Chapter 255

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were charmed by the mandrill, and they stood there in a daze, as if they had lost their souls. Only Zhou Suyi recovered immediately after a brief trance.

"The Qilin bloodline actually has such an effect!" Zhou Suyi was extremely shocked.

However, now is not the time to think so much.

She looked at the mandrill again, this thing is too evil, a look can actually make people lose their minds, it's not too scary.

It is indeed a mountain spirit and wild monster.

Zhou Suyi felt a burst of fear.

If she is also recruited, then the three of them will undoubtedly die.

"This ability is a bit awesome."

"Wow, if I have this ability, wouldn't I be able to do whatever I want?"

"Hey, at this moment, I know what you are thinking."

"Why doesn't Miss Zhou seem to be affected?"

"It's strange, both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were recruited, but Sister Zhou really didn't seem to be affected at all."


Netizens were all shocked by the mandrill's strange charm ability, and also surprised why Zhou Suyi didn't have anything.

That mandrill, like the netizens, had a smug look on his face, but after seeing Zhou Suyi's eyes cleared up, he suddenly lost his composure.

"Impossible, impossible, how could you be fine!" the mandrill made that sharp voice again.

Zhou Suyi felt her teeth sour.

"Damn it, fight him!"

Although I am afraid at the moment, I can only fight.

Hu Bayi said that the mandrill was overwhelmed, and the corpse would inevitably transform into a dead body. Although it is not clear what will happen to the dead body, it must be prevented.

Immediately, she took out the little god blade, rushed towards the mandrill.

"Bold, I am the mountain god, you dare to offend the mountain god, damn it!" The mandrill was furious and screamed strangely.

But Zhou Suyi was extremely fast, like a ghost, she arrived in front of the mandrill in an instant, and stabbed at the mandrill's head.

The mandrill didn't dare to resist, and quickly dodged.

"Old Hu, fat man, wake up!"

At the same time, Zhou Suyi yelled at the two of them.

However, neither of them responded.

"Damn, what to do?"

Zhou Suyi was a little anxious. She was worried that the two of them would die. If that happened, the game would fail again.

When they reached the position of the coffin, the mandrill dodged.

Even though this guy has only one leg, he is very flexible and extremely fast.

Zhou Suyi didn't chase, but made a feint and jumped to Fatty Wang's side.

"Fatty, don't wake up yet!"

As soon as the words fell, a big pussy slapped past.

There is no way to try this trick.


This blow was crisp, and Fatty Wang let out a scream, and instantly woke up.

Should I say it or not, Zhou Suyi now understands this big push.

It's all right, after a big push, it's guaranteed to be all right.

"Oh, fuck me, Brother Yang, why are you beating me?" Fatty Wang covered his face with dissatisfaction as soon as he recovered.

Seeing that it was useful, Zhou Suyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You are all charmed!"

"What's the matter? Really, fake?" Fatty Wang was startled.

"Stop that mandrill!" Zhou Suyi didn't explain, and went to Hu Bayi's side again, she was not polite, and she was a big pusher.


Hearing this voice, Fatty Wang trembled all over, feeling his cheeks hurt even more.

However, seeing that Hu Bayi was also attacked, I felt a little more balanced.

Hu Bayi was slapped, his body trembled, and he recovered, covering his face and looking at Zhou Suyi in confusion.

"You have been charmed, this is my last resort!" Zhou Suyi said quickly.

Hu Bayi's reaction was extremely fast, he didn't care about those things, and suddenly looked at the coffin, his expression changed drastically.

"No, fat man, kill him!"

At this moment, the mandrill returned to the position of the coffin again, bent down to look at the corpse inside, and blew over with a breath of black air.

Fatty Wang reacted, raised his gun and fired a burst.

"Grandma, dare to charm your fat man, I will kill you!"

Da da da……

Bullets poured out.

However, the mandrill reacted very quickly, turned around and hid behind the coffin, then jumped down and disappeared into the darkness.

The gunfire stopped.

The three of them stood there blankly with ugly expressions, their eyes fixed on the coffin.

"I said, Lao Hu, are you sure that this thing can really cheat corpses?" Fatty Wang asked with a guilty conscience.

He and Hu Bayi have dealt with Zongzi before, so he naturally knows how scary this thing is.

Zhou Suyi also felt a little guilty, "Really, will it become a zongzi?"

Just imagine what it would be like to see a person who died for thousands of years come back to life.

Hu Bayi's face was gloomy and uncertain, "Mandrills and even yin and evil things, he is much more powerful than black hair or something like that in one breath."

"Damn it, what are you waiting for? Or, take advantage of his illness and kill him by stuffing the black donkey's hoof into his mouth first." Fatty Wang said.

Hu Ba nodded, "That's it!"

The three of them were ready to approach the past.

But at this moment, inside the coffin, the old man stood up straight.

Especially suddenly.

His body was lifted high, dangling in the sky, covered with entangled skinned pythons.

The tail of the boa constrictor supported the ground, and the body of the boa constrictor wrapped the corpse, but the corpse was standing in the air. This scene looked extremely strange!

"Fuck me!"

Fatty Wang's frightened hair stood up again, and one of them couldn't stand steadily, and almost fell from it.

Zhou Suyi felt her heart stopped suddenly, and she was almost sent away directly.

Netizens were even more frightened by this sudden scene.

Who would have thought that the corpse in this coffin would suddenly fly out.

This is so creepy.

"My mother, I scared my old lady to death, woo woo woo, it's just splashing, it's in the middle of the night, look at this for yourself, isn't it killing me?"

"Dig, Thai pants are hot, hahaha."

"The main focus is hospice care, and everyone has a good journey."

"It's over, it's over, something big happened, my girlfriend was scared to death."


This sudden fright really scared many people enough.

Any horror movie is weak compared to this game, it is not worth mentioning.

"What, what should I do?" Zhou Suyi was so frightened that her voice trembled a little.

Although I have experienced many weird things in Jingjue Ancient City before, compared with the things in front of me, the level of horror is far less than the things in front of me.

Tai Nima is scary.

It feels like my calves are twisting now, and my legs and feet don't seem to be my own anymore, and I have forgotten how to move.

"Fuck you, scare me, even Zongzi, I will kill you suddenly!"

Fatty Wang should say it or not, he is really courageous, and he doesn't care about 21, he took a gun and fired a burst, beating the corpse dangling in the air for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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