damn it, let him run away!" Zhou Suyi sighed, a little helpless.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Hu Bayi was also confused.

Zhou Suyi said: "I don't know what's going on, but as soon as the fake came up, I felt it. Fatty Wang is afraid of heights, so he can't come up easily. Moreover, he calls me Miss Yang. You know that now Fatty Wang, everyone calls me Brother Yang!"

When Hu Bayi heard these words, he realized that he was careless.

"Fatty, are you down there?" Hu Bayi asked uncertainly towards the bottom.

Fatty Wang said from below: "Let me tell you, what the hell are you two doing? Let me tell you, this forest is a bit evil. It seems to be haunted. Damn it, I heard someone imitate me just now!"

A chill swept across Hu Bayi's body, and he felt a chill down his back.

So fucking evil.

"Sorry!" Hu Bayi apologized, knowing that he was wrong just now.

Zhou Suyi sighed, "Forget it, as long as it's okay, anyway, we know that there are things here that can pretend to be other people, so be careful, and nothing will happen again!"

At this moment, the sound of giggling and heavy breathing came from below, and then, Fatty Wang reappeared at the same position just now.

Seeing Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi's expressions changed, and they looked at him solemnly.

The two took out their weapons at the same time, and it seemed that if there was anything unusual about Fatty Wang, they would greet him with a slash.


(End of this chapter)

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