Chapter 246 Blood Coffin

Zhou Suyi only felt that her scalp was about to explode, it was too scary.

As soon as the death signal appeared, there was the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves. This means that they came directly to the underworld. Do you want to send them all away?
Fatty Wang is also afraid, but this guy is really stupid and bold.

The more afraid the more courageous.

"Damn it, get out of here, I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, if you have the ability to come out and touch people, what kind of ability is hiding in the dark to scare people!" Fatty Wang shouted, pulling his neck.

When he shouted like this, it really eased Zhou Suyi's mood.

At this moment, as if responding to Fatty Wang, a gust of wind rushed towards Fatty Wang.


Zhou Suyi was the first to sense it, and hurriedly reminded her.

Fatty Wang reacted quickly.

In this tense environment, the adrenaline soared, and the reaction was much faster, turning the gun and pulling the trigger directly.

Da da da……

The bullets poured out instantly, and the flames illuminated the surroundings.

Only then did everyone see that it wasn't a ghost that came, but an eagle owl.

The horned owl spread its wings and grabbed Fatty Wang's head with its claws, but the speed of the bullet was faster.

Almost instantly, the horned owl was smashed into a sieve, and fell staggeringly.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a bird pretending to be a ghost, your uncle, I will eat you and turn you into shit!" Fatty Wang cursed.

The tense mood finally relaxed.


There seemed to be horned owls circling around, but seeing the fierce firepower, they chose to retreat and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

"Huh... so it's an eagle owl!" Zhou Suyi patted her chest, feeling like her heart was about to jump out just now.

Only Hu Bayi remained solemn, "That voice is still there."

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang, who had just relaxed a bit, became tense again in an instant.

That's right, it's not the horned owl that's scary, but the death signal.

"Hey, it's his grandma's. Fatty, I want to see what it is that is pretending to be a ghost today." Fatty Wang also got angry.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Well, yes, I must figure out what's going on, otherwise, I won't feel at ease if I'm so suspicious!"

The three of them searched for the sound, and finally their eyes focused on a tree trunk. When they got closer, they found that it was a natural tree hole.

This tree hole is only as big as two fists, and over the years, the hole has been completely sealed by the parasitic plants on the tree, and the sound is coming from inside.

"Stand back, let me check!"

Hu Bayi carefully inserted the dagger into the deepest part of the green moss. The touch from the tip of the knife seemed to touch a hard object.

"There is something!" Hu Bayi's face was serious.

"Grandma, Fatty, I want to see what is playing tricks." Fatty Wang was about to step forward and kick the surrounding things away.

But at this moment, a hole seemed to be torn open in the sky on the horizon, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone down.

The golden light of the sun was shining brightly, as if the holy light descended on the world.

After tossing for so long, no one realized that it was almost dawn.

Originally, the light would make people feel more at ease, but as soon as the light fell, the three of them felt a sudden tremor under their feet.



Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of the trunk breaking. It was obvious that the three of them had gathered together. The trunk could no longer bear it and had reached its limit.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi shouted.

It's a pity that the incident happened suddenly. Moreover, it was on a tree, and they couldn't stabilize their figures if they shook slightly. All three of them fell down.

Fortunately, the branches of this old banyan tree are dense, and the three of them fell on the branch, but they didn't fall directly!

The distance here is more than 20 meters from the ground. If you fall directly, it will definitely be a dead end.

The transport plane overhead, because it lost the main load-bearing branch, slid directly under the tree more than 20 meters high, making a loud noise.

"Are you all right?" Hu Bayi got up and asked hurriedly.

Zhou Suyi grabbed a tree trunk and stood up, "I'm fine!"

"I, I, I'm fine!" Fatty Wang's voice trembled.

This guy is very courageous, but his fear of heights is really insurmountable.

"It's fine!"

Zhou Suyi raised her head, her eyes suddenly changed.

She could clearly see the inside of the old tree cracking open, and she couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Look there!" she said, pointing to it.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked over, and they were also taken aback.

I saw that the tree hole was illuminated by the sun, and it turned out to be a blood-red color. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a big crimson coffin.

The coffin looked like jade but not jade, and it was made of crystal, warm and slightly transparent, exuding a shining luster.

The outer skin is a thin layer of milky white skin, the deeper it goes, the darker it becomes, and it is priceless at first glance.

"Damn it, I really met a baby!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up instantly, and he forgot he was afraid of heights.

He is still knowledgeable, and he can tell at a glance that this coffin is definitely a treasure.

The materials used to make the coffin alone are absolutely priceless.

Not to mention looking for another tomb of the king, even if this coffin is carried out directly, it will make a fortune.

"Good guy, can you believe it? There is actually a coffin hidden in this big tree? It's so simple, it's totally unexpected."

"Is this the legendary tree burial? Isn't this the coffin dedicated to the king?"

"Probably not. If King Xian's ancient tomb is so easy to find, it would be too simple."

"Fuck, this coffin looks like a good thing at first glance. No wonder so many people risk their lives to take risks. It's a one-off meal, and it will last a lifetime."


Netizens were shocked.

Many people see the evening from the morning without knowing it, and are completely absorbed in it, forgetting the change of time.

Especially the appearance of this coffin instantly made the mood excited.

archaeological team.

When Chen Yan saw the blood-red coffin, he stood up suddenly, his body trembling.

Of course, he was not afraid, but excited.

Su Xin watched from behind with weird eyes. He was really afraid that Chen Yan would faint from excitement just like his teacher.

Fortunately, Chen Yan is still young, only in his 50s, and his body is very strong, otherwise, she would have prepared a quick-acting heart-relief pill.

"My God, my God, this, this is definitely the most important discovery!"

Someone in the archaeological team cheered.

After being suppressed for so long, this is definitely the most exciting moment for them.

Others are terrified of coffins, but seeing them is definitely more exciting than seeing a peerless beauty.


(End of this chapter)

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