Chapter 254 Charm
From Zhou Suyi hearing the voice to turning her head to fight back, and then to when the thing escaped and Fatty Wang shot, in fact, only a short moment passed.

It happened so quickly that none of them reacted more.

When they calmed down, all three of them were in a cold sweat.

Especially Zhou Suyi, panting heavily, as if she had gone through a fierce battle.

"Fortunately, nothing happened!"

She brushed the broken hair sticking to her forehead, feeling a little terrified.

That is to say, that thing didn't attack directly, otherwise, she would have no chance to fight back.

That monster is so wicked.

It came quietly behind them, and no one noticed it at all. This is the scariest thing.

"Grandma, there are strange things every year, especially this year. It's really an evil door to open the door for the evil door. The evil door has come home. I said, what the hell is that monster?" Fatty Wang also had lingering fears.

It shouldn't be too scary that the thing can imitate his voice.

"A monkey with one leg? It looks so vicious."

"Mountain spirits and wild monsters, ghosts and monsters."

"This thing is too scary, Captain Li and the others won't really come across this ghost thing, right?"

"Fuck, this thing is hard to guard against. If Team Li and the others were not prepared in advance, it would be too easy to fall for it."


For a while, netizens became even more worried about Captain Li.

This thing is horribly over the top.

Although they only have one leg, they come and go without a trace. It is really like a ghost. Even if Captain Li and the others have guns, it is difficult to deal with them.

Zhou Suyi took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit, "This thing, who claims to be a mountain god, can't, is it true?"

Hu Bayi frowned and said, "I think, I should know what this thing is?"


"What is it?"

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang asked together.

Hu Bayao: "Shan Hai Jing records a kind of mountain spirit wild monster named mandrill. It is recorded that this thing is so powerful that it can tear tigers and leopards apart. According to folklore, mandrills mourn for those who died in the mountains. Gathered together, he is good at charming people, just now he came to us quietly, maybe, we have already been affected."


Zhou Suyi frowned.

This thing seems to have been seen in some strange stories and legends, and it is definitely not a kind person.

His performance also proved this point.

It's brutal, it's scary, it's weird.

Hu Bayi continued: "This thing can talk, and it claims to be a mountain god. It must have spiritual wisdom. The ancients were so ignorant. When they encountered such mountain spirits and wild monsters, they would inevitably regard them as gods. I'm afraid this thing is here. I am used to domineering, and I really think I am a god."

"Damn it, it's just a fucking mountain spirit who dares to call himself a mountain god, grandma, come out if you have the ability, the fat man will let you taste the power of a gun!" Fatty Wang scolded.

Now that he knew what this thing was, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot.

Many times, the fear in people's hearts comes from their ignorance of unknown things.

Seeing that Hu Bayi understood very well, Zhou Suyi hurriedly asked, "What's the weakness of this thing?"

Hu Bayi thought for a while, "This thing is a yin and evil thing, and all things generate and restrain each other. Since it is a yin thing, it must be afraid of a yang thing. If there are cinnabar, black dog's blood, and glutinous rice flour, they are mixed together and made into pellets. Attack it, it will be effective!"

"Fuck, old Hu, you're talking for nothing, we're in the wilderness now, where are we going to get these things!" Fatty Wang was a little depressed.

These few things, they also have some glutinous rice.

There are no other cinnabar and black dog blood.

"Great, Lao Hu, you are amazing!"

But Zhou Suyi was so excited that she almost didn't go up to kiss Hu Bayi.

Fatty Wang was dumbfounded, naturally he didn't know what Zhou Suyi was happy about.

But Chen Yan and the others outside became excited.

"Quick, quick, do everything possible to get these things!"

Although it was midnight, the entire archaeological team had no news, so they hurried to the nearby villages to find these things.

Fatty Wang looked at Zhou Suyi suspiciously, "I said, Brother Yang, why are you so happy? Could it be that you brought these things?"

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "Not at all!"

Fatty Wang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Then why are you laughing?"

"No, it's okay!" Zhou Suyi quickly waved her hands and changed the subject, "What should we do now, I think, let's go down first, that thing was hurt by me once before, and it dared to come here, it shows that it has a strong desire for revenge, we still Get out of here first!"

"Well, let's go down first!" Hu Bayi also nodded.

It is inevitable that they will not be able to use it on the tree.

Three people are ready to go down.

But at this moment, there was a burst of strange laughter.

"Jie Jie, you have angered the God of the Mountain, you are all going to die!"

The voice was sharp and piercing, it was no longer Fatty Wang's voice, but it was like metal rubbing against each other, making one's teeth sore.

"Fuck me!"

Fatty Wang exclaimed.

Zhou Suyi's body was covered with goosebumps, she hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw that mandrill came back again without knowing when.

But this time, he was standing on top of that coffin.

"No, the mandrill is too angry, this corpse will definitely deceive him, stop him!" Hu Bayi's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted.

Fatty Wang reacted quickly.

"You bastard, go to hell!" Fatty Wang raised his gun and was ready to shoot.

But at this moment, the mandrill's eyes suddenly turned green.

The green was shining brightly, full of an evil breath.

Seeing those two green lights, Zhou Suyi suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy.

But then, the body suddenly started to feel hot, as if it was about to burn. At the same time, the brain was instantly clear, and the feeling of dizziness just now was directly suppressed.

Zhou Suyi came back to her senses in an instant.

"what happened?"

He hurriedly looked at Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty, and found that Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty's eyes became dull, as if they had lost their souls, and stood there in a daze.

Fatty Wang, who was holding a gun just now, never pulled the trigger.

Looking at the mandrill again, his face was full of complacency.


Zhou Suyi immediately thought of this possibility.

Hu Bayi said just now that this thing is good at charm, and I'm afraid that just when I met his green eyes, everyone was tricked without knowing it.

But why would he be fine?
"Kirin blood!"

Zhou Suyi thought of this reward, and there was a sentence in the introduction about the Qilin bloodline, "There are many miraculous effects, please try it yourself."

I didn't take it seriously before, I just thought that this blood would only enhance my physical fitness, and this sentence was directly ignored.

But now he suddenly realizes that the power of this blood seems to be very strong, and it can actually help him resist the charm of the mandrill.


(End of this chapter)

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