Chapter 260 Weird
The moon was obscured by clouds, and the earth was pitch black.

Vice Captain Yang and Su Xin hid behind a forest, everyone turned off their flashlights, not daring to breathe, as if they were afraid of being discovered by something.

Not far from them, a figure staggered towards them and ran towards them.

It was too dark, and the flashlight was not turned on, so it was impossible to see who was coming.

As the man got closer, everyone became more and more nervous.

There is both anticipation and fear in my heart.

Ten meters, nine meters...

two meters.

When the distance was two meters, he could already vaguely see the appearance of that person.

"It's the captain!"

I don't know who suddenly cried out in surprise.

"It's really the captain!" Deputy Captain Yang also became excited.

Hearing their voices, the man stopped in his tracks.

"Who is it?" His low voice was guarded.

"Captain, it's us, we're here to support you!" Deputy Captain Yang rushed out immediately.

Su Xin was still nervous and did not take it lightly.

"It's you, that's great, that's great, it's saved, come on, follow me to save people!" Captain Li was overjoyed when he saw them, as if he had seen a savior.

"Captain, what happened, what happened to you?" Deputy Captain Yang asked.

Li Dui's face was extremely ugly, "It's terrible, we, we, encountered a monster, everyone was killed, only I escaped, quickly, follow me to kill the monster, and avenge our brothers!"

"Fuck, are they all dead?"

"Damn it, fight him, revenge!"

When they learned that all the other people had been killed, everyone's face changed drastically, filled with righteous indignation, and their emotions were all mobilized.

"No way, is that mandrill so ruthless?"

"Hey, it's a pity that these heroes died at the hands of a mandrill. It's not worth it."

"Go all the way, soldiers."

"Don't be impulsive, wait for the cinnabar pill to be sent there, and you will be desperate, otherwise you will be unlucky."


Some netizens are also filled with righteous indignation, but some people are still very cautious, thinking that they should wait for the ammunition supply to arrive before acting.

"Go, come with me for revenge!" Li Dui took the lead and raised his arms, and the others responded immediately and wanted to go desperately.

Su Xin hid behind everyone, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Vice Captain Yang and the others seemed to lose their minds in an instant, and they were all swayed by hatred.

This gave her the feeling that the authorities are in the dark.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that these people were really going to follow Captain Li, she hurriedly yelled.

The shout attracted everyone, and everyone turned to look at her.

"Su Xin, what's wrong?" Deputy Captain Yang asked.

"Vice Captain Yang, please calm down. If we rush in now, not only may we not be able to save anyone, but we may also put ourselves in. Those things will be delivered soon. Let's wait a little longer and wait until the things arrive. It's not too late!" Su Xin urged.

"Fart, my brothers are all waiting for our rescue. What are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, none of them will survive. It belongs to the man, so follow me." Team Li suddenly shouted sharply.

"Captain, we will take revenge with you and kill your grandson."

"Revenge, save people!"

A group of people followed and shouted.

Vice Captain Yang also said: "Su Xin, don't worry about it, we have to wait for you, we have to save people, brothers, follow the captain and save people!"



A group of people shouted and moved forward again, everyone seemed to be dazed.

Su Xin only felt chills down her spine, and felt that something was wrong.

These people have great emotional problems.

They are all soldiers, and they should be calm and calm when they encounter problems. Moreover, they have received the notification before, and the plan is to wait here for the backup troops to send the cinnabar pills.

Now a Li team suddenly appeared, which suddenly made them change their plans.

Moreover, in Su Xin's impression, Captain Li is definitely not a reckless person, nor is he someone who will drag his teammates to take risks out of nowhere.

Now, everything is too abnormal.

in the screen.

Looking at their actions, Chen Yan and the others also noticed something was wrong.

"It's not right, it's not right, there's something wrong with Team Li!"

"Teacher, what should we do now? The person who delivered the cinnabar pills has just entered. If all goes well, it will take at least half an hour to reunite with them. If they leave, something serious may happen!"

"Immediately, call them and tell them to stop!" Chen Yan said.

"Okay, I'll fight now!"

Soon, staff started calling.

Su Xin heard Deputy Captain Yang's phone call, but he didn't answer it as if he didn't hear it.

Afterwards, Chen Yan's voice telling them to stop came from the walkie-talkie, but still no one paid any attention to it. These people seemed to be possessed by a demon, and they were all focused on revenge.

"How could this be?" Su Xin was so anxious that she almost cried.

After all, she was a girl, and she was terrified in the face of such a weird scene.

When I saw the figure in the front, I felt even more terrifying.

I don't know why, but I feel more and more strange about Li Dui's back. His figure seems to be a little stooped, not as if he is walking, but as if he is jumping and jumping.


A chill rushed to the top of the sky, "No, it's a mandrill in disguise, right?"

Mandrills are good at charming people, they can pretend to be other people, and it is too simple to mobilize everyone's emotions quietly.

At this moment, Su Xin's body was trembling uncontrollably.

She was hesitating, and wanted to sneak away before anything happened. She couldn't just go to Tiger Mountain knowing that there were tigers, and follow her to her death.

If Team Li was a mandrill in disguise, then these people would definitely be dead if they followed.

After hesitating, Su Xin felt that her emotions were about to collapse.

"It's so wicked, I feel like it's almost solid. There must be something wrong with the Li team in front, and it's probably mandrill in disguise."

"Oh my god, can a mandrill really pretend to be someone else? It's too scary."

"The world is really big, full of wonders. Now, scientists and zoologists are stunned when they see mandrills."

"Poor sister Su Xin, it seems that he is the only one who has not been affected."

"If it were me, I wouldn't dare to follow one more step. The atmosphere is too weird and scary."

"Sister, run, we don't blame you!"


Netizens felt terrified for Su Xin.

It takes a lot of courage to follow Team Li knowing that there is a problem.

Finally, Su Xin seemed to have made up her mind, stopped, turned her head and was about to run back.

I thought to myself, at worst, I can wait for the follow-up support to come, and then go to save people by myself.

However, before he took two steps, he stopped again.


She stomped her feet vigorously, she really couldn't go against her heart, she couldn't just watch these people die.


Finally, she made another decision and quickly chased after the large army in front.


(End of this chapter)

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