Chapter 259 Undercover
The group of diggers looked at the trees with strange eyes, as if they were looking at evildoers.

At this moment, everyone was out of breath and retreated to the side, not continuing to attack.

"Boss, this, this guy is a monster!" The big man who was the first to strike looked at Lin Mu with fear in his eyes.

This is really a fear that comes from the bottom of my heart.

It is the fear that naturally arises in the face of a monster.

The digger gritted his teeth, and touched his waist directly. However, before he made a move, Lin Mu had already foreseen the future, and had already prepared two small stones in his hand.


A stone flew out and hit the digger precisely on the back of the hand.


This time, the digger screamed in pain, as if the bones on the back of his hand were smashed.

Unwilling, he touched the gun with his other hand.

There was no doubt that another stone was waiting for him.



There was another scream, and the digger's hands were bleeding, and the pain caused him to break out in a cold sweat.

"You, you, are you a human or a monster?"

Digger is a little skeptical about life.

Obviously I have so many people, I still have a gun, and I am clearly in a situation where I have the chance to win, how did it become like this?
How could it be that they kidnapped Lin Mu, it was clearly Lin Mu who kidnapped them.

So aggrieved.

how depressing.

Several puzzled.

Lin Mu shrugged, looked at them with a smile, and looked harmless to humans and animals, "You can investigate my itinerary so clearly, how can you still not know whether I am a human or a monster?"

The corners of Digger's mouth twitched, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

"Master, it's because we have eyes that we don't know Mount Tai, offended Master, please, please give us a chance, let us go, we, we are willing to spend money to eliminate disasters, please give us a way to survive!"

"Please, please give me a way out!"

"Master, please spare us, don't play with us anymore."

Digger and the others were scared out of their wits.

If Lin Mu beat them up, they wouldn't be so scared.

But those operations just now really scared them out of their wits, and they didn't have the courage to resist any more.

"Hehe, he's very knowledgeable about current affairs." Lin Mu smiled, thinking that this guy is not a puppet but can play well, and he is really flexible.

"Hehe!" Digger smiled wryly, thinking, Do I think so?Who let you meet a monster like you, "Master, we are wrong, please make a price!"

Lin Mu said disdainfully: "Since you know my identity, do you think I will be short of your money?"

Digger and the others' mouths twitched.

I feel that the trees in front of me are really bad.

However, when I think about what they say, there is no problem. Judging from their survey results, their daily income is probably over [-] million, but can they afford [-] million?
"Fuck, why are you stealing tombs? There's no way to make money from making games. No wonder they switched to making games!" Digger suddenly felt that they had done something wrong.

"Okay, I won't make things difficult for you. Aren't you organized by Pharaoh? I have a business and I want to talk to you Pharaoh. As long as you introduce me, I can let you go!" Lin Mu said of himself requirements.

When the digger heard this, his expression changed immediately.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Lin Mu took a step forward, and Digger and the others immediately took a step back in fright.

Digger quickly shook his head, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, we are all civilized people, don't fight and kill, we make money from harmony, master, I really don't want to, this is, the Pharaoh, his old man, it's not easy for me We can get in touch!"


Lin Mu stepped forward again, narrowing his eyes.

Digger shuddered all over, feeling like he was really being watched by a monster, and the hairs on his body were about to explode.

"Wait, I, I, I can try, I can try!"

"Haha, that's right, you just say, I have the tomb robbery notes you want in my hand, and there are dozens of tombs on it. Unfortunately, I am being watched by the police, so I want to find Pharaoh Let the old man cooperate and make a fortune together!" Lin Mu said!

"Dozens!" Hearing that, the gopher almost jumped out of his heart with excitement.

"Okay, I, I will contact the Pharaoh!"

"Okay, remember my phone number, contact me when there is news, I'm going home to sleep!" Lin Mu dropped his phone number, turned around and left, not at all worried that Digger wouldn't tell Pharaoh about it king.

If I threw out such a big bait, even if Pharaoh was a multinational organization, he would definitely be tempted.

Digger and the others watched Lin Mu drive away the taxi and walk away.

"Boss, this, this guy, can't he really be a monster? It feels like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse under Pharaoh's men are not his opponents."

Digger swallowed, "Grandma, those who can make that kind of game are really not ordinary people, it seems that they are really our colleagues!"

"Boss, what should we do? Are you really contacting Pharaoh?"

"Well, of course, if what he said is true, then it would be a great achievement for us to make this happen!" Digger's eyes became brighter.

Dozens of large tombs, similar to those in Jingjue Ancient City and Xianwang Tomb, are exciting to think about.


In the car, Lin Mu turned on the speakerphone, "Captain Zhang, you heard everything!"

There was a long silence on the phone, and Team Zhang's voice came, "Lin Mu, you are so reckless for doing this!"

Team Zhang was the policeman who had been in contact with Lin Mu these two times.

Lin Mu smiled, "Don't worry, I know what's going on. In short, you should study and discuss it carefully. I volunteered to be an undercover agent. Such a good opportunity, after passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

"You don't understand how big the Pharaoh Organization is. It is a large transnational criminal organization that involves crimes along the entire industrial chain, such as tomb robbery, reselling cultural relics, and counterfeiting cultural relics. Once, Tutankhamun's golden mask was stolen by this organization. of……"

"Okay, don't tell me this, just say, do you want to do it? Give me a letter!"

There was another silence on the phone. After a long time, the other party said: "This matter is too big. I can't make the decision alone. I have to discuss it with the higher-ups. Wait for my call!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu felt a little excited inside.

Ever since I developed two games and became a billionaire, I suddenly felt that life was no longer challenging, and my heart was always ready to move. I almost thought about going to the tomb a few times, and I really wanted to do something exciting. .

Now, the opportunity came to him, and Lin Mu felt that he couldn't miss it.

Using my current ability to do some grand events, I think it's exciting to think about it.

Lin Mu himself was looking forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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