Chapter 25

After Zhou Suyi went back, when she opened the software, the background immediately exploded.

They all urged her to broadcast the live broadcast of the game, and there was even an official account urging her to broadcast it quickly.

"Hey, if I don't play today, I think the spitting of netizens will spray me to death. Lin Mu is really good. How does his brain grow? This game has become so popular before other people have played it. , I really admire it!"

Zhou Suyi sighed in her heart, and at the same time admired Lin Shu even more.

She hastened to broadcast.

"I'm sorry for joining the live broadcast room."

"Shirley Yang Tiedong splits the sheep and joins the live broadcast room."

"Hu Bayi joined the live broadcast room one by one."

"Rice yyds join the live broadcast room!"


This time it was even more explosive.

Almost a million people flocked into the live broadcast room almost immediately after the broadcast started.

Although Hudou specially set up a server for Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, but the instantaneous traffic caused the server to blow up immediately.

There is no picture in the live broadcast, only sound.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do today, so I'm delayed. I'm sorry, I'll try to download the broadcast as late as possible!" Zhou Suyi apologized!

"What's the situation? Why can't I see the screen? Is there something wrong with my phone?"


"Everyone, please be considerate of Miss Zhou. After all, I died a hundred times yesterday, so I went to see a psychiatrist."

"Sister Zhou has worked hard, but she is not dead yet, so hurry up and continue to do it for me. I want to see Shirley Yang, and I want to see Hu Bayi."


Netizens are too emotional.

In fact, Zhou Suyi's one hundred ways to die yesterday once again aroused the competitiveness of netizens.

They don't believe it.

With the wisdom of thousands of netizens, this game can't be solved.

Hudou made an emergency plan, and the server was finally restored after 5 minutes, and the live broadcast returned to normal.

However, within 5 minutes, the number of people online in the live broadcast room once again broke the record, reaching a terrifying 200 million.

Seeing the rapidly increasing number of people, Zhou Suyi felt dry mouth.

I can only say one thing in my heart, it's terrifying.

Little girl Dai has been lurking. Seeing the heat, she also feels thirsty, and she is also fantasizing in her heart. It won't be long before she can experience this feeling for a short time.

"Okay, since everyone is looking forward to it so much, then I really will give up my life to accompany the gentleman. Moreover, after a day of thinking today, I think I have discovered the trick again. Today, I must arrange for this level!"

Zhou Suyi felt that she had been reminded by Lin Mu, and she was full of confidence again.

Opening the game again, Zhou Suyi didn't rush to start, but stayed on the character introduction interface.

"According to my observation, the tricks of this game should have a lot to do with the characters. The characteristics of each person may affect the game. This time, I have to take a good look!"

When netizens heard what he said, they thought it made sense.

After all, Mumumu personally said this point of view before, and it was also verified at that time.

Immediately, countless netizens took the trouble to start researching.

However, after repeated research, there is no reason for it.

Zhou Suyi felt that she had almost memorized the character introduction, but she still had no clue.

Then follow the newly researched routines of netizens and experience it again.

This time, she directly bought a truck, ignored An Liman's objection, and drove directly into the desert. As a result, after driving for a day, the car broke down.

The second time, I went directly into battle with light clothes and speeded up, but on the fifth day, I ran out of ammunition and food.

The third time, I simply went on the road alone, but got lost.


It was another night of trying, but the result was still unbearable.

"Ahhh, damn Lin Mu, why do I want to scratch him every time I play games!" Zhou Suyi barked his teeth and claws. If Lin Mu was here, he would probably go up and fight Lin Mu desperately.

Seeing this scene, Dai Xiaomei snickered in her heart, "Hey, although I'm a late player, as long as I can pass the test, I will definitely attract a lot of popularity. Whether I can be popular or not depends on this night!"

In the last few minutes, Dai Xiaomei almost counted them.

As soon as it was twelve o'clock, Dai Xiaomei sent Lin Mu a red envelope of 50 without saying a word.

"Little brother, the time is up, you can't go back on your word!" Dai Xiaomei was afraid that Lin Mu would go back on his word, so she sent a whiny voice.

Lin Mu got goosebumps when he heard this, this woman is really good at it.

He didn't talk nonsense, and sent the game resources directly.

The moment she received the game, Dai Xiaomei was extremely excited.

Although the game cost a high price of 50 yuan, and it will be available for free download in the early hours of tomorrow, she still feels that it is worth the money.

"Thank you little brother, I love you!"

Immediately, Dai Xiaomei hurriedly installed the game, and then started the live broadcast.

It was early in the morning, and there were not many people. She notified in advance that although there were true fans waiting, the number of people online could barely reach [-].

Compared with Zhou Suyi's terrifying figures, it pales in comparison.

But Dai Xiaomei has a good mentality, "Hey, everyone, I am Dai Xiaomei. There is a reason for the live broadcast so late today. I have already obtained the resources of "Exquisite Ancient City". Today, I can give it to you. Try it out!"

"Hahaha, amazing, the second anchor in the whole network to get resources, it's okay."

"How did Little Sister Dai get it? Could it be that she sold the original stockings?"

"She has such a good relationship with Zhou Suyi, so it's normal to get it."

"Hahaha, pardon me for being blunt, little girl, your IQ is not suitable for playing this kind of game, really!"

"Murderous, but, sister Zhou next door has died more than 100 times, and she is still stuck in the desert. I think the probability of the little girl passing the level is almost zero!"

"Hahaha, I thought of Mumumu who came to the live broadcast room to promote, but was treated as a pornographic game by this old woman, haha, I laughed so hard!"


Seeing this comment, Dai Xiaomei's face turned dark.

"Ahhh, I'm so angry, don't worry about it, forget it, I won't quarrel with you, I want to prove myself with my strength, let's see the truth in the game!"

Immediately, Dai Xiaomei couldn't wait to open the game.

She didn't choose Shirley Yang.

After all, Zhou Suyi has been playing the role of Shirley Yang, and since she wants to gain popularity, she has to play something different.

Moreover, she has not been idle these days, and has been studying this game.

The hottest characters are Shirley Yang, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

Based on the introductions of the three, she felt that the role of Hu Bayi would definitely be popular in the future, so she chose Hu Bayi decisively!

However, when she entered the game, she found that it was completely different from Shirley Yang's beginning, and she was at a loss for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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