Chapter 251
After discovering two precious cultural relics one after another, even Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded. Even if she didn't understand these things, she could tell that they were extremely precious.

It's different from those things of the Queen of Essence.

Queen Jingjue's wealth is usually some goldware, which is expensive, but compared with these two items, the artistic value is much worse.

Fatty Wang was quite nervous at first, but when he saw what was inside, his eyes turned green.

At this time, it is estimated that the ghost pretending to be him will be frightened by his appearance.

"Hurry up, look again, there must be treasures, this old gang is rich enough." Fatty Wang urged.

"Keep your surroundings!"

Hu Bayi continued to search in the coffin, but there was nothing valuable, but he found some things in the coffin.

There seems to be a problem with python.

"This boa constrictor seems a bit complicated!" Hu Ba said!
"How to say?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

So far, apart from being a little scary, I haven't encountered any unsolvable dangers here, which doesn't fit the routine of the game.

Zhou Suyi always felt that this small boss with a hidden mission was definitely related to this corpse or something inside it.

"The red meat thread on the python corpse seems to be connected to the bottom of the coffin!"

Zhou Suyi frowned slightly, and watched carefully, the countless red fleshy threads on the python corpse seemed to be alive, shaking slightly from time to time, these fleshy threads were all connected to the bottom of the jade coffin.

This exquisite jade coffin, the four walls and the top cover are dense with heavenly jade, it is extremely precious.

And the bottom is actually a piece of paulownia wood as the bottom, the red meat thread in the coffin passes through the bottom of the paulownia wood coffin and connects to the inside of the old tree. The human corpse, python, and jade coffin are all connected together and can no longer be separated , which seems to represent some strange use.

Zhou Suyi couldn't understand what kind of operation this was.

"Old Hu, you are the best at feng shui. Take a closer look and analyze it. What kind of operation is this?" Zhou Suyi humbly asked for advice.

[Congratulations to the player, your recognition has inspired part of Hu Bayi's memory]

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, and she thought it was okay.

At the same time, I was a little speechless in my heart, well, if I don't ask, you can't just say it, this game is really amazing.

Zhou Suyi instantly felt that sometimes it was very necessary for her to have a hundred thousand reasons.

As soon as the reminder was over, Hu Bayi seemed to think of something suddenly, "No, the skinned python corpse in this jade coffin may be a python, and these two couple old banyan trees have been killed Parasitized by the resentful soul in the python corpse, this tree is a giant python."

"What's the matter, Lao Hu, don't scare people, how could this tree be a giant python!" Fatty Wang, who was looking around, couldn't calm down when he heard this.

Zhou Suyi looked up at the huge tree canopy, covering the sky and the sun, and couldn't help shivering.

"Your mother, it can't be the old Montenegrin demon."

"Old Hu, please explain carefully!" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi's face was a bit ugly, "It's definitely not accidental that we experienced all this today. The so-called ghost signal is probably the old banyan tree's means of deliberately attracting people. Over the years, I don't know how many people have been attracted here. The densely packed dry bones are proof."

"Tree, can you really do this? This is still a tree, can't it be a tree spirit?" Zhou Suyi felt a little guilty.

If it is really a dryad, they are now on the dryad's body, wouldn't they be the same as those corpses every minute.

Hu Bayao: "I just saw that the corpses in the tree holes were all entwined with thin red blood veins growing from the jade coffin, and these blood threads finally pierced into the seven orifices of animal and human corpses, as if they The blood was sucked dry alive, and then conducted to the jade coffin."

"So the effusion in the jade coffin is a kind of embalming fluid formed through transformation, which uses fresh blood to maintain the incorruption of the corpse in the coffin."

"Is this the qi technique? It's too evil. The tree induces animals and people to come over, devour their blood, provide nourishment for the corpses in the coffin, and keep them from decaying. My God, this..."

Zhou Suyi didn't even know what to say.

This is definitely not something in the realm of science.

"Yes, capture an old Montenegro demon alive."

"Hahaha, if you get the corpse-flavored konjac in the ancient city of Jingjue, and then study this technique, do you think our country will develop a super powerful biochemical weapon?"

"Awesome, the wisdom of the ancients really cannot be underestimated."

"I seriously suspect that there were immortal cultivators in ancient times, but now that the aura is exhausted, these people have disappeared, but some of their spells remain."


This weird method shocked the netizens, and everyone started to analyze it.

Such a miraculous thing is not available in other countries.

This is also due to the long history and culture of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The 5000-year civilization has given birth to many strange people and strangers, and these strange people and strangers have created many secret methods that modern science cannot explain.

If you can really analyze these secret methods and secret techniques, the role and use of the game should not be underestimated.

With Zhou Suyi's humility to ask for advice, Hu Bayi unlocked a lot of memories, and continued: "It's all very obvious, this should be the accompanying tomb of King Xian's tomb, where a high priest under King Xian is buried. With this technique, he skinned a python and put it in the jade coffin together with his own body."

"The two old trees themselves are a self-sufficient and relatively independent ecosystem. Many animals nearby have become the "fertilizer" of this jade coffin, and we are probably also used as nourishment. "

Zhou Suyi felt another layer of goosebumps appear on her body.

Being targeted by a tree, it feels weird to say it.

"I said, is it reliable? Hu, you didn't make these up, did you?" Fatty Wang was suspicious.

This thing sounds too intrusive.

Hu Bayao: "I've seen the feng shui here before, and I didn't have much clues, but now it's much clearer. Although the old couple's tree at the foot of Zhelong Mountain is not a feng shui acupuncture point, it can be inferred that it is the water dragon that buried the king. A "rotten bone hole" on the body."

"Rotten bone hole? What do you mean? Rotten bones?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "The so-called Rotten Bone Point means that Yin does not communicate with Yang, Yang is inferior to Yin, the boundary is unclear, the situation is blurred, and the Qi channels are scattered and not gathered. Yang, the humidity in the jungle is extremely hot and humid, and the difference between the ground and the ground is not obvious, so it is called "yin and yang are unclear."

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang looked at each other, their faces were confused.

The words all understand what they mean, but when combined, it's like listening to a scripture.

Hu Bayi ignored them, and continued: "The breath of the ground veins here is endless, and there is no fresh water to intercept it. It is difficult to bless future generations if buried here. It can only disintegrate the bones, so it is called "rotten bones." "Buried", or buried with carrion."

"However, this method of using trees as graves has changed the layout of the place. There are also pythons in the coffin that plunder the blood marrow of surrounding creatures, completely maintaining the corpses from decay. It can be seen that this high priest was also He is an expert who is proficient in the art of yin and yang. This kind of method is so weird that it is completely beyond the routine, and it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"Anyway, it's just that the old gang is very good, right?" Fatty Wang summed it up.

Hu Ba nodded, "You can also say that!"

However, Zhou Suyi thought of a question, grandma's, the person pretending to be Fatty Wang, and the voice just now, could it all be from this tree?

If so, it is really a dryad.


(End of this chapter)

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