Chapter 249 Dead and Dead

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi saw Fatty Wang climbing up behind them. They should have been happy, but their faces turned green.

Even Hu Bayi has the urge to beat Fatty Wang at this moment.

"Damn, you're sick, why didn't you respond when I was told just now?" Hu Bayi questioned.

Fatty Wang looked confused, "Hey, didn't I see that you are too emotionally involved, so I don't have the nerve to bother you."

Zhou Suyi clenched her fist, it was the first time that she wanted to hit someone so much.

"Old Hu, do you want to hit someone?"

Hu Ba nodded, "I really want to."

Fatty Wang saw that the faces of the two were not looking good, he trembled all over, knowing that he was a little too much, he hurriedly said: "Ahem, don't stop, I really didn't mean it, I just fell down, um, my neck was strangled, I can't get out Sound, otherwise, I can make you worry about me."

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Neither of them obviously believed it.

"Damn it, is there any group to beat up Fatty Wang?"

"Shit, I scared the old lady half to death, and then this guy's prank, it's too hateful."

"Down with Fatty Wang."

"It must be such an out-of-the-ordinary person to do such an out-of-the-ordinary thing."

"But your mother is mad at me."


The netizens exploded, and the barrage was overwhelming.

That is to say, Fatty Wang is a character in the game. If he was a real person, he would have been raped by the Internet by now, and his pants would have to be turned out.


Lin Shu went in in the morning and came out the next afternoon.

The police still used the same rhetoric, asking him why those things were the same again, and Lin Mu used the same rhetoric as last time, blaming everything on that book.

The police had no choice but to file a report and let Lin Mu leave.

As soon as he got out of the police station, countless people surrounded him. When he saw the forest, it was closer than seeing his own father. A group of people rushed up and surrounded the forest tightly.

Lin Mu sighed, thinking that he was already a tens of billionaire, so he should also invite some bodyguards. If there are bodyguards at this time, then they can stop those people.

However, when he thought of his abilities, he immediately shook his head, wondering what to do with that money.

He slipped away quietly from the crowd, took a taxi and wanted to go home.

While riding in the car, he casually predicted the future, and then his eyes became weird again.

He sat in the back quietly, pretending to close his eyes to rest his mind, and at the same time, with a quick twitch of his fingers, a message was sent out.

The taxi driver wore a mask and didn't speak. The car sped forward at high speed, but instead of heading towards Lin Mu's house, it headed for the suburbs.

Lin Mu closed his eyes and pretended not to notice anything.

The driver glanced at the trees through the rearview mirror from time to time, looking a little nervous.


Fatty Wang had a good meal, and Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi spared him.

"It wasn't a fat man just now, so it's so difficult that the voice inside was really made by the rice dumpling?" Zhou Suyi stared at the coffin, her face still extremely solemn.

Even if Fatty Wang wasn't caught, the fact that there was a sound inside proved that there must be something alive.

No, maybe it can't be called a living thing.

Fatty Wang held the black donkey's hoof, "Damn it, it seems that today is really evil. If you want me to see, just open the coffin. If there are zongzi, Fatty, I will let him taste these first." The might of the old black donkey's hooves."

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, and returned Nima's 82-year-old black donkey's hoof. This is Lafite's donkey's hoof?
"Well, let's go!" Hu Bayi gritted his teeth.

Zhou Suyi also nodded.

When things come to this, the coffin must be opened.

The three of them worked together, using all kinds of tools, and it took a lot of effort to finally pull out the lid of the jade coffin.

In an instant, all three of them were on full alert.

Zhou Suyi was even ready to stretch out a pale hand from inside at any time.

But this was not the case. The coffin was very peaceful, and no corpse was seen. Instead, the coffin was filled with a reddish black liquid. Except for the smell, it was not much different from the blood released.


Zhou Suyi still had goosebumps all over her body unconsciously.

I don't know what this thing is. If it's really blood, it's really evil.

"Old Hu, it's kind of evil, isn't it all blood?" Fatty Wang felt a little weak, and his hand holding the black donkey's hoof was trembling slightly.

Hu Bayi sniffed it and shook his head, "There is a very strong smell of Chinese medicine, it should not be blood, but made from Chinese medicinal materials."

"It's fine if it's not blood, grandma's, these old gangsters like to play tricks!" Fatty Wang cursed.

With his scolding, Zhou Suyi was a little scared.

After all, in the ancient city of Jingjue, there were many accidents because of Fatty Wang's mouth.

But fortunately, the corpse inside didn't have the power of Queen Jingjue, so nothing happened.

"I'd like to see what is sacred inside." Fatty Wang couldn't wait to reach into the jade coffin with a climbing pick to fish it out twice.

Suddenly, I felt the climbing pick sink.

"Got it!"

Zhou Suyi instantly became nervous.

It was the first time to open the coffin and retrieve the corpse, and it was exciting to think about it. She had no experience, so she could only watch from the side, and she couldn't get her hands on it.

Fatty Wang used his climbing pick to fish out the body of a fat old man. There was only a very thin layer of crystals on the body, as thin as a cicada's wing.

"Fuck, why is it so heavy, his grandma's, this old gangster must have been a lazy, nonsense master, why does he feel fatter than me?" Fatty Wang complained, and pulled hard.

Hu Bayi cut through the layer of crystals with a knife, completely exposing the corpse wrapped in it.

I saw that the old man's body was well preserved.

His face was bigger than ordinary people, like a horse's face, his beard and eyebrows were white, his head was tied in a bun, and he was completely naked. It seemed that he had been soaked in the blood-like liquid for too long, and his body was slightly red.

"This is a dead man, what do you compare to him!" Hu Bayi was speechless for a while.

He touched the corpse's face with the scabbard of the parasail knife, which was quite elastic, not at all like a corpse that had been sleeping for an unknown number of years.

Fatty Wang said: "This dead old man is full of fat. I don't know how long he has been dead. He has not rotted yet. I am afraid that sooner or later there will be a corpse. It is better to burn it as soon as possible, so as not to leave hidden dangers."

Hu Bayao: "Fill out the body first, there should be other things inside."

"it is good!"

Fatty Wang responded, and tried again, but this time it only felt heavier, and he couldn't pull out the old man's body completely, as if there was a heavy weight falling underneath.

This made the faces of the three of them not very good-looking.

Zhou Suyi said heartily, it is said that people are dead after death, it seems that it is true, although this corpse is fat, but with Fatty Wang's strength, it shouldn't be unable to pull it.


(End of this chapter)

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