Chapter 26 Not even 3 minutes?

Because Zhou Suyi likes the role of Shirley Yang very much, she has been playing Shirley Yang's role for so many days, even though she died more than 100 times, she didn't think about changing her.

She knew very well in her heart that this game was definitely not something that could be passed simply and easily by changing players, so instead of wasting time, it was better to concentrate on specializing in one character.

This also caused, whether it is the majority of netizens or Dai Xiaomei, they don't know how to play other characters, and the initial plot is different.

This time it was not in a room, but in a large courtyard.

Also Hu Bayi and the others, facing Professor Chen and Hao Aiguo.

But this time there is a new character, this man has a mouthful of big gold teeth, which looks a bit wretched.

"Hey, Professor Chen, this is the expert I recommend to you. This Brother Hu has served in the army and fought in wars. He knows astronomy, geography, five elements and gossip. He is proficient in everything. The most important thing is Yes, he has experience in desert survival, he was born just for you!" Da Jinya introduced confidently.

Fatty Wang next to him immediately refused, "Hey hey, I said Big Gold Tooth, don't just introduce Lao Hu, our fat man is also famous in the industry, okay?"

Big Gold Tooth immediately laughed, "Hey, Fatty, according to what you said, it is necessary. Professor Chen, Professor Hao, this Fatty Wang is also number one. It is absolutely fine to bring him along!"

Although Dai Xiaomei has studied the live broadcast many times, she was still a little uncomfortable when she first appeared in the game, and looked at these people around blankly.

"Wow, this is too realistic, it's really like facing a group of real people!" Dai Xiaomei sighed in her heart.

Hao Aiguo on the opposite side didn't buy the slightest bit of Da Jinya's introduction.

"Two comrades, we already know the purpose of your visit. Presumably you also know the requirements of our archaeological team. This time is an exception of exceptions, an exception of exceptions. What we need are talents. You two have the ability to survive in the desert. Expedition experience, or knowledge of the stars and Feng Shui? You can’t be sloppy at all, if you don’t have the ability in this area, we won’t go through the back door.”

Hao Aiguo also stared at Da Jinya, obviously, he didn't really trust Da Jinya.

Everyone looked at Miss Dai.

No one expected that Hao Aiguo's attitude was so tough, and the atmosphere was a little stiff for a while.

Fortunately, Professor Chen came out to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "It's not easy. Not only has the experience of participating in the war, but also has been to the desert, it is really rare. It is more than enough to be the leader of us nerds. Most of the relics and ancient tombs are buried under the yellow sand, and the old course of the Kongque River has long since dried up, making it difficult to find them. If you don’t know Tianxing Fengshui, you probably won’t be able to find them. I wonder if you two understand Fengshui?”

"Hey, Lao Hu, don't be dumbfounded, show your hands and open their eyes, so that they don't look down on us!" Fatty Wang urged!

Silly girl? ? ?
She looked dazed, opened her eyes?Take a shot.

What is Tianxing Fengshui, how does she know this.

Just kidding, this game won't be so perverted, right?

Playing a game, is it possible that I have to learn a wave of Tianxing Fengshui?
"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, I'm guessing that the little girl is dumbfounded!"

"This game is really good. This part should be when the archaeological team was formed. The plot is too complete. The designer is really perverted. He thought so carefully."

"What's going on in Little Sister Dai's heart right now???...???...???"

"Stupid, this is absolutely amazing. I thought it would be difficult for Shirley Yang to come up, but I didn't expect that there would be something even more amazing."

"This is really amazing. Without some knowledge in this area, I really can't pass the interview!"

"This game is really tyrannical and all kinds of dissatisfaction, my mother is really looking forward to it more and more!"


Netizens wanted to laugh at the moment, the dazed and astonished look of the little girl is really interesting.

This game is really tyrannical and unconvinced, the more you brag about it, the more you will be slapped in the face later.

Then, 1 minute later, with the decline of various approvals, Dai Xiaomei directly failed the interview because of the failure of the game.

When the game was over, Dai Xiaomei was still in a daze.

Is it that fast?
Not counting the time of cg animation, the whole game lasted for 2 minutes and ended.

It took a while for the little girl to recover, and she suddenly lost her temper.

"Damn, brothers, it's absolutely impossible, who can live with this, it's too extreme!" Dai Xiaomei exaggerated, pointing at the game with a look of grievance on her face.

After researching for so long and spending 50, just for these 2 minutes?
Depend on……

Now, like Zhou Suyi, she has the urge to beat up the game designer.

Zhou Suyi's side broadcasted until twelve o'clock, and kept dying. Even with Lin Mu's reminder, it still couldn't make it through. It really couldn't go on.

"Fuck, stop playing, stop playing, I heard that Little Sister Dai also got the game, and she's going to broadcast it live today, I have to go and see if this woman will be tortured crazy!"

Zhou Suyi went straight to the ward rounds, and when she arrived at the live broadcast room of Dai Xiaomei, she saw that Dai Xiaomei was live broadcasting.

Immediately, he was not polite, and directly tipped out ten rockets.

As soon as she went there, it really felt like a large army was passing through. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of netizens poured into Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room.

Dai Xiaomei was playing games at the time, so she didn't know.

Then, the netizens saw Dai Xiaomei finish the game in 2 minutes, with a look of astonishment and confusion on her face.

"Hahaha, I thought Sister Zhou was bad enough, but I didn't expect there to be someone worse than Sister Zhou!"

"This is definitely the fastest failure record in history. If I were to fool you, I would have to fool you!"

"It seems that Shirley Yang's beginning is considered simple. I don't know how Fatty Wang's beginning is."

"Dai Xiaomei's heart at this moment is probably the same as Zhou Suyi's, she is also broken!"


Sister Zhou laughed out loud when she saw the stunned and stunned look of the young girl, who didn't pay attention to her image at all.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, hahaha, oh my god, sure enough, this game is fun to watch others play and watch others being tortured, hahaha, oops, no, finally someone understands my Feel it!"

"No, I'm not convinced, wait for me, wait for me for 5 minutes, I'll search for knowledge about the Five Elements Feng Shui, hehe, a little difficulty, don't try to defeat me!" Dai Xiaomei immediately opened Du Niang and started to study, full of confidence, High morale.

However, I was dumbfounded when I saw it.

But everything about this aspect is all obscure and difficult to understand.

"This, what is this, my mother, I exploded, brothers!" Dai Xiaomei was really about to cry.

How do you study this?
I don't know anything at all, and I want to memorize a few words, but I feel that this thing is more difficult to memorize than Xiaoyaoyou, isn't it?


(End of this chapter)

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