Chapter 256
Da da da……

The bullets poured out, and they didn't care about aiming. The main attack was an indiscriminate attack.

However, when these bullets hit the old man's body, although they didn't enter in an instant, they only left bullet holes, which didn't seem to have any effect.

The old man's body dangled in the sky, looking extremely strange.

Fatty Wang didn't stop until the bullet in the magazine was empty.

There was a sudden silence around, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Suyi looked at the corpse in front of her. The corpse had been beaten into a sieve long ago, and the hollows on her body were transparent, but not a single drop of blood flowed out.

"Is this, dead?" She asked with some uncertainty.

Even if it is a zongzi, if it is beaten like this, it should die.

Is this thing really so tenacious?

However, Hu Bayi's face was still extremely ugly. He didn't speak, but just stared at the corpse.

Then, a strange thing happened, in the bullet holes of the corpse, there was suddenly something wriggling, looking carefully, it looked like red worms.

The next moment, those red silk threads drilled out of those bullet holes, gathering together one by one, more and more, densely packed, the scalp of the people who watched it felt numb.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of monster is this?" Fatty Wang scolded.

Goosebumps rose up on Zhou Suyi's body, and then she saw an even more terrifying scene.

"Look around!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang hurriedly looked to the side, and their expressions changed drastically.

I don't know when it started, among the densely packed branches, densely packed red silk threads drilled out.

These red silk threads seemed to be alive, and they surrounded them quietly.


In an instant, countless red threads enveloped them.

Everyone feels the scalp tingling.

Zhou Suyi only felt that the big tree really seemed to be alive, and the corpse was the core of the whole big tree. These red silk threads were like the countless hands of these two big trees.

This Nima is definitely the Montenegrin old demon.

At this moment, she only felt that King Xian was too scary to make such a wicked thing.

She didn't dare to be careless, and swung the little god blade in her hand up and down, chopping left and right.

Every time she used the knife, a piece of red silk thread was cut off by her.

However, with little success.

These red silk threads are endless, and they can't be cleaned at all.

"Fuck me!"

Suddenly, Fatty Wang exclaimed, his feet were entangled by the red thread at some point, he fell to the ground, pulled by the red thread, and walked towards the jade coffin.

"Old Hu, save me!" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

He grabbed the tree trunk with both hands, but those silk threads were very strong despite being very thin. Fatty Wang was dragged forward like this, his hands were bleeding, but it was useless.

"Fatty!" Hu Ba was startled, and hurriedly raised his gun to aim.

However, as soon as he pulled the trigger, countless red silk threads wrapped around his arm.


The shot missed a bit and hit Fatty Wang's head.

With a bang, Fatty Wang almost lost his soul in fright.

"Fuck, old Hu, you're trying to murder your own brother!" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

But Hu Bayi didn't have time to pay attention to him, those red silk threads were like tarsal maggots, as long as they were entangled, they would immediately spread towards the whole body.

Hu Bayi wanted to cut it open with a paratrooper knife, but his arms were pulled, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi became anxious and wanted to help, but countless silk threads enveloped her, like a big tangible net.

If you don't keep her in it, you won't give up.

She has a small magic sword in one hand and a diamond umbrella in the other, but she can't resist it.


The Vajra Umbrella in her hand was snatched away by silk threads, Zhou Suyi became very anxious and wanted to snatch the Vajra Umbrella back.

But I just felt my feet tightened, and I looked down, okay, my legs are all entangled, and before I could move, these silk threads began to force towards my two legs.

Looking at it like this, I want to give her a large number of strays, and the rhythm of directly dismembering the corpse.

"Damn it, don't talk about martial arts, you're doing a sneak attack!" Zhou Suyi cursed.

The next moment, the legs were pulled directly to the sides, and a split horse came directly.

Fortunately, the flexibility of this body is very good, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhou Suyi retracted her legs hard, trying to tear off those silk threads, but those silk threads were too flexible.

She hurriedly put her body on one leg, trying to cut those silk threads with the small god blade, but before she could reach it, countless silk threads surrounded her again, instantly entangled her upper body tightly.

At the same time, strands of silk thread climbed up her neck and slowly tightened, trying to strangle her to death.

Fatty Wang next to him was even worse. At this moment, his whole body was tightly entwined with red silk threads, like a big red cicada pupa, leaving only one head outside.

His obese body appeared even more bloated, and the hireling wanted to escape, but how could he escape.

He had already reached the coffin, and at this moment, a huge python's head suddenly came out from behind the old man's body, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Fatty Wang's head.


When Hu Bayi saw this scene, his eyes turned red instantly.

But there was nothing he could do, he couldn't take care of himself.


With one bite, blood splattered, Fatty Wang's head was bitten off directly, the scene was too bloody.


Zhou Suyi screamed when she saw this scene.

It's not that I haven't seen Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang die, it's because the way of death is too cruel.

"Fatty Wang died just like that?"

"It's terrible, this thing is simply incomprehensible."

"It's simple, set it on fire, why not set it on fire, once it's set on fire, it's guaranteed to be done."

"This is a big living tree, and it has rained again, so it is so easy to set fire to it."


The difficulty of this level once again exceeded everyone's imagination.

Zhou Suyi gradually lost her strength in the exclamation.

His neck was tightly strangled, his hands, feet, and hands were trapped, and he couldn't break free at all, and there was no way to recover.

【game over】

There is no doubt that it is another group wipeout, and the game is over.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes, touched her neck, panting heavily, her body was wet with cold sweat.

Looking at the empty room, I feel a little guilty.

Since playing this game, it has been a long time since I experienced this feeling of fear.

She looked at the window, really afraid that the figure of the old man would suddenly appear outside the window, so frightened, she hurriedly closed the curtains with the remote control, and then she was completely relieved.

"It's terrible, this is a fucking hidden mission, if it's the last main mission, how difficult it would be!"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this Xianwang is really terrible.


(End of this chapter)

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