Chapter 247 Feng Shui Layout
Looking at the blood-red crystal coffin, Zhou Suyi's heart beat wildly. She faintly felt that this crystal coffin might be the real secret of this hidden mission.

Fatty Wang rubbed his hands excitedly, he was too excited.

"Hahaha, get rich, get rich, Lao Hu, if we can carry this coffin out, we can definitely sell it for a good price."

Hu Bayi glared at him, "What are you thinking, don't say we can't lift it, even if we can lift it, you can get it back?"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang became depressed.

Zhou Suyi stared at the coffin, and said in a deep voice, "Could the voice just now come from inside this coffin?"

"Fuck, so there are big rice dumplings inside, grandma's, and I didn't bring the black donkey's hoof!" Fatty Wang wanted to climb down to get the black donkey's hoof, but he felt dizzy when he lowered his head.

Fear of heights is really uncomfortable.

Zhou Suyi said: "It's a little strange. Looking at the material of this coffin, it is absolutely not easy to prove the identity of the person buried inside. Maybe it has a lot to do with Xian Wang, but how could this coffin be put into a big tree at will? Hu, you know a lot about this stuff, do you have any particular points?"

Hu Bayi is an expert in the five elements of feng shui.

Zhou Suyi knows that sometimes you have to ask in this game, because if you don't ask, the system will default to not explain.

Hu Bayao: "It's really a bit particular. The old tree is the first of the five evils in the yin house. There are old trees, a lonely mountain, a broken stream, a bald mountain, and a pile of rocks near the burial room. "

Although Zhou Suyi didn't understand, she frowned. According to this statement, wouldn't this violate the theory of Feng Shui?
She didn't speak and continued listening.

"If there is an old tree, it will grab the wind and seize the energy; if there is a lonely mountain, there will be less entanglement and protection, and there will be no fusion and no knot, and the yin and yang will inevitably clash; if there is a cut off, the main vein will be bitter and the soil will dry up; if the water vein is cut off, the vitality will be cut off; The chaotic rocks are suddenly angry, and the craggy rocks are towering, which means that the host is full of fierce spirits, and many of them are caused by the evil spirit of the land; if there are bald mountains, it is called a lifeless land."

The more I listen to it, the more it feels wrong.

Zhou Suyi frowned even tighter.

"Wait, according to what you said, isn't this position a big evil?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "The specific situation depends on the actual situation."

He examined the coffin carefully.

The top of the jade coffin immediately revealed a lot of exquisitely carved patterns. The entire floor is engraved with mandarin ducks, swan geese, foxes, rabbits, deer, deer, elephants and other rare birds and animals that symbolize auspiciousness and spirituality. There are also flowers and plants in different shapes arranged symmetrically, which are very detailed.

The surroundings of the jade coffin are engraved with lotus petals and embellished with diamond-shaped reliefs. In the middle of each side is a lifelike parrot with a ganoderma lucidum in its mouth.

Not to mention the material of the coffin, just from these exquisite carvings, it can be seen that the people in this coffin are absolutely extraordinary.

"That's the reality, what do you say?" Zhou Suyi continued to ask.

Hu Bayi pondered for a moment, and then said: "From my point of view, the people buried in this coffin should be some practitioners or alchemists. Those who are outside the alchemy think that they are not among the five elements, so they don't need to choose a private house according to the world. There is a way to greet and see off from the coffin, if the locks are locked heavily, all the energy will be gathered in the wall."

"A person who cultivates the Tao?" Fatty Wang's eyes were strange. He had never stolen a bucket from such a person before, so he was a little curious.

Hu Bayi ignored him, and continued: "Maybe he did it on purpose. The two old couple trees are the outer shell of this jade coffin, and the person inside may be a wizard, or a person who seeks the way."

"The tree hole we found in the tree before, I think it is most likely the Mingtang hole in the tree's coffin, and it is the golden well that draws the essence of heaven and earth."

"So, it's not the evil point?" Zhou Suyi said.

As long as it is not a big murderer, there should be no more danger.

Hu Ba nodded, "It is said that the Xianwang Tomb is a unique 'water dragon halo' in the world, which is similar to the fairy cave. We have not seen it with our own eyes. If it is as it is in the legend, this should be an accompanying tomb. One of several star positions around the main acupoint."

Zhou Suyi thought of the introductions she had seen about King Xian, and felt that they were somewhat consistent.

In the background story, King Xian is an evil existence who is good at killing.

"King Xian advocates the way of witches and evil spirits, and he only wants to become an immortal. It is estimated that most of the important officials around him are warlocks. It seems that this accompanying tomb is a fairy coffin, but I don't know if the owner inside has already become an immortal. If there are real immortals in this world, this jade coffin should be empty by now, and the corpse inside should be released."

Fatty Wang rubbed his hands, "I think you guys are wasting your emotions, let me see, it doesn't matter whether he is a fairy coffin or a ghost coffin, as long as we lift the lid of the coffin, whether there is a person, a ghost or a fairy inside, then it will be decided." It's clear at a glance."

Fatty Wang's methods have always been simple and rude.

Neither Zhou Suyi nor Hu Bayi refused this time.

If you want to find out what's going on, opening the coffin is undoubtedly the best choice.

In order to complete the task, it is also necessary to look at the coffin to see what happened.

Strictly speaking, this was the first time Zhou Suyi opened the coffin, and she was really nervous.

As a game with the theme of tomb robbery, it really has a little bit of that flavor now.

"The coffin has been opened, the coffin has been opened, this is a bit like a tomb robbery game."

"A high-energy warning ahead, it won't really be a big rice dumpling."

"All the snake gods killed one of them, so what are the zongzi afraid of?"

"Hey, it's too difficult for me to come to the high-energy one at night."

"If you can talk, hurry up and say more, let me see that you are with me."


The opening of the coffin was the first time in the game, so netizens became nervous.

No one knows what will come out of it.

There is a feeling of opening a blind box.

Hu Bayi reminded: "You can open the coffin, but be careful. From the layout point of view, the feng shui bureau here should have been broken. If the earth's air leaks out, the things in the coffin may change. Be careful." !"

"Wait, wait, I'll go get a black donkey's hoof first, I don't have the black donkey's hoof, I don't feel at ease!" Fatty Wang also went all out.

The opening of the coffin made him very excited, and he felt that Fatty Wang was more concerned about it than the flowers and candles in the bridal chamber.

Ignoring my fear of heights, I swished down, and then swished up again.

Needless to say, although Fatty Wang is a bit fat, he is flexible and flexible.

Holding the black donkey's hoof in his hand, Fatty Wang felt a lot more at ease.

"Okay, okay, come on!"

Zhou Suyi looked at the black and hard donkey's hooves in Fatty Wang's hands, and thought that this thing really works for zongzi.

It feels a little unreliable.

She clenched Xiaoshenfeng tightly in her hand, and still felt that the dagger was more secure in her hand.


(End of this chapter)

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