Chapter 252 Lost Contact

Regarding the five elements, feng shui and other things, Hu Bayi was at his fingertips, and Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were both confused when they heard it.

However, Zhou Suyi felt that her previous trust was worth it.

"Good guy, as far as the knowledge of Feng Shui is concerned, this is too professional."

"Lin Mu, you still say you're not a tomb robber?"

"I heard that Lin Mu's second entrance to the palace has come out."

"Even if Lin Mu is not a real tomb robber, he must know a lot about it."

"That's all my grandfather learned. He said that without decades of knowledge, it is impossible to know so much."


Needless to say, regarding the knowledge of Feng Shui, netizens all admire Lin Shu.

But in fact, Lin Mu himself really doesn't know much about this aspect.

What he got was the inheritance of moving mountains, and moving mountains didn't know anything about Feng Shui, otherwise, he wouldn't have searched for thousands of years and couldn't find Muchen Bead.

Zhou Suyi's expression was solemn, "You said, the one who just pretended to be fat, and the one who just talked, could it be this tree?"

"I said, Brother Yang, don't be joking. I'm not sure if this black donkey's hoof is of any use to dryads." Fatty Wang turned off the gun with one hand and black donkey's hoof with the other, feeling a little uneasy at the moment.

If it is really like what Hu Bayi said, then this big tree will really become a spirit.

"Brother Yang, show me the things!"

Suddenly, Fatty Wang's voice came from behind.

Zhou Suyi didn't think too much, and handed over the dragon and tiger scepter and the golden mask in her hand.

"Jie Jie!"

However, as soon as the things left her hands, Zhou Suyi heard a strange laughter behind her.

At the same time, it feels like something is blowing cold wind near the ear.

"Fuck, it's not good!"

Zhou Suyi suddenly realized that she might have been cheated.

It was not Fatty Wang who spoke.

She turned around sharply, but it was too late.

The next moment, I felt something was placed on my head, and then I felt a strong force coming, followed by a rattling sound.

A burst of severe pain came, Zhou Suyi's eyes widened, and her head was twisted in a circle.

At the moment before he died, he saw a monster with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks grinning at him.

【game over】

Without a doubt, the game failed again.

Zhou Suyi suddenly opened her eyes, "Fuck, what is that?"

The flash passed so fast, some didn't see it clearly.

At the same time, I felt that it was too evil, and I had to be on all possible precautions, and Fatty Wang was watching from behind me, so I was still tricked.

What the hell is this.

"It's full of hair, and I can't see what it is."

"Looks like a hairy human face."

"Could it be a dryad?"

"Who can guard against this, it is simply impossible to guard against."


Netizens were also taken aback by the sudden situation.

The fleeting face and the 180-degree twist of Zhou Suyi's neck made people creepy, and felt that his neck was hurting.


archaeological team.

Almost the entire archaeological team was watching Zhou Suyi's live broadcast, and when they saw this scene, they were all taken aback.

Chen Yan had just recovered a bit, looking at the screen with a serious expression.

"Quickly, inform Captain Li of this news!"

"Okay, I'll call!" Su Xin hurriedly took out the phone.


The phone rang, but no one answered.

"Fight again!" Chen Yan became very nervous, with a very bad premonition in his heart.

The so-called "dryants" that appear in the game are likely to be dangerous.

Now at night, Team Li and the others rushed into the mountain. If they really encountered each other, they might be in danger.

Su Xin hurriedly dialed again, but still no one answered the phone.

"Use the walkie-talkie!"

They took out the walkie-talkie left by Team Li.

"Captain Li, Captain Li, please answer if you hear it!"

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they didn't dare to breathe, so they waited quietly.

sizzle sizzle...

The buzzing voice on the walkie-talkie made people feel extremely uncertain, but no one answered.

"It's over, it's over, something big has happened!" Chen Yan's body began to tremble again.

Team Li led a team of ten people into the mountain, but now there is no response from all of them, which makes people wonder if something happened to them.

If all ten people were involved in an accident, regardless of the degree of responsibility, no one would want to see such a thing happen.

"Professor Chen, what should we do now?" Su Xin asked.

She also has no backbone, let alone the rest of the archaeological team.

It was originally in the middle of the night, and I watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast.

The weird scenes in the live broadcast are slightly fused with reality, and it makes people feel even more scalp-numbing.

"What else can I do, save people!" Chen Yan was really anxious.

"Ah, it's up to us to save, save people?" The archaeological team were all stunned.

Team Li brought people in and there was no news. What can they do? Isn't it a gift to go in?

Moreover, it is said that the weird thing on the big banyan tree is this water hole, can they get through it?

It's also very evil here.

It's still late at night, who knows if those corpses in the water are really fake corpses.

Chen Yan rubbed his hair, it was messed up by him, and he didn't pay attention to his image at all.

"Look for Deputy Captain Yang, I'll go in with him!" Chen Yan was really anxious.

No matter what danger lay in it, he was ready to go on it himself.

"No, Professor Chen, you can't go in such a physical condition!" Su Xin stopped Chen Yan, gritted her teeth, "I also experienced some strange things in the ancient city of Jingjue, so let me go, besides, you guys Continue to pay attention to the live broadcast, and let us know in time if there is any situation!"

"No, I'll be with you!" Chen Yan insisted.

However, he had been in a coma before, his body was too weak, and everyone stopped him before finally persuading him.

Deputy Captain Yang also brought ten people with him. He looked at Su Xin, a little worried, "Girl, you should stay, we can just go in by ourselves."

They all know how terrifying this water hole is.

Team Li and the others didn't encounter piranhas when they went in before. Who knows if they will encounter piranhas this time.

For a girl, it is indeed scary.

Su Xin said: "Don't worry, when we were in the ancient city of Jingjue, we encountered many strange things. After all, I have some experience. Going with you may be of some help!"

"This... alright!" Deputy Captain Yang could only agree.

Chen Yan looked at Su Xin with relief and envy. At the same time, he looked at his frightened students and sighed helplessly.

He couldn't ask for anything. After all, even Captain Li and the others lost contact. Everyone knew that it might be risking their lives if they entered.

Who dares to risk his life.

Netizens are also in awe of Su Xin.

"Awesome, heroine of the female school, hey, these big men are really timid."

"It's not like everything went wrong. In reality, there can't be monsters."

"Quickly let sister Zhou continue to find out what it is."

"Why don't you contact Lin Mu directly, he must know what's going on better than anyone else!"


(End of this chapter)

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