Chapter 245 is coming
Originally, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were still in shock, but now that Fatty Wang suddenly climbed up again, both of them naturally became nervous.

Fatty Wang was taken aback when he saw that both of them took out their weapons and pretended to fight him desperately.

"I said, what kind of plane are you two? Are you bewitched?"

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi glanced at each other, and they briefly exchanged opinions with their eyes.

Hu Bayi then asked: "Fatty, what did we encounter in Niuxin Mountain?"

Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that something might have happened, he was testing himself.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense, he was afraid that if he talked nonsense again, these two people would really kill him, so he hurriedly said: "Hey, what else can I meet, naturally it is that big rice dumpling."

Zhou Suyi glanced at Hu Bayi, and Hu Bayi nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

These two people really met Zongzi?

Although it is said to be a tomb robbery game, so far, I have not encountered such a thing as a zongzi.

Regarding zongzi, Zhou Suyi was both curious and a little afraid.

"Niuxinshan, Zongzi? Is it a new instance?"

"If you want to watch it, just make it into a movie."

"I feel that besides the content of the game, there are many things that can be made into a movie."

"Don't mention the movie, I haven't gotten a ticket for Nuqing Xiangxi yet, so angry."

"There are really zongzi, I want to see them."


From the simple conversation between Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, netizens noticed that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang must have extraordinary experiences, and they were very curious.

Although Zhou Suyi was curious, now was not the time to ask so many questions.

"I said, what's the matter, you two, why do you look like you are facing a big enemy?" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayi breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't mention it, there was someone pretending to be you just now, fortunately Miss Yang identified it, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to be tricked."

Fatty Wang's expression changed, "What, what are you doing? Pretending to be me? Don't make trouble."

In the middle of the night, it was indeed terrifying to hear these contents.

Hu Ba nodded and briefly explained what happened just now.

Fatty Wang felt his hair stand on end after listening to it.

"Damn it, I said how it feels like I hear someone imitating me, grandma, this place is really haunted, what kind of plane is it!" Fatty Wang was a little apprehensive, and then he noticed the plane next to him.

"Fuck, there really are planes!"

Hu Bayao: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go down first and talk about it later."

"Come on, this plane looks beautiful at first glance, there may be something good hidden on it, I'll go and see!" Fatty Wang looked at the plane with bright eyes.

For him, he doesn't want to miss any good things.

Zhou Suyi wanted to say, forget it, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

But after thinking about it, something came to mind.

At present, I have come up by myself and have not completed the task. Is it possible? In fact, the hidden secret is in the plane.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi quickly nodded, "Okay, let's take a look!"

Hu Bayi originally wanted to go down first, but seeing that Zhou Suyi agreed, he nodded along.

Three people climbed in from the damaged part of the plane and found that there were many boxes in the plane.

Fatty Wang couldn't wait to step forward to lift the covering, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Old Hu, we seem to have found a treasure." He took out a grease-wrapped thing from inside, opened it, and it turned out to be a submachine gun.

The submachine gun was smeared with engine oil and wrapped in oiled paper, it was as shiny as new.

"This is a Chicago typewriter, hahaha, I didn't expect it to be really rewarding." Hu Bayi was also very happy.

As a retired soldier, I really like this weapon too much.

Fatty Wang took the gun and tried it, "It's a good thing, haha, Lao Mei is useless, but it's cheaper for us."

Zhou Suyi's eyes were weird. She really didn't expect that there were equipment on this plane.

This time they came, they only brought a shotgun, and the lethality was really mediocre.

If he had already had this submachine gun, he would not have panicked at all when facing the giant green scale python.

If the shuttle is shot down, no matter how hard the shell of that thing is, it will be crushed into a sieve.

"Hahaha, is this here to buy?"

"Every source of fear is due to lack of firepower."

"This dick, I really want to have one too."

"Isn't this weapon and equipment just here?"


Netizens didn't know what to say. Who would have thought that so many weapons could be found in an old plane.

Who wouldn't be tempted by a Chicago typewriter?

In their view, game designers really understand the mood of players too well.

Hold tight.

The three of them each picked out some convenient weapons and prepared to go down.

However, just as she was about to go down, Zhou Suyi's body froze suddenly.


She made a silent gesture, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were taken aback, seeing Zhou Suyi's strange expression, they quickly shut up.

The surroundings became quiet for an instant, and then the beeping sound was heard again.

Hu Bayi's expression also changed.

"how is this possible!"

Before, both he and Zhou Suyi thought that this sound might have been made by the eagle owl before when it was eating.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Zhou Suyi's heart tensed instantly.

She understood why the game hadn't indicated that the task was completed.

"What's wrong?" Fatty Wang hasn't figured it out yet.

Hu Bayi: "It's Morse code, a ghost signal."

"Don't make trouble, I said Lao Hu, people are scary, scary to death." Fatty Wang was made a little nervous by their nervousness.

Zhou Suyi used what she had learned all her life, "Did, Didi, Da, Didi, Didi, it's dead!"

"What do you mean?" Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi naturally did not understand English.

Zhou Suyi's face was extremely ugly, "It means death, this is the signal of death!"


A chill instantly enveloped everyone, as if the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees.

There was only one thought in their minds, it couldn't be that the pilot really didn't want to die, and they were waiting to get some scapegoats.

"Fuck, no, the black donkey's hoof was not brought!" Fatty Wang touched his back, and then he remembered that he didn't take the backpack, and the black donkey's hoof was all in it.



Afraid of what to come.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

These voices fluttered, as if there were ghosts floating around them, their positions were erratic, up and down.

"Damn it, I met a fucking ghost!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and picked up the Chicago typewriter, "Grandma, it doesn't matter if you are a human or a ghost, I don't believe that Chutu can't kill you."

Zhou Suyi's hairs stood on end.

This damn is not too scary at all, it is countless times more terrifying than what I encountered in the water cave before.


(End of this chapter)

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