Chapter 248
Zhou Suyi didn't know if black donkey's hooves were useful to zongzi, but Xiao Shenfeng's introduction had the function of warding off evil spirits, which must be useful.

Therefore, as long as Zhou Suyi holds Xiao Shenfeng in her hand, she will feel at ease just like Fatty Wang holding a black donkey's hoof.

"Ready to open the coffin!"

At this moment, the sky gradually brightened up. With the first ray of sunlight shining down, the golden light spread and covered the ground, which made people feel more at ease.

The sunlight shone in through the densely packed leaves, and shone on the jade coffin, and one could clearly see a tall black figure inside the coffin.

This black shadow is in the shape of a human being, and it is extremely obvious.

"It seems that this guy's wish to become a fairy has not been fulfilled, but it's true, there are no gods in this world!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

But when he thought of the snake god's egg and the snake god's strange ability, he felt in his heart that maybe there really are gods.

"Don't be afraid, the sky is bright and bright, even if it's really a fraud, you will still be overwhelmed!" Hu Bayi said when he saw Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang nervous.

In the end, it was fine if he didn't say those words, but as soon as he finished speaking, a black cloud floated from nowhere in the sky that was still clear just now, instantly covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The sky that had just brightened up instantly became pitch black, and there was a depressive atmosphere in the air.

Zhou Suyi glanced at Hu Bayi resentfully.

Well, Zongzi dare not come out in the blue sky and white day, so what about now.

"Grandma, it's probably a monster here!" Fatty Wang cursed.

It wasn't that the demon way was doing something, why did the dark clouds suddenly avoid the sun.

"Come on, stop talking, let's drive!" Hu Bayi thought in his heart, if he drags on, who knows what will happen, and he will be even more uncertain at that time.

The three came to the coffin and were about to open it.

But Zhou Suyi saw that there was a hand under the coffin.

Seeing this withered hand, Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, "Do you think the signal just now was sent by this hand? In fact, it was a warning to us!"

Hu Bayi also looked at the hand, and his expression became ugly.

Following that hand, he looked inside, and found that there was a tree hole under the coffin, which was densely packed with dead bones, whether it was human or animal, it was already impossible to tell.

What kind of big tree is this? Is this damn old demon from Montenegro?
Zhou Suyi felt like scolding her mother.

I didn't expect a hidden mission to be so evil.

If it wasn't for the completion of the task, Zhou Suyi really wanted to leave directly and leave it alone.

And at this moment, a thumping sound came from the jade coffin, as if something was knocking on the jade coffin.

The voice was very dull, but it was clearly heard, and it was impossible to hear it wrong.

"My mother!"

Zhou Suyi's scalp exploded again in an instant, and she felt a creepy feeling.

The dull sound of thumping almost didn't send him away directly.

The barrage area also exploded.

"Oh my god, my girlfriend fainted from fright."

"Damn, it's really a game in the underworld."

"Is there any law of heaven, is there any law of the king, why is it night when I go to a place of horror, this is the rhythm of sending me away sooner or later."

"Barrage bodyguard!"


That dull voice seemed to knock on everyone's heart, making people shudder.

It seemed that the temperature around them dropped several degrees.

Zhou Suyi really wanted to retreat, and seeing Hu Bayi's face, it was obvious that she was terrified.

"Not good, where's the fat man!"

Hu Bayi suddenly exclaimed, and Zhou Suyi noticed that Fatty Wang next to him disappeared at some point.

dong dong dong...

There was another rapid knocking sound from inside the coffin, as if responding to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi's face changed drastically, and he looked at the coffin.

"Fatty, fatty!"

dong dong dong...

There was another knock inside, but the sound was a little softer, as if there was no strength left.

"Fuck!" Hu Bayi cursed, and beat the coffin hard.

Zhou Suyi's face turned pale with fright, her heart was beating wildly, her emotions were highly tense, and she was on the verge of entering the healing mode.

At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind.

Fatty Wang was caught in the coffin for no reason.

The coffin has never been opened from the beginning to the end. If Fatty Wang can be caught in this way, then the person inside is really a monster.

This fucking is definitely the body of the Montenegrin old demon.

"Old Hu, what should I do?" Zhou Suyi was completely panicked, completely forgetting that she is the leading player in the game.

"Open the coffin and save people!"

Hu Bayi was really in a hurry, he was afraid, but now in order to save Fatty Wang, he didn't care about anything.

He was about to pry open the coffin with a dagger.

"Fatty, hold on!" Hu Bayi was about to cry.

However, the coffin was tightly sealed, so it was not so easy to open.

And the knocking sound became weaker and weaker, appearing and disappearing from time to time, as if Fatty Wang inside really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yes, yes, save, save!" Zhou Suyi was in a hurry, and the little sharp edge in her hand almost fell.

Really panicked.

It's too scary.

I used to think that the canyon of Mount Zagrama was the scariest, and then I thought the countless corpses in the water cave were the scariest, but now I think that this Montenegrin old monster is the scariest.

"Oh my god, do you kill people in the coffin? This is a bit too scary."

"Your mother is really a dryad, how can you play like this?"

"Are you sure this is just a hidden mission, not the main mission?"

"It is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep tonight. I dare not close my eyes for fear of having nightmares."


One ring after another, each ring more terrifying than the last.

Who can bear this.

Not to mention Zhou Suyi who played the game, even the netizens who watched the game felt terrified, as if their hearts were about to jump out.

But when the two of them were in a hurry, they heard Fatty Wang's faint voice behind them.

"I said, two big brothers, can you help me?"

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi, who were in a hurry, were all taken aback.

Immediately, the two of them turned their heads to look, and saw Fatty Wang was sweating profusely, struggling to climb up the tree branch.

For a moment, the expressions of the two of them froze on their faces, and the emotions that had just been brewing disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, I don't want to open the coffin anymore, I just want to beat this guy up.

Is there such a fucking thing to scare people?

Zhou Suyi resisted the urge to hit someone.

"Hold it, hold it back, for the sake of goodwill, I will endure it!"

Zhou Suyi clenched her fists, thinking in her heart, sure enough, when there is no danger, Fatty Wang is the most dangerous. If he had been a little timid just now, he might have been sent away directly.


(End of this chapter)

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