Chapter 257 The Pharaoh
Deputy Captain Yang and Su Xin led the team into the water cave. Fortunately, apart from the corpses at the beginning, there was no other danger.

There is salt to restrain those gnats, and the green-scaled python has been killed long ago, the danger in this water cave is almost greatly reduced.

After finally finding an exit, everyone hurriedly climbed out.

After breathing the air outside again, everyone was relieved.

But everyone did not dare to take it lightly, they all knew in their hearts that Team Li and the others lost contact behind this mountain, and it was very dangerous here.

As soon as he went out, he received a message from Chen Yan, telling them everything about the game and asking them to stand by for the time being, waiting for them to send those cinnabar bullets over.

"Mandrill? Really, will there be such wild monsters?" Someone asked nervously, obviously thinking that this thing was a bit scary.

"I've never heard of mandrills bewitching people, but I heard from my grandfather that there are five great immortals in the old forest in the northeast, and each one is very powerful."

"I've heard it too!"

Listening to their whispers, Su Xin felt her scalp go numb.

It was already in the middle of the night, and with the horror of the deep mountains and old forests and the blessing of the game content, everyone was very uncertain. Besides these things, this place felt even more eerie.

Fortunately, Vice Captain Yang stopped him in time, "Shut up and stop talking nonsense!"

Then everyone shut up.

They waited here, feeling that time seemed to pass extremely slowly.

Da-da-da, da-da-da...

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from a distance.

"You guys, did you hear footsteps?" someone said.

"I heard that too, could it be Team Li and the others?"

"It must be, besides Team Li and the others, who else can be here, or else, let's shout twice!"

Everyone was nervous and looking forward to it.

Su Xin hurriedly said: "Shh, don't talk, Professor Chen and the others said that mandrills are good at deceiving people, and they can also pretend to be other people. It's hard to tell if it's real or not. Let's see the situation first!"

Hearing this, everyone's expression changed.

Vice Captain Yang also said: "Well, listen to Su Xin!"

For a moment, everyone became more nervous. No one dared to speak. They turned off their lights and stared nervously at the direction from which the voice came.

Not long after, a figure stumbled out of the woods towards them.


Lin Shu was released at night. After getting in the taxi, he pretended to be sleepy, stretched his waist, closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Chance in front peeked at him from the rearview mirror from time to time, and when he saw that he was asleep, he let out a sigh of relief.

The car drove all the way out of the city.

At this moment, it was completely dark, and the surrounding area became quieter and less populated.

The driver looked behind nervously again, and seeing that Lin Mu was still sleeping soundly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, this guy has a big heart!" He thought in his heart.

Fortunately, Lin Mu didn't find out, otherwise, it would be really troublesome. Once there is a commotion in the urban area, it would be troublesome to bring people out. Fortunately, everything is going smoothly now.

It went so smoothly that he felt a little unreal, and the various emergency plans he had prepared before were no longer needed.

Soon, it seemed to enter a small road, and the car began to bump up.

The driver seemed not afraid of Lin Mu waking up at all, and even accelerated the speed of the car. However, Lin Mu still didn't wake up, and even he was a little envious of Lin Mu's sleep quality.

Suddenly, several headlights came from ahead, and the taxi slowed down and stopped.

The driver opened the door and ran straight down.

Seven or eight people outside immediately surrounded the car.

There are men, women, and a few foreigners among these people. Everyone looks strong and has a hostile look on them.

"Brother Mouse, people brought it!" The driver ran over and said in a low voice.

Known as Brother Mouse, everyone calls Digger, and he is a short, sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy.

Compared with the others, he seemed a few sizes smaller, but he was the boss of the group, which seemed a bit funny.

Brother Shu was a little surprised, "So easy? This kid didn't resist?"

The driver shook his head, "No, I fell asleep as soon as I got in the car, and I haven't woken up yet!"

When Brother Shu heard it, his eyes were a little strange.

"Hehe, his heart is big enough. He didn't know that after making those two games, people on the road were staring at him. They didn't even understand why Huai Bi was guilty!"

The driver said: "Brother Shu, I think this kid is quite ordinary, he doesn't look like a person on the road, this kid, do you really have some notes on tomb robbers?"

Brother Shu nodded, "Hehe, if not, do you think he can create such a realistic scene? Now, how many colleagues have gone to Worm Valley, as far as I know, more than 20 waves of people have gone, and now they are officially In action, it is enough to prove that everything is in line."

When everyone heard this, they became excited.

"That's great. As long as we get this notebook, Brother Shu will be the top branch of the Pharaoh in the future. Who else can compete with Brother Shu!" the driver complimented.

"That's right, not to mention the country, in the future, even in the entire Pharaoh organization, Brother Shu will be second to none!"

Everyone started flattering one by one, as if they didn't take Lin Shu seriously at all.

Lin Mu opened his eyes in the car, listening to their conversation outside, his eyes were a little strange.

"Pharaoh?" The name is not unfamiliar, but it doesn't sound like the Pharaoh I thought it meant, "It seems to be a big multinational organization, what kind of mouse brother is this, it seems to be a small leader of the domestic branch! "

"They actually think that I have some tomb-robbing notes. It seems that it should be a tomb-robbing organization!"

Lin Mu frowned slightly. Sure enough, he released two games one after another, plus a movie. These things about tomb robbery almost overlapped with reality, and people noticed him.

However, according to what they said, the system's affairs were not exposed, but these people, like the official people, suspected that he was a tomb robber, or that he had relevant information about these ancient tombs.

That's why I came to the door.

"What should I do? Kill them directly?"

This is not difficult for Lin Mu. Being able to predict the future gives him an absolute advantage. He is inherently invincible. With the blessing of force from the mountain-moving inheritance, it is not a problem to deal with these people.

This is also the reason why he dared to come here without fear.

However, just killing these few people doesn't seem to be of much use.

These few are just a small boss of the Pharaoh's organization. I don't know how many such small bosses there will be. Without this one, more and more people will definitely come to trouble him in the future.

Instead of continuing to wait, it is better to take the initiative to attack once and for all!

(End of this chapter)

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