Chapter 253 The monster itself
Team Li's inexplicable loss of contact cast a shadow over everyone's heart.

Originally, if they didn't watch the live broadcast, everyone wouldn't think too much about it, they would just think that the signal was blocked or other reasons.

But since watching that live broadcast, who can not worry?
That ghost thing that appeared inexplicably can pretend to be other people and talk to them at will, it is hard to guard against. It looks very cruel, and it will kill people at every turn. Once it is really encountered, it is simply too dangerous.

Deputy Captain Yang led Su Xin and a dozen of them, prepared the bamboo raft, and entered the water cave directly.

It's the middle of the night now, and when they think of the things in the water cave, everyone's hearts are raised in their throats.

If there is a choice, no one is willing to come in in the middle of the night, but now they have no choice but to bite the bullet.

Su Xin was very scared, but tried to calm herself down.

When those team members saw that Su Xin was so calm, they immediately felt a little ashamed, and then they also raised their guns, and they were very energetic.

Soon they came to the place where the beast had its mouth open.

"Be careful, everyone, prepare all the salt." Deputy Captain Yang ordered immediately.

All take a deep breath, holding salt and weapons.

After entering inside, one could see the corpses suspended in the water at a glance.


Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, I still feel my scalp tingling after seeing it at first glance.

"Sprinkle salt!"

Vice Captain Yang gave an order, and everyone opened the salt bags in their hands and sprinkled them downward.

Fortunately, this method is really simple and practical.

Those corpses really seemed to be alive, receding slowly, avoiding the high concentration of salt water.

However, these brines cannot stay in the water for too long, and they must leave here as soon as possible.

Chen Yan was anxious outside.

He also wanted to contact Lin Mu directly, and wanted to ask what was going on, what was causing the trouble?

But firstly, he didn't have Lin Mu's contact information, and secondly, although their archaeological team was a national organization, their level was really not high, so it was too difficult to contact Lin Mu through other departments.

After Zhou Suyi failed in the game, she thought she would not continue.

After all, it is already late at night, and she has encountered such horrible things one after another in the game, she is worried that if she continues to play, she may not be able to sleep tonight.

But after looking at the barrage, his eyes became weird.

"Sister Zhou, sister Zhou, don't get off, the archaeological team is waiting for your help."

"What's the situation? What happened to the archaeological team?"

"Team Li of the archaeological team went into the mountain, and now there is no news. I suspect that they also encountered the weird thing that Zhou sister encountered in the game."

"Fuck, is it real or not, does that thing really exist in reality? Grandma, this world is so crazy, it's not about spiritual recovery."


Many netizens in the live broadcast room of the archaeological team ran to Sister Zhou's live broadcast room to post barrage.

Sister Zhou also became a little anxious when she saw these bullet screens.

"Fuck, is it true? If it's true, I really can't sleep tonight!"

She hurried to verify it, and found that it was indeed the case, and she became anxious immediately.

"Everyone, don't worry, I will enter the game now, and I will help you figure out what is causing the trouble."

Today's Zhou Suyi is very responsible.

Although I was also panicking in my heart, and my mental state was not very good after playing for a day, I still chose to directly enter the game.

After finishing everything up front, after hearing what Hu Bayi had said, he heard Fatty Wang's voice behind him again.

"Brother Yang, show me the things!"

Rao was mentally prepared, but Zhou Suyi still felt a little scared unconsciously when she encountered this scene again.

"Calm down, calm down, it doesn't matter if you're a human or a ghost, I won't kill you if I kill you!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly comforted herself in her heart.

She nodded calmly, and replied, "Okay."

At the same time, he glanced at Hu Bayi, but saw that Hu Bayi was still staring at the coffin as if he hadn't heard Fatty Wang's voice at all.

The next moment, Zhou Suyi handed the thing back with one hand while hiding the other hand underneath.

Jie Jie...

The thing behind gave out a weird laugh again, and was about to grab Zhou Suyi's head with both hands, trying to twist Zhou Suyi's head away again.

But with advance preparations, how could Zhou Suyi still be tricked.

The hand hidden under the golden mask suddenly stretched forward, the small god's front was shining with cold light, and it was seen by the poor dagger.

The thing behind him was full of complacency, thinking that he had succeeded.

But that cold light instantly made its pupils dilate.

The outstretched hand was withdrawn abruptly, grabbing Xiao Shenfeng.


Two big furry hands grabbed onto Xiao Shenfeng.

However, how sharp is Xiaoshenfeng.

This is a prop given by the game mission. It is really like the introduction, cutting iron like mud.

Those two big hairy hands were instantly splattered with blood.

However, the blood that flowed out was not bright red, but dark red, and it also had a strong rancid smell, which made people sick.


At the same time, a shrill scream came out.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were startled by the sudden appearance of the voice.

They hadn't found anything before.

However, this shrill cry suddenly sounded beside him. If it were someone else, he might be sent away immediately.

"Fuck, who's calling? Why the fuck is it my voice?" Fatty Wang looked dazed and terrified.

"What's going on?" Hu Bayi was also taken aback.

The two looked over abruptly.

In front of Zhou Suyi, there was a human-shaped thing with black hair all over its body standing there.

This thing has sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a ferocious face. It looks a bit like a monkey, but it only has one thick thigh.

At this moment, he was looking at Zhou Suyi with a look of resentment.

"Fuck, what the hell is your mother?"

At first sight, Fatty Wang was taken aback.

Zhou Suyi saw it clearly this time, and felt her scalp tingle for a while.

What the hell is this.

It has only one leg.

However, this is not a disability, but really only one leg, which is in the middle.


"Bold, I am a mountain god, you dare to hurt me?"

The monster suddenly grinned at Zhou Suyi, and a stench came over him.

The next moment, that leg exerted all its strength, and flew upside down with a whoosh, disappearing into the canopy of the tree.

"Mom Shan, don't run away!"

Although Fatty Wang didn't know what it was, it was definitely not a good thing to appear among them for no reason.

Immediately raised the gun, there was a burst of rattling...

The bullets smashed the nearby tree trunks to pieces, but I didn't hear the screams of the thing, and I don't know whether it was killed or the thing had already run away.


(End of this chapter)

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